Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 291: : Xiaonan's Jar Series

In the more than ten years since Yahiko's death, Akatsuki has been making money for the plan. Because of the uncompromising means and the control of the entire Yuyin Village, this amount is really impressive.

To know.

In the original plot, she took out a 600 billion detonator.

Even if those are made by herself with the convenience of paper escape, even if too many appear at a time will depress the value of the item, but this number is enough to prove her financial strength and ability to create value.

If so much money is spent on her all alone.

Silently felt that the strongest in the Naruto world would be born.

"Adult." After digesting the information in his mind, Xiao Nan looked at the silence and asked softly, "Please recommend a series for me."

Like most people, faced with countless series, silent recommendation is the most appropriate choice.

"If it is for world peace." Silent laughed, "Then, I suggest you choose the Tao Law series."

"Dao..." Xiao Nan didn't quite understand the meaning of these two words.

"There are legends of fairy people in your world." Silent hands behind your back, "The fairy people in your mouth refer to the existence of natural energy that can be manipulated. In many worlds, there are such existences, hoping for their own energy. Oneness with nature is the nature of Taoism. Of course, this is a large series, and there are not many subdivisions in it, but you should be able to get props suitable for your destiny."

Silence has long thought about which direction Xiao Nan should go.

The Dao Dafa series is only used to elicit transfer props.

"Similar to the fairy model?" Xiao Nan seemed to understand.

"It's a little different from that, and you will know after you drive." Silent laughed.

The pots of the Dao Fa series are not only prepared for Xiao Nan. This is a large series carefully prepared for silence, and also the most props for transfer.

Moreover, it also contains ideas.

Taoism's idea is very suitable for Xiao Nan and the Chamber of Commerce.

It has the concept of letting nature develop, it also has the initiative to intervene, the pursuit of changing its life, and it is more elegant and relaxed.

Of course, what can be gained from it, whether you can change your horizons and look at yourself.

With a hint of nervousness, Xiao Nan decided to buy the first and second level jars first.

"The transaction is established."

Raising his hand in silence, hundreds of jars appeared directly in front of him.

At this time, Chaoyang had risen completely from the sea, and in the ear was the sound of the waves against the rocks. No one came back to disturb them in the whole world.

Xiao Nan glanced at the long door corpse that had been wrapped in paper.

Take a deep breath.

Start with the first-level jar and reach out to open it.

Just opened a dozen or so jars, and Xiao Nan's face could not help but reveal a slightly enlightened look.

It's no wonder that Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark would have this attitude.

Not to mention the magic of these items, the knowledge obtained in the mind alone is completely different world, it is enough to show that the existence of these jars is beyond the world, unimaginable.

Nagato wants to be an enemy of this existence.

Totally impossible.

Xiao Nan put away his emotions and continued to open the jar.

She drove very slowly, very slowly.

Every time a light group is absorbed, it will stop to think about it.

Seems to have an understanding, and then open the next jar.

Silent didn't speak, didn't pay attention to her all the time, just stood there casually, and then teased Yu Ju with his fingers, looking at this cute and adorable thing, he could just stand all day.

Xiao Nan raised his eyes from time to time and looked at them without saying anything. He silently looked at them for a while and then continued to open the jar.

at last--

When the sun sets again.

All five hundred secondary cans were opened.

Xiao Nan took a long breath and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, it felt completely different.

Those amber eyes were very clear.

She already understood the answer she sought.

"People fighting against each other for desire is a natural rule. They can't try to destroy and control, they can only guide..." she murmured, looking at her silent eyes, with a copy A slight relief, "This is the truth you want me to understand?"

"This is the truth for you." Silent said flatly.

There are many people in this world who are pursuing a peaceful world. They are bored by the never-ending war and death.

But there are many ways to this end.

Even the kind of big snake pill that rules the entire world into a kingdom of undead spirits is equally possible.

However, what is most suitable for this world should be what Xiao Nan thought at the moment.

"I need more power." Xiao Nan said softly, turning his head to watch the sunset on the sea. "The powerful force is the bridge to peace. The system is the pillar that supports this bridge. I have understood the direction, but, grown ups--"

Suddenly she turned her head and took two steps forward, staring closely at the silence at a close distance.

"No matter how strong my strength is, I can't surpass you. Can you tell me, what is your attitude towards this world?"

Because she gained knowledge and vision, she could understand better.

If Taoism is to guide nature, it is to guide nature.

Then the existence in front of you is someone who can directly control nature, destroy nature, and exceed nature.

All the rules and ideas of this world have no meaning to him beyond this world.

If his will is a constant war, then the rule of this world is only war.

Faced with this problem.

The silence just smiled and said: "There are also fights in your village. What's your attitude towards the fight of the children in those colleges?"


Xiao Nan already understood.

For this existence The war in their world is like a fight between children in a ninja school.


Even the past can be changed, and their battle to bet on their lives is also extremely small.

I'm afraid, there is an attitude to encourage competition.

and many more--

Xiao Nan's eyes widened slightly, and she suddenly thought that if she encouraged students to compete to screen out outstanding ninjas and fight the rest of the village, then the presence in front of them encouraged them to fight for their own destiny and hoped that they would grow up What do you do after you get up? Or to fight someone?

It seemed to see what she was thinking. Silence looked at her with a meaningful smile and said:

"Competition is the source of progress. At any time, don't stop advancing, not just you, but the collective you are in. This is the only thing I can tell you now."

Wonderful book house

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