Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 310: : To find the ship of fate

Even the famous Sixth Form of the Navy relies more on a lot of physical exercise.

After all, this is the characteristic of this world.

Just exercise can greatly increase physical fitness and reach an unimaginable terrible situation, such as Cap and Shanks, are representatives of top strength without taking devil fruit.

In this case, it is not necessary to pursue complicated skills.

But this set of palm techniques that appeared in the eyes of the eagle eyes at the moment, it is the use of skills to the mechanism.

This set of palm techniques is complex and changes, often killing the enemy from the unexpected places of the enemy, and the skill of exerting force is more precise to the breath of each palm. In the eyes of Hawkeye, this is a set of functions that can exert the power to The ultimate trick.

In the same situation.

A person who is proficient in this set of palm techniques can easily defeat another person.


"Why would anyone study such a palm method." Eagle Eye couldn't figure it out.

This is different from the Navy Six-style practice. It is a training process in itself, and this set of palms, although the practice steps are cumbersome, does not exercise much, more like pursuing the ultimate skill.

And this technique can easily be restrained by those with special abilities.

After thinking for a while.

Hawkeye temporarily put down this set of palms to continue in-depth thinking.

After all, he is Jianhao.

Practicing such a palm method does not help much.

But he watched the gaze of these jars have changed.

It was originally thought that it was only a certain group of people with special fruit abilities, so it was mysterious, but the set of palms just now made him doubt the original inference.

To get more information, you have to open the next jar.

Hawkeye opened the third.

Inside, there is no longer a light mass, but a dark black dagger quietly floating.

His eyes narrowed in silence.

It's a piece of equipment.

Hawkeye has also realized that these jars have more than light clusters.

He reached out and grabbed the dagger.


Even with the concentration of eagle eyes, he could not help but exclaimed at this time, because he could feel that at the moment of holding the dagger, his speed seemed to have some improvement immediately.

Waving it a few times, it was especially certain.

For a great swordsman like him, he undoubtedly knows his own body very well.

The increase is not just the speed. When this dagger is swung, the wind sound is also problematic, which is inexplicably much smaller.

Hawkeye put the dagger down.

The moment when you let go, the feeling that the speed became stronger disappeared immediately.

What kind of weapon is this?

Hawkeye looked toward the inside of the jar. He remembered the one he just saw, and there was a note besides the dagger.

Take it out and write a line on it.

Assassin's dagger; agility +10, concealment +3.

Compared with the experience just now, the meaning of this note is obvious.

"Weapons that enhance speed are unheard of." He looked carefully at the dagger in his hand. "The materials and workmanship have never been seen, but they are very strong and sharp, with blood grooves, and they are really daggers for assassination."

As a swordsman, Eagle Eye can naturally determine the level of this dagger.

The magical place is beyond imagination.

Hawkeye began to be interested in the “Ship of Destiny” written on the other side of the paper. It is impossible to know what kind of existence will exist where such weapons can be made.

However, the note did not say where the ship of fate was.

Hawkeye can only continue to open the can.

The next jar is another light group, but it is different from the previous two. This time, it is a light group that directly enhances some physical strength.

Although amazing, Hawkeye was not too surprised with the two previous light groups.

He is more curious now, what else is in the jar.

carry on.

In the next six jars, each opened a small red medicine bottle with a "healing potion" written on a note, a pill that can be filled immediately after eating, a light group to enhance agility, and a stack of general Ordinary paper money, a set of sticks, and five rune papers that can be exploded when thrown away.

There is no grand prize, but there is paper money that is as rare as the grand prize

I didn't expect Hawkeye's luck to be unlucky.

However, the silence was quite satisfied with the result of the opening.

What he threw to Hawkeye was the jar of the “Nautical Series” that he prepared specifically for this world.

The softness inside and some power easily understood by people in this world.

For example, experience light group, enhance light group, inherit light group.

Basically, they are all melee types. In addition, they also mix some life-saving props at sea.

Healing, fresh water, food

Mergers are practical and magical. People who have long sailed on the sea can see the value of these jars at a glance.

Of course.

The first- and second-level jars are similar, but when they reach the third-level jars, they start to show some terrible places.

But Silence is now more concerned about it, or Eagle Eye has finished all the jar reactions.

There is no grand prize and no knowledge of kendo.

The response in this case is representative.

At this time, the eagle eye, sitting on his own boat, looked at the ten jars in front of him.

That eagle-like eye pupil suddenly showed some different colors than before.

After that long boredom, I suddenly found something that interested me again.

What he was interested in was not what was obtained from these jars, but an unknown place revealed by the jars.

That is-the ship of fate.

Whether it's these jars or the logo, the ministry is something he has never heard of or seen. This unknown has a magical appeal, just like going alone to an adventure when he was young.

Unknown, the person who is addicted to the sea, the biggest interest.

So even without direction or thought, he still decided to try to find the so-called ship of fate.

"Bismarck." Silent turned his head and looked at his ship's mother, smiling. "It looks like the experiment works well."

"It is the result of the captain's efforts." Bismarck said silently.

"It's exactly what I expected."

Silence stood up, stretched, and walked out of the room.

Bismarck got up to keep up.

Two people stood on the edge of the deck ~ ~ looking at this sea.

"Bismarck, in this world, many people will throw themselves into the sea for some illusory legends. The unknown that should be feared becomes the most attractive treasure. I used this to seek people who dream, The ministry summoned me." Silence opened her arms, and her mouth smiled cheerfully. "Come on, let's go to the first stage."

Bismarck did not speak.

Because she didn't know how to respond.

To say that after being summoned to this world, the thing that annoys her most is her ability to work.

Although I have worked hard.

But in the face of a strange world, often unable to keep up with the captain's thinking.

This made her a little frustrated.


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