Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 356: : 2 people who opened the jar

"The ability to fly?"

Robin's eyes widened in surprise.

The ability to fly is too useful, especially for the devil fruit ability.

The power of tattoos is different from the power of the Devil Fruit. Even if it falls into the sea, it can also be used. In this way, coupled with the ability to fly, the fatal weakness of the Devil Fruit ability person who cannot swim will be largely compensated for.

Robin has realized.

Combining the power obtained in the jar with your own strength is the direction to maximize your strength.

"Go ahead." Silence signaled.

He can read Robin's joy, which shows that the power he designed is still good.

Of course, it is also related to Robin's luck.

Although it is said that there are too few awards, the practicality of this award is very high.

At least it is a big advantage in a world without air force.

Robin continued to open the jar.

This time, the desire for the grand prize is stronger than just now. It is like the difference between a third-tier jar and a second-pole jar. Even though the value may be similar, ten second-tier jars are far less than the items in a third-tier jar.

In the back jar, she created a rare space tattoo, which was attached to her body like a pocket, forming an independent space inside, which can store materials and luggage.

"It turns out there is such a thing."

Although not a grand prize, Robin still has some surprises.

She was still worried about how to dispose of this huge pile of material that was opened from the jar.

Now it can be put directly in this tattoo pocket.

Think for a while.

Robin put the tattoo on his belly.

The silent look is a little weird.


Think of Robin taking out a big baby from the pocket on his stomach like Doraemon...

Fortunately, this is a feminine style pocket.

Robin spent some time sorting out the materials, stuffing the space on his stomach, and looking at the remaining forty cans.

"It's not that there will be more than three hundred jars with only one prize." Robin was a little sad.

"If so, it means that fate doesn't favor you very much." Silence can only say so.

"...You really don't comfort people at all." Robin pulled his lips, gave a seemingly reluctant expression, and then whispered while opening, "I never had a luxury of fate Grace, but now, some want to pray... Is it useful to pray to you? You have the title of Lord of Destiny outside."

This seems to be a joke.

But in Robin's heart, there really was such a urge to pray.

Because the grand prize is so fragrant.

"Pray to me?" The silence smiled dumbly, then said something meaningfully, "If it was earlier, it might be really useful, but I haven't had the option of interfering with fate for a long time."

If it were still before, he wouldn't mind giving something good.

But now, there is really no need for this.

Even if she was given a few awards, it wouldn't do much.

Although Robin didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, he didn't think much about it.

I just focused on the jar in front of me, hoping to get another big prize.

The last thirty, twenty, ten...

When Robin was about to give up hope, the excitement of Long Yin sounded again.

The second prize!

Surprise always comes so suddenly, even the calm and mature type of Robin can't stop the surprise smile on his face.

"It seems that fate has not completely abandoned you." Silent laughed.

In the last few jars shipped, this kind of luck doesn't know what to say.

"What is it?" Robin looked into the jar.

A ray of light rushed out of the jar and got into Robin's mind. This time the grand prize was a series of tattoos.

Named meteorology.

In other words, a tattoo of a certain kind of weather on the body can have the ability to summon this kind of weather.

But what Robin got at the moment was just some general weather.

There is no extreme weather with great lethality, and even if it is just average, it is also very expensive when used.

Is it useless?

Robin does not think so, and may be useless against the strong, but look at the Kingdom of Abalastan. The weather determines people's livelihood. This power is particularly important for the general kingdom.

Robin looked at Wei Wei and said directly:

"This is a tattoo heritage that can change the weather."

"Hey?" Wei Wei froze for a moment, then stood up suddenly, "Change the weather?"

"Yes," Robin said with a smile. "Although it is difficult, if you can successfully paint, the "Desert Kingdom" of the Kingdom of Abalastan may be nicknamed, and it may change because of it."

Such power has a huge effect on the kingdom.

Then it must be used well.

So, Robin told him directly.

Weiwei looked at Robin in front of her and opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The civil strife in the kingdom today is caused by rain.

"It seems that our covenant has to be deepened and will last a long time." Robin smiled and thought of a more profound plan in his mind.

"I see..." Wei Wei nodded slowly.

She began to try to treat Robin as a true ally.

Looking at the two men in silence.

A gentle and kind but strong character, a mature and calm but has a weak heart.

He felt that he had witnessed the birth of Ji Jiqing.

Finally, Robin opened all his jars.

She let out a long breath and pressed her fingers against her lips, her eyes left with aftertaste.

"Something is not enough."

Even if Robin's dream is not power, but power will make her closer to her dream.

In addition, the miraculous knowledge also made her gradually fall into it.

"If you want to get more, keep working hard." Silent smiled. "By the way, the contract in the four-level drifting jar in the Kingdom of Abalastan can specify the series-including the qualification of qualified transactions. Series."


Robin looked silently at obviously.

This man is pushing their competition.

However, it is impossible to refuse at all. The general jars of the fourth grade and the jars of the limited series of the fourth grade have completely different appeal to them.

"Now that it's finished, go back." Silence finally said, then raised his hand and waved.

The two still have more time to talk about.

The surrounding environment changed drastically.

They found themselves back on their own ships, surrounded by a tranquil sea at night, where there was still the shadow of the huge ship.

Everything seemed like a dream.

Only the knowledge in his mind and the power in his body are truly true.

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