Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 302: : I feel the desire

After bidding farewell to Icarus, Silent purchased the ability of New World's single directional crossing.

Nothing has changed.

It just feels that there is a directional crossing ability in my mind, and there is also a small space.

Put Feiju in first.

Then, start directly.

A strong sense of oppression came from all directions, making the silent face slightly change, but in a short moment, he was already in a completely different position.

Before observing the changes in the surroundings, first remove the Fei Ju.


She also seemed a little dizzy, lying on the palm of silence, with her pink paws pulling like she was nowhere to be placed.

However, he quickly recovered his ability to move.

He rubbed his silent fingers and looked around curiously.

Silence also looked around.

He is now standing on the top of a one-story building, the sky is very blue, it seems to be a small town around, the building looks a bit like Western Europe, and a little oriental design.

In the air, there was a faint smell of sea.

"So, where is it?" Silent to himself, mental power has spread all over the town in the blink of an eye, invading their minds when no one noticed it.

Then look in a certain direction.

There, three men with knives were chasing a girl who fled in haste.

It turned out that it didn't take long for the plot to begin.

Silence raised her lips and smiled, her figure disappeared like a phantom.

Once again, it is already in the middle of the street.

Just like when it disappeared, it appeared a little bit like a mirage.

This bizarre scene triggered a burst of exclamation sounds around.

The residents of the street shunned in fright.

Even the three brawny men with arms all had rounded eyes.

It was only the girl who was fleeing in a panic, who didn't notice anything at all, but ran straight into it.


The girl felt like she had hit a man's arm, and a palm rested on her shoulder.

"It looks like you are in a bad situation." A soft voice appeared in her ear, "Nami."

That's right, this cute girl with short orange hair and cute looks is one of the important protagonists of One Piece World, Nami.

This is the world of One Piece.

Unlike Naruto World, which has a narrow map range, this world has an unusually large area, and also has its own people fighting for their dreams.

It is a world with strong consumption power and consumer groups.

For example, the girl in silence at the moment.

It owns nearly 100 million Bailey's property.

Nami's muscles are tight now, and she looks very nervous.

The man with a cat in this suit, she doesn't even recognize it, why can she call her name? Could it be those pirates who had previously stolen money from her?

"Hey, hey!" A pirate holding a knife came up boldly, "Who are you?"

"Yes, how did you appear?"

"Do you know this woman?"

The three pirates stood not far away and shouted inwardly, but everyone could see their guilty conscience.

After all, the silent way of playing is too weird.

And Nami's eyes turned, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly she snuggled up in Shen Mo's arms, and Jiao Didi said, "Boss, you finally came to my rescue."


There was a little goose bumps in the silence.

"Damn, it really is a gang!"

The three pirates gritted their teeth and glanced at each other, holding up the knife.

"We are from the Bucky Pirates."

"No matter who you are, it is best to hand over this woman, this is Lord Bucky's order!"

Silence certainly doesn't care about these little babies, but Nami is different, her whole body is tight.

Didn't you start playing right away?

If she was given a chance to explain, would she be so smart, wouldn't she just take it out at once?

"Go back." Silence just said casually.

Then in Nami's rounded eyes, these people even "Oh", and then turned around directly, and went back on their shoulders.

what happened?

Is there something wrong with their head?

"Let's change a place, too." Silent looked at her again, and then Nami felt everything around her, and suddenly changed.

In a blink of an eye, it appeared in a place where it seemed to be a tavern, and the loud noises of the drinkers rushed out.

"It seems a bit noisy." The silence said again.

The same voice fell, and the drinkers were quiet in an instant, stood up silently, put down the money, and then went out with a smile on their shoulders.

It's too weird.

Nami felt her head trance, logically unable to accept what was happening in front of her, just like in a dream without logic.

Then suddenly realized.

This kind of irrational thing is really a dream.

Raised his hand and pinched his thigh.

"Ah-it hurts!"

This one was very heavy, and her tears were about to fall out.

His eyes were watery, but nothing changed around him.

The man in this suit is still in front of him, and he is still in the tavern.

"It's not a dream." Silence couldn't help laughing.

He reached out and tapped lightly on the table, a table of deliciousness suddenly appeared, extremely exquisite utensils, and extremely inviting fragrance.

"You should be hungry, say as you eat."

Feiju had jumped from the silent shoulder and buried her head in the pile of small fish specially prepared for her.

Nami was so embarrassed.

Perhaps it was because of too much blows, and because she was really hungry, she ignored it, some biting a piece of meat and biting it down, and then her eyes were round, almost even swallowing her tongue.

too delicious.

"Woo, it really isn't a dream." Nami whimpered as she ate, "How can there be such delicious food in the dream."

She felt herself constantly struggling between happiness and madness.

But obviously The happiness brought by deliciousness finally put down the madness.

No matter what to face, it is not as important as the deliciousness at this time.

"So, introduce yourself first." Silently eating his share, "You can call me silent, I am a traveling businessman."

"Traveling merchant?" Nami said, her mouth full and stuffy, "I haven't heard of you, do we know?"

"Before that, I didn't know." Silently said slowly, "But I feel your inner desire, you miss your loved ones, and hope to save your hometown, this desire is just me The reason for you."

Nami's eyes were not small at all.

Plus a bulging cheek.

It looks like a shocked little hamster.

Wonderful book house

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