Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 286: : The last words of Nagato

If the members of the Xiao organization are all around Nagato, Dashe Maru really can't guarantee that they will succeed.

But now, only the woman who doesn't show much strength is beside him.

This person is already very weak.

Da She Wan felt that the perfect opportunity appeared!

He seals his hands and uses ninjutsu for the first time-Shadow Doppelganger.

An identical avatar came out beside me.

He had already tried it before. The shadow avatar made by Chakra is equivalent to the continuation of the body. His power of death can also be assigned to the avatar without hindrance.

At this time, a little force of death was left to hinder those who rushed over.

Then, the figure disappeared like a black mist.

He has the ability to move fast in the night.

Nagato was not aware of the danger. He was still reluctant to maintain his alien golem, and opened the way for the rest.

Originally, he was prepared to rush in and kill Da She Wan.

The result was blocked outside.

A big snake ball in every area... but it is difficult to get to such a point.

Nagato is still somewhat unbelievable.

Along with the battle, a person who does not want to be admitted to the cruel reality is in front of him. He, who does not seem to be valued by the mysterious businessman, will face a more cruel and difficult world created by the other party.

His goals and his plans have become extremely difficult.

"Xiao Nan..."

Nagato opened his mouth and tried to say something to Xiaonan.

It was at this moment.


Both bodies stiffened.

Nagato bowed his head incredulously.

Numerous bone spurs rushed out of the ground silently, piercing the bodies of two people.

Skills · Skeleton Spikes.

It can summon a very fast bone spur from the ground and pierce the enemies above. This skill can be said to be used exclusively for sneak attacks.

Xiao Nan also had round eyes.

She is immune to physical attacks, but...

"Nagato!" She looked at the Nagato in disbelief.


Nagato seemed to want to say something, but blood kept pouring out of his mouth, with a struggling and unwilling expression.

"It's so easy." The shape of Da She Wan slowly emerged from the shadow under the moonlight, with a happy smile on his face. "I thought there would be a trap. It seems that you are really weak."

Throughout the process, Da She Wan was a bit surprised.

He was just lurking in the shadows, and then launched the only sneak attack skill he had. The men and women were easily pierced together.

The gothic golem dissipated in a puff of smoke.

Silence sighed in my heart.

He naturally saw the behavior of Da She Wan.

Nagato was so weak that he could not perceive danger, and Xiao Nan's ability to perceive was also unable to perceive power based on death, not Chakra's sneak attack skills.

There is the most critical.

No action with soil.

The soil with kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes should have been able to detect the traces of Da She Wan when he shot, but there was no intention to remind him at all.

Silence used a remote telepathy to know his thoughts.

He wanted to recycle the reincarnation.

Obviously, the difficulty of Xiao organization in dealing with Da She Wan made him raise the idea of ​​abandoning the long door, recycle the eyes of reincarnation, and then control Xiao organization by himself.

"So, reincarnation, I will accept it."

Dashe Wan reached out and the two giant snakes rushed towards the dying long door.


Countless blank papers surged like a gust of wind.

Surround two people in groups.

This made the original plan to use time and space ninjutsu to engulf the long soil and stop the action.

"Is there another one okay?" Da She Wan seemed a little surprised.

Xiao Nan was indeed not injured. The paper dance she possessed was able to transform her body into paper at any time and was immune to all physical attacks.

However, none of this seems to matter.

She looked sadly at the long door in front of her. Although she had expected such a day long ago, it still came too fast and too suddenly.

The result is final.

She couldn't even guard her remaining companions.

"Small... Nan." Nagato grabbed Xiao Nan's arm with difficulty, and said the last words in the mouth mixed with blood foam, "Take away... Reincarnation eyes, escape... ..Be!"

The blood of the Maelstrom family gave Nagato the last moment of this life.

In his heart, only endless unwillingness.

Open your mouth and seem to want to entrust the last companion to the last companion.

Xiao Nan held the palm of the long door tightly, and a tear ran across his cheek, but no crying, but nodded gently.

"I will... will definitely!"

Nagato seemed to want to say something, but opened his mouth and tried all his strength, but in the end he couldn't even say a word.

Just keep your eyes wide open.

Completely lost his life.

at the same time.

Several bone spurs penetrated fiercely from the outside, with corrosive force.

Xiao Nan didn't even care about sorrow and passed a message to all members through the ring.

"Da She Wan is here, quick return!"

"What—!" Uchiha Itachi and others suddenly turned their heads back, looked up at the tower that was still on the offensive, and couldn't even think of what to do and returned immediately.

He had already guessed the purpose of Da She Wan.

It is absolutely impossible to make Dashe Wan get reincarnation eyes!

"Damn it!" Jiao Du also realized the problem, and thought back without thinking.

They have seen the power of reincarnation eyes.

After sending a signal to ask for support, Xiao Nan did not hesitate to seal the hands, and immediately launched his own secret technique, the paper of God.

This mystery can disguise paper into any object, and the degree of camouflage is so high that even the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye cannot be seen.

After leaving a disguise of himself and the long door, Xiaonan slowly sinks into the ground with the long door's body.

In the eyes, apart from sadness and determination, there was no other emotion.

That is at this time.

The defense that was barely maintained was finally pierced mercilessly by Da She Wan. Looking at the two people inside, the snake pupil of Da She Wan squinted a little.

Suddenly, a twist of ripples struck.

"Waiting for Wan sneered.

Sharply pointed the scepter in his hand to another direction.

——The Soul of Bones!

The wailing ghost rushed towards that direction.

Faced with such an unseen attack, the soil can only be moved to escape and come out of the hiding place.

The previous battle with Kakashi has shown that his ability to blur is no longer omnipotent, and he dare not resist it.

"That eye is a kaleidoscope writing chakra eye."

Da She Wan's eyes were fixed on the eye that revealed the soil.

He noticed as soon as he brought the soil to prepare his ability.

There are hidden people there.

Unexpectedly, it also brought another unexpected joy.

Wonderful book house

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