Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 328: : The frenzy of silence

Overall, keep the total number of jars in the whole world at around 10,000

This number was calculated by him, and it was found that it just happened to be a balance, which would not be too many jars or difficult to find.

During these three periods, silence kept Bismarck sailing towards the great route.

But not in a hurry.

Because of this time period, there are two interesting characters in the East China Sea.

--Monkey D. Dragon and Monkey D. Cap.

The father and son are a lieutenant general and a revolutionary army leader who is trying to overthrow the world.

Both of them are now in the East China Sea.

Long seems to be looking at his son who went to sea, and Kapu was ordered to seize the corrupt navy defeated by Luffy.

After the news of the ship of destiny has spread and fermented, these two people should try to find him.

Just wait for a while.

"Bismarck, help me get a glass of lemon juice."

Silently commanded that now he was lying under a parasol, wearing a pair of beach pants, and admiring Bismarck in front of him with a very happy mood.

At his strong request.

Bismarck finally put on a **** bikini.

Only then does it look like sailing in the sea.

"Captain, can't you buy the juice yourself?" Bismarck's face was slightly reddish, but it was still more helpless than shy.

She really feels overwhelmed.

Under the captain of her own captain, she had no strength to parry, and even unconsciously agreed to the request to wear a swimsuit.

"So, the atmosphere." Silently took the juice and said with a smile, "The same scenery, after seeing so much, it's almost tiresome. Naturally, it needs an atmosphere that matches the sea."

In other words, bikini beauties are indispensable.

Bismarck could only show a helpless smile.

And at this time.

A seagull suddenly flew over the sky, and the newspaper attached to the seagull contained the latest newspaper.

Finally it began to spread.

There was also some expectation on the silent face.

As he had imagined, after several hours of emergency investigations, the newspaper summarized the information about the ship of fate and began to spread it to the seas of the world.


New world.

On an unknown island, several pirates are gathering together for a banquet, sipping wine, eating meat, and laughing.

Until a pirate waved a newspaper and ran quickly from the beach.

"Captain, look at this news, it is about the white light of the first few."


The red-haired one-armed man, who was called the captain, took the newspaper, took a sip of wine, and looked at it drunk.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he sat up.

The remaining cadres also noticed the change of their captain.

"What is written on it?" a man with a cross scar on his face asked.

"About that white light..." The redhead threw the newspaper over and rubbed his head. "This time... I really have a headache. It seems like something happened. The big thing, I did not expect that the white light that even the new world can see is actually a sword spirit..."

"Poof--!" Another fat pirate spewed out a sip of wine, his eyes widened. "Sword, sword gas?"

They also bet that it is some new natural weather.

It's Jian Qi, that's too scary.

"In the newspaper, the sword gas was a man named Silence, which was swayed to punish the eagle eye that attacked the ship of fate, but eventually dispersed into the air, tearing the air into several holes... . "The cross-scarred man frowned. "Would you like to ask Hawkeye to ask? This sounds incredible."

They all know the relationship between Hawkeye and their captain.

"No need to be so troublesome." Redhead stood up sharply, raised his hand and waved, with a bright smile on his face, "You guys, go to the sea to find a jar, and you will know when you find it."


One of the four emperors who have not been active for a long time, the Red-haired Pirates, once again started the Great Air School because of the ship of fate

at the same time.

On the Mozambique, the world's most powerful ship, a group of hundreds of millions of pirates are tensed together, looking at a man with a burly figure and a white beard like a crescent.

——White Beard, Edward Newgate!

"Daddy, how are you feeling?" Captain Marco, looking at his captain nervously, "Does it work?"

"Hahaha..." White Beard laughed, the rough laughter rolled out like thunder, and then shattered the bottle in his hand. "This is really amazing. I haven't been like it for a long time. It’s so comfortable now."

Then, he directly removed the hanging bottle from his body, and then took a pot of wine and poured it down.

The next second, the whole pirate group boiled like cheers.

"Really useful!"

"Great, Dad will never use the potion again!"

"How many therapeutic drugs are still available, take them all!"

"It's gone, it's pitiful in that kind of jar!"

"Then don't hurry to find the jar!"

In the White Beard Pirates, everyone smiled excitedly.

Can you be excited?

Their captain, the core figure of this fleet, the world's strongest person admired by everyone, had to use potions to alleviate aging. His body is almost everyone's most worried thing.

And now, this magical jar not only has a potion that can cure dad's dark salamander, but also has a spring of life that extends life.

This is like dreaming.

"Dad!" Marco stood up sharply, looking at the white beard. "Let's go find the ship of destiny! No matter whether the newspaper is true or false, there should be treasures that will restore Daddy to its peak!"

"Hahaha..." White Beard laughed happily again, "Are you looking for treasures? Exactly, I also want to see what kind of person can tear the void!"

For pirates, finding treasures is always exciting.


Similar things happen in almost all parts of the sea.

The person who saw the news from the newspaper began to look for the drifting jar and the trail of the ship of fate.

The frenzy set off by the silence has been gradually surging.

The two of the four emperors started to act at the same will undoubtedly add a fierce flame to the frenzy of the ship of destiny.

The navy couldn't sit still.

At the Naval Headquarters, the orders of the navy marshal warring states were issued together.

"Send all the navies that can be sent out, look for drifting cans!"

"Stop the pirates from getting the jar!"

"All the found jars are brought back! Unauthorized opening is not allowed!"

"Notify Hawkeye, one of the Kings of the Seven Wuhai, to come to the Navy headquarters!"

"Call me Kapu!"


Start selling jars from Naruto

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