Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 368: : The collision of world focus

   Bismarck is very clear, but she still knows too little about the world.

"Kapp?" Silence thought for a while and shook his head. "He didn't want to change, but he knew he couldn't change. After all, there is a senior like the Dragon, and it can be like this now. It's already very rare. "

   Even the so-called Marshal did not have any face in front of the Tianlong people.

   Plus the people of this world are already a bit paranoid.

   kinds of situations.

   It is basically impossible to have a charismatic leader who can unify everyone's mind.

  Kapp refused to promote the general because he realized that he couldn't do it. He didn't want to participate in those troublesome things, but just wanted to protect his "justice".

"Dragon?" Bismarck thought about it for a while. "It was indeed my negligence, but... this is just the previous situation. Captain, you have given enough power to break the balance, what will the future of this world look like? , Already unpredictable."

   Later, she said very seriously.

   and Shen Mo's mentality of treating it as a "game" is different.

   Bismarck never believed that destiny was something that could be treated at will.

   She attaches great importance to the future of this world.

"Although it is unpredictable, it can still be guided." Silently said slowly, and then repeated his own philosophy, "Protect the stable civilians of Xiyi, and then give those who desire to realize the stage of fate to achieve our Interests, this is what we have to do."

   "Your will is my direction, Captain." Bismarck's tone was gentle, but very serious.

   "Then change your clothes again." Silence blinked at her, "I think that split cheongsam with stockings is good."


   Bismarck suddenly became weak, and then walked towards the room as if he wanted to admit his fate.

   silently chuckled very cheerfully.

   He wasn't like this, but Bismarck was really a hanger that looked good on anything, and bullying this kind of mature leading big sister was very addictive.

  Looking at the live projection in front of you again.

   has realized that this entire kingdom is protected by the naval forces of the Lord of Destiny, and it seems very polite.

   Faced with the hospitality of the Kingdom of Abalastani, he did all the rituals without too much demand.

  After all, they don't know that the shelter of the Lord of Destiny has only been for such a period of time, and still has been.

   is precisely because of this.

   As a king, Nafirutali Kobla, was able to hide two rewarded pirates under the eyes of the navy.

  Robin and Ace.

  The only historian that a world regime wants to arrest, the other is a pirate with a reward of more than 500 million.

   And these two people live just a few hundred meters away from the generals.

   Ace didn't feel anything special, but Robin was a little nervous.

   "Even the green pheasant is here." Robin has been in a state of high nervousness these days. "Is this lineup just for the fourth-level jar?"

"I'm afraid I still want to catch the pirates in the kingdom." Wei Wei said, and then rejected her. "There are not many pirates who know this now, and fewer pirates come over. It’s just that, it’s not enough to send out such a lineup.”

  After returning to the kingdom, Weiwei is also rich.

  After all, after the rebellion ceased, as a big country with a population of nearly 10 million, there must be a lot of treasure to accumulate.

   Therefore, she has changed a lot in the whole person.

   temperament has faded a softness.

   is, after all, the opened general series jar.

   "So, something must have happened." Robin was vaguely uneasy.

She had asked King Cobra about the historical text, but the result disappointed her. Although she had not seen it with her own eyes, Cobra had already said that what was recorded in the historical text was not history, but the "Hades". "Related information.

   Then, the reason why she stayed.

   Only the fourth-level jar remains.

  Although hope is slim, now Robin is also very clear that her dream is difficult to achieve without desperate to gain strength.

   And at this time.

   A huge duck ran in from outside.

   "It runs fast."

  Weiwei greeted her pet and companion, and took out a newspaper from the duck's backpack.

   Just the first glance, let her face change slightly.

   "What happened?" Robin asked.

"Ace." Wei Wei handed the newspaper in her hand to Ace, and said with some concern, "The newspaper said that the White Beard Pirates will arrive here the day after tomorrow. The navy's lineup is to deal with the four emperors. One's white beard!"

  Ace, who was eating a lot of meat, stopped suddenly.

   is this day.

   With the passing of this newspaper, the world is shaking!

The Four Kings of Pirates have always stayed in the New World. In recent years, they have rarely left the New World to be active. Now, the famous white-bearded Pirate Group among the Four Emperors has embarked on their nests and headed to the first half of the great route. .

   Such news, the first reaction of many people, will think it is false.

   But the newspaper even explained the whole story.

   "Treasure that even the Four Emperors will be excited about-Level 4 Destiny Jar!"

Rumors of the ship of destiny have spread all over the sea some time But because the newspaper concealed part of the facts, and the content was too different, most people, or most of the sea Thieves are only treated as a story, a legend.

   People like Klockdal don’t care much.

  Only the pirates who picked up the rafting jar and gained strength from it will know the power and magic of the ship of destiny.

but now.

   This rumor was accompanied by the great action of the navy, and participated with the emperor emperor, making it spread far beyond the previous hundreds of times.

"We don’t know what kind of existence he is or what purpose he cherishes, only that he took out the treasure that even the emperor could not refuse, and then let the pirates make the world strong The fighters go to fight and snatch, which seems more attractive than the treasure of One Piece, because it can actually make people get what they want, not just a legend..."

   This is the text in the newspaper.

   compared to the last time.

   This time, as if getting some kind of permission, he began to publicize the magic and power of the ship of fate.

   And as a result of this, almost all the world began to discuss the ship of fate.

   Of course, there is the Lord of Destiny.

at the same time.

   More and more people are beginning to focus on the Kingdom of Abalastan.

   There, because of the treasure of the Lord of Fate, the White Beard Pirates and the Navy will collide head-on, which may change the balance of this sea for more than ten years.


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