Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 381: : Do some father's responsibilities

Nurturing series.

Nodded in silence, it is no surprise that with White Beard's current hope, this choice would be made.

If he had recruited so many sons in the past, it was to satisfy his desire to have a family.

So now.

He began to really think about his responsibility as a father.

"Cultivation series, as the name implies, is not a series that can make you stronger. It was like this at least before obtaining the permission of the limited series." Silent looked at White Beard and said.

"Is this so?" White Beard seemed surprised.

"Which step a person can grow up depends on the three points of talent, heart, and opportunity." Silence explained, "If your sons can board the ship of destiny, there are enough treasures, at least beyond the current you It’s not difficult, but you should know that not everyone is qualified to board the ship of fate."

White Beard nodded.

He listened very carefully and understood the meaning of silence.

In the first level alone, many of his sons can’t make it through. At least those who can’t even resist the domineering **** are hopeless.

Not to mention the second hurdle.

Although he didn't want to admit it, White Beard felt that, except for Blackbeard Titch, who betrayed his family, he must pass.

Because of ambition.

Blackbeard Titch has the ambition to betray him, his family, and his past, but now it seems that one of the important reasons why Titch chose to betray is that he never surpassed him on his ship. one day.

"Cultivation series is a series that focuses on changing these three points." There is a smile on the silent face. "In other words, it will allow you to train those who were not qualified to board the ship of fate to be qualified. To the point."

All make others stronger, but this series of White Beard is fundamentally different from selling jars in silence.

Silence will not interfere with the client's qualifications and wishes.

And nurturing series.

To put it bluntly, it is the difference between Krypton Gold and the training of its own operational ability through e-sports coaches.

"It turns out so." White Beard suddenly realized.

"So, are you sure you want to choose this series?" Silence finally confirmed.

"Well, if I had it, my sons would grow up to be the best people." White Beard said with great anticipation. "It's time for me to do some of my dad's responsibilities."

"Then buy the jars enough to open the props of destiny first." The silent voice fell, and hundreds of jars appeared in front of you.

Two hundred first-level, five hundred second-level, and ten third-level.

Even though White Beard had opened several drifting cans, it was the first time he saw so many cans.

He seems to know where the ship of destiny is.

Place to trade jars.

Boarding the ship of destiny means that you don’t have to search for drifting cans, but you can also get a more suitable one.

"I understand you a little bit." White Beard said thoughtfully while opening the jar. "As long as I see a satisfied person, I want to accept him as a son and want him to be a family, as long as he can become stronger. I will be happy, you should have similar thoughts, take these jars to the rest of the world and see where some people can grow."

"Although it is not accurate, it does have such factors." Silent laughed, and did not deny it.

For game planning, watching players constantly upgrade and become stronger, and then addicted to it, can indeed gain a sense of accomplishment.

"Woo la la la." White Beard couldn't help laughing, "I still think we can be friends."

In the eyes of White Beard, in fact, everyone is roughly divided into three categories.

Friends, family, enemies.

Although he has a domineering side, he is actually a very easy-going person, because he is very kind to people who look at him.

The previous sense of entanglement lies in his inability to see through the silent character and the inability to characterize his sense of silence.

To this.

Silence just smiled and said lightly: "I don't mind having a good time with the members of the Chamber of Commerce, but now you should understand the importance of the rules."

"Is Master Yan out of the apprenticeship?" White Beard narrowed his eyes, digested the message in his mind, and issued a sigh of ignorance or sigh. "I do understand now that treating my son can't just be affectionate."

The nurturing series, as the name implies, contains a variety of knowledge inheritance used to nurture others.

Most of them are focused on the means of education.

Guide and teach life.

For Whitebeard, it can be said to benefit a lot.

If you can do it again, maybe even Titch will not go there.

The silence said nothing, but took a sip of wine.

It is a fact that Blackbeard Titch killed his companion. This is an unforgivable fault for Whitebeard. Even though he now believes that part of it is his own responsibility, he is not an indecisive person.

White Beard continued to open the jar.

"This training method is suitable for children to lay the foundation. turns out to be the case, do you need to teach according to your aptitude... so, Bawang can also be used to hone the will of the sons... ..."

He has been completely unknowingly unknowingly, even a little bit excited.

I never thought that there could be so many ways to teach my son.

If you open the jar earlier.

His sons will really become the best people in the world.

No, it is not too late now.

White Beard's eyes are bright and bright, and he has also developed a lot of ways to increase the unity between his sons, and even one of the grand prizes is a illusion test that must be understood by two people.


White Beard feels full of energy, and even now can't wait to meet his sons, they will be pleasantly surprised.

"There are only three levels of jars left." Silence felt the enthusiasm of the white beard, and also a little bit happy.

To some extent The process by which these elite players open jars is also a process that allows him to constantly improve and replenish the jar system.

Including their fate-like props, and the subsequent limited series of jars.

Such as white beard.

His props of fate, and limited series, are designed specifically for Silence according to his wishes, and he was also the first to open this series of jars.

After the white beard is turned on, the silence may be improved according to his usage.

However, when there are people with similar wishes, there is no need to redesign.

When the number of players starts to grow explosively.

These series will become the cornerstone of the entire system.

It’s just a while.

Bai Huai quickly opened nine third-level series jars. Although there are some good things, there seems to be no big prize.

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