Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 314: : The ambition brought by the jar

Creek apparently forgot that many of these people bought jars.

Just when he relied on his own ability, he unscrupulously massacred and killed.

A figure appeared abruptly behind him.

It is a very thin person.

"Hey, try this."

A thin rune paper in his hand was directly inserted into the gap in the waist of Creek's armor.

Then avoid it quickly.


The violent fire exploded violently.

"it is good!"

"Good job, Captain Cheek!"

"Crick is dead now!"

The explosion from the Naruto world is not weak.

If you explode at close range in the Naruto world, even Zhongren could be seriously injured or even die.

However, as the smoke dissipated.

Crick, who was hit by a shock wave and vomited blood, did not fall.

Being able to wield a ton-weight battle gun, this physical strength is extraordinary.

Turned his head at this time.

Looking at the man who injured him, his expression became more fierce.

"Actually... dare to hurt me!" Raising the battle gun in his hand, he slammed towards the captain named Cherk.

"Shadow Spikes!"

Cheek snorted, and his figure appeared silently after a few meters in the blink of an eye.

This is a skill.

The effect is a short sprint, and it is not easy to be noticed and has a concealed effect.

Silence seemed interested.

It turned out to be a big prize.

In recent days, he has also thrown out several second-level cans in the East China Sea. It is already lucky enough to find the second-level jar.

It seems to be a European emperor, but there is a probability of one-hundredth of a percent.

Unfortunately, his own strength is too weak.

"It looks like you got something nice." Creek looked at the man in front of him and realized what the unusual speed was just now.

"You, since you know, dare to fight me?" Cheek's legs were a little soft.

He did get a very powerful skill.

Able to sprint quickly.

However, he was just an ordinary pirate before. Every time he used it, he consumed too much physical energy. He could only be used four times at most and he would be completely weak. The distance of each sprint was only five or six meters. ,

Even if I only use it twice now, I can feel my legs soft.

"Even if you really get something good, it's useless." Crimson grinned and raised his palm towards the other, "Because, I am the strongest!"

The voice fell, and several small rockets flew from the wrist device, blasting towards Chek in front of him.

"Shadow Spikes!" Chuck used the skill again, and the fear in his heart reached the extreme.

Can only be used again.

Damn it, knowing that just now, I put all the explosions into it.

"Look at how many times you can hide." Creek pointed at him again.

"No, I can't die here!" Cherk's face was full of fear, and he shook all the remaining explosions off, turned his head and jumped violently, "Damn, I must find the ship of destiny, and then become the most Strong One Piece!"


Long-range explosions bombed, and it was impossible to hurt Creek.

Several small rockets flew towards Cheek again.

And it covers the distance of seven or eight meters around him.

Crick had already discovered his spur distance, and it was impossible for him to escape this range.

Just when Cheek was desperate.

Suddenly, he shook out his two extended hands, grabbed his collar, and threw it straight away.

It is Luffy.

Creek's rockets fell through the blast.

Everyone's eyes gathered on Luffy.

"What was that just now?"

"Have you got it in the jar?"

"No, it may be a capable person..."

"The arms are so long."

With the possibility of an extra jar, no one guesses the ability first.

But Luffy didn't care about these people's voices, he just looked at the man he saved.

"what did you just say?"

"What do you say?"

Cheek's legs were still a little soft, and he looked up at the person who suddenly appeared to save himself.

"No, I heard that. You said you want to be One Piece, right." Luffy's big eyes looked a little dull.

"Yes, that's right." Cherk swallowed, adding, "If you find the ship of fate."

Above this sea, few people really traveled with the goal of being one piece.

Of course including Cheek.

It's as if an ordinary person suddenly said that he would be the richest man in the world. Most people would regard this person as a lunatic.

But the magical jar and the ship of destiny mentioned in the contract gave him ambition.

This is not a dream, but an ambition.

As long as you find the ship of destiny, you can get endless power and completely rewrite your destiny. Even if there are enough jars, no matter who has the chance to become the strongest in the world!

"Ship of Destiny? Is it One Piece if you find the ship of Destiny?" Luffy asked again.

With no expression on his face, he couldn't see what he was thinking inside.

"No, it's not." Chek was silent for a while, and suddenly gnawed his teeth, shouting loudly, "However, there can be strength there, no matter who it is, it can become powerful all at once!"

"That's it." Luffy's expressionless expression finally changed, seeming to be relieved, and then suddenly two fists slapped in the middle, showing a bright smile, "Although I don't know what the ship of destiny is, But it is impossible for you to become One Piece, because the person who wants to become One Piece must be me!"


The scene seemed to be silent for a while.

If it was before, they would certainly laugh at this statement.

but now.

There are no side effects, as long as you find it and pay for it, it can become stronger, and the ship of fate mentioned above, let everyone see a possibility that they can continue to become Therefore And it’s not just the one who breeds ambitions.

"Laughing dead, you don't even know what the ship of fate is." Creek walked over step by step.

"Well, I don't know." Luffy replied.

"Hahaha, I dare to say that I want to become One Piece." Crick laughed. "It's me who wants to become One Piece. When I get this three-level jar, my strength will be improved! Become stronger, I am the most powerful!"

"One Piece must be me!"

Lu Fei still said the same way, as if to say a decent thing.

"...Asshole." Creek seemed to be irritated by this attitude, holding up the big gun in his hand. "Then you die for me first. I see how you become One Piece!"


The explosive sound of gunpowder seemed to be a signal to fight again.

Wonderful book house

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