Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 352: : Interrogation of Princess Weiwei

Facing Robin's question, silence is not surprising.

Although in the original book, facing Raleigh, who seemed to know the answer, Robin refused to ask, but prepared to find it himself.

But at that time, Robin still wanted to take risks with his companions.

And now.

She just wanted to know the answer.

"In your world, neither the past nor the future, there is nothing I don't know about." Silence said only indifferently, without any proud expression.

"Then..." Robin suddenly became excited.

"But, I won't tell you." Silence interrupted Robin's words in advance, and then shook his head. "Although I don't mind giving you proper guidance, but the realization of the dream requires cost and effort. This is the rule. What's more, the influence of history on the destiny of your world is not small."

Silence can indeed know the truth of the so-called 100-year blank history.

That is to consume some trading points.

But as he said.

Publicizing this truth directly has too much influence on the direction of this world.

And... how can you make money from Robin's hands?

Robin seemed to be lost, but he seemed to think of something and quickly came out of the loss.

"The direct answer is also a disrespect to my mother and the scholars who have devoted their lives to studying history." Robin seemed to have made the decision. "Since I want to find the answer myself, then-I Choose power."

Buying jars of intelligence series directly with money sounds very tempting.

However, Robin is very clear.

Information like intelligence is actually more dangerous the more you know.

The tragedy of O'Hara in her hometown, her crisis for so many years, is because of the word knowledge, and only strength can defeat those who hinder her.

Robin seemed determined.

"Good." Silent smiled. "You can call the funds of the Baroque working society. In theory, the money belongs to you."

This is why Robin's worth is not low.

The Baroque working society is a huge criminal group involving thousands of people.

As the president, Klockdal has been hiding in the dark, leaving everything to Robin to manage, which means that Robin has the actual control of the entire Baroque working society, including funds.

"If all the jars are used to buy, can I have the power to defeat Klockdal?" Robin seemed a little cautious.

Because, if she used the money, it meant enemies with Kerodar, who had strong power as the Seven Martial Arts.

Robin apparently did not adjust his thinking.

Although he was determined to fight the people who prevented her from realizing her dream, she still had a part of her lack of confidence in her strength.

"It depends on your luck, and... his luck." Silence's smile at this moment seems to be meaningful.

Robin remembered suddenly.

According to her perception today, just in the direction of the Kingdom of Alabstan, there is a four-level drifting tank buried, and dozens of third-level drifting tanks.

In other words, she is not the only one who can open the can, and she is the only one who can board the ship of fate!

Robin opened his mouth slightly.

Looking at the smiling man in front of her, she finally understood what the "cost" and "effort" of the other party meant.

As long as you continue to buy jars, even a weak person like her may be able to defeat powerful enemies, and those who are already strong may be even stronger.

This ship of destiny does give them the chance to realize their wishes, but the greater the chances of some people, the smaller the chances of others!

"You are very nice, not many people can think about it so quickly." Silence once again praised the person in front of him and took a sip of wine. "This is why I will set up the assessment. , Even boarding the ship of destiny is useless, because although there is the opportunity to realize the dream here, it is another stage to compete for the dream."

Silence has always defined itself.

Jars can achieve things in the original world that cannot be achieved anyway.

However, what step can be taken.

It still depends on the performance of the players.

In this way, even those who originally hoped to realize the dream on their own, such as Luffy, had to rely on the power of the jar, otherwise, the dream would inevitably fail.

This is the atmosphere of the game.

The Robin in front of him is a "weak man". If he does not buy a jar, he is also a "weak man." If he buys a jar, although he may still be a weak man, he may also become a strong man. Open cans.

Robin's gaze changed a little.

And at this time.

"A stage for competition? If there is really a stage where people like me can win, please let me fight!" Wei Wei opened her eyes and said firmly.

In the illusion just now, she saw a terrible scene.

Father, kingdom, everything is destroyed.

She fought desperately, but she was so weak.

In the end, she bet on her life and opened her eyes in the failure, but successfully passed the trial of trial.

This gentle and kind princess has been reborn from the war, relying on her strength and sense of responsibility to advance.

Raised his hand in silence.

Wei Wei also boarded the ship and even flew directly to the seat.

"I thought you would question me first." Silently looked at her with a smile. "You wanted to question."

"Yeah...I want to know why you chose Alabaster." Wei Wei's slender eyelashes twitched slightly, and she looked sadly looking at the silence in front of her, "But, would you mind my question? Powerful people will always hurt unscrupulous people unscrupulously, like pirates, like I don’t want to be questioned like before, I just want you to give me one The opportunity to become stronger, no matter what I want to pay for it."

Trial by heart is both an assessment and a trial.

In the illusion, Weiwei really exhausted everything.

It is simply unable to change.

She did not despair and did not give up hope, so she passed the assessment, but she did not want to experience such failure again in reality.

"Very good determination." Silent looking at the beautiful princess who seemed to be holding tears in front of her, still holding a smile. "Determination is the quality we value. It can be combined with luck to decide your dreams, so please Keep this determination well, but you seem to have misunderstood one thing. This carnival in Alabstan will not harm your people."

Wei Wei was stunned.

Pirates and navies swarmed towards Alabstan, fighting for pots.

That kind of confusion made her despair just thinking about it.

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