Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 326: : Usopp is a European emperor

"Okay, so powerful."

Uthorpe’s tears stopped at once, his face dumbfounded with an incredible expression.

The change in himself at this time, the information in his mind, is really too exaggerated for Usopp.

It is more exaggerated than he can imagine, the biggest cow blowing.

Things from a different world.

What kind of wishes can be realized!

If it was not the power of silence that restored him to peace, he might be in a state of extreme excitement for a few hours.

"Your wish is to become a "brave sea warrior"." Silence directly said Usopp's wish.

"How do you know." Usopp seemed a little nervous and restrained, but his eyes revealed desire.

Although he has a cowardly personality and loves bragging, he has always yearned for his father's powerful strength and bravery, eager to be a fighter at sea, so that he really has the brave deeds to speak out rather than bragging.

"I know a series that suits you well." Silent beckoned, the characteristic slingshot in Usopp's hand flew directly into his hand. "Since you are not good at melee, choose a special long-range attack sniper series."


Usopp was excited.

This is simply the power of his dream.

Sniper King!

He likes to use this title when he brags.

"It's an attack that doesn't need to confront the enemy head-on, but can also give a blow." Silence dropped the slingshot in his hand. "It seems that you have decided."

"That's right!" Usop raised his hands and shouted with excitement in Luffy's tone, "I'm the man who wants to be the king of snipers!"

Raising his hand in silence, two hundred jars appeared in front of him.

He did not design a prize pool for the sniper series, but the problem was not big, and his thinking was accelerated, and he was solved on the spot.

Inside the jar are some technologies and equipment suitable for long-range attacks, and of course there are light groups that increase endurance and strength.

Suddenly, Usop fell into a magical jar and couldn't extricate himself.

"This gunpowder is so powerful, just a little bit so powerful!"

"Spring? Is there such a strong spring?"

"Ah, I feel like I can lift Merry now!"

"Auxiliary, auxiliary sight! Can you have such a powerful skill?"

The last sentence attracted silent attention.

Skills are opened in the first-level jar?

Wait, this is the second big prize. That spring is a super alloy spring in the near future technology world...

Silent looked at Usopp in surprise.

It turned out to be a European emperor!

For a group of straw hats, the first-level jar is the most useful for Usopp. Those equipped with his research and development capabilities can greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

Plus European gas.

It seems that Usopp is the one who has gained the most.

But the silence was finally just a smile. There was nothing to say about the big prize in the first-level jar. His eyes turned to the eagle eye, and the third-level jar opened over there had come to an end.

Until it was all finished, there was no blue rare prize mentioned in the message in my mind, but there was no regret in Eagle Eye.

He closed his eyes and digested silently for a while.

Then he stood up, went to silence, and asked aloud:

"If you want to buy cans later, do you only need to buy them through the membership badge?"

"Yes, are you going back?" Silent laughed.

"Huh." Eagle Eye responded, and then he seemed to hesitate for a while, or he said, "There are many foolish people in this world, my previous actions are also called foolish in your eyes, I hope this world does not Will be destroyed as a result."

"Are you worried that I will destroy the world?" There was a playful smile on the silent face. "Relax, I am not such a willful person, unless... it really needs to be destroyed."

Hawk in the eyes of Hawkeye.

But said nothing.

For the strong, the death of the weak may just be a casual event, including himself, and will destroy a group of hundreds of pirates for reasons such as sleeping and being awakened.

He finally took off his hat, saluted the silence to show respect for the strong, and turned around, seeming to want to swim back.

But at the moment when he jumped off the boat, there was a change around him, but he was standing strangely on his boat, in the original position.

"Eagle's eyes are back." A trembling voice came from the side.

But those pirates who have not dispersed have looked at him in horror.


After being silent for a moment, Eagle Eye sat down and the boat started sailing, and his last voice reached everyone's ears.

"Don't want to die, don't be a pirate. The sea is no longer suitable for the weak."

Qorakol Mihok, a sometimes ruthless and sometimes gentle world's largest swordsman, the legend he left behind is like his sword, which is hard to see.

the other side.

A group of straw hats have also opened the jar.

"I don't have the ability to find food." Luffy slumped on the ground, looking super lost.

"That's the skill, the skill of the second-level jar is a big prize!" Nami raised her fist, full of black lines, a pair of people who wanted to punch a punch in the past, "You think you need more luck to be in the first level. Open the skills in the jar!"

"That..." Usop raised his hand, "I got out, skill."

"What!?" Nami Lima was shocked.

"Hahaha, Usopp is so good." Luffy was happy as if he had developed his skills.

Usopp wiped his nose, raised his chin, and immediately turned on the bragging mode: "That is, to say luck, I was..."

All of a sudden, the ship became noisy.

"Captain." Bismarck whispered beside Shen Mo. "Aren't they rude?"

She is not quite able to adapt to scenes like this.

"It's okay." Silent smiled and shook his head. "Such noise is how they express their emotions to each other. The so-called **** is established in this You can also relax when you get along with me, Leave everything to the mood and body."

Although One Piece has a **** and heavy component, in fact, there are more joyful scenes, and silence should be a recollection of the mood when watching the drama.

at this time.

A figure suddenly jumped on the boat, it was Sanji.

As soon as he stepped on the deck, he knelt down immediately, his hands on the ground, and the tears flowed, crying.

"Xiaohong, Lisa, I will always remember you, oooo..."

Listening to crying alone is extremely sad.

The silent corners twitched.

Sanji...Is that the beauty in the illusion?

It is a miracle to be able to successfully pass the barrier.

Wonderful book house

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