Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 391: : Red-haired Eagle Eye Cooperation

The pirates who had already escaped started to turn their heads, one by one, as if they were heroic and invincible fighters, and rushed towards the navy.

in turn.

The navy began to flinch.

"Does it encourage the fruit?" Qing Phas whispered.

As a general, he naturally had intelligence information about the heads of the Revolutionary Army.

Among their several victories.

Bello's fruit capabilities have played a huge role.

"Let's go too!"

Ace growled, and it was also inspired by the fruit.

The soaring flames exploded.

The green pheasant looked at Ace again, and then looked at some of the navy who retreated.

Seems to understand.

The strength of this fruit is not only as simple as inspiring. After the development of Bello, it is able to realize the potential of people's bodies and let them have a great strength.

Then looking at Belo, who was still waving his flag not far away, the green pheasant slowly exhaled a cold breath.

The head of the Revolutionary Army was really tricky.

This battle has just begun.


Similar things happen not only here, but the rest.

Five tertiary jars represent five battlefields.

With the participation of the Pirates of the White Beard Pirates, the Navy, and the commander of the Revolutionary Army, an unprecedented melee has been formed, and in the sky above these battlefields, a thousand third-level jars have been opened. Cap, and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, are also fighting fiercely.

Almost every day, you can hear the thunder-like impact sound rolling from above.

From time to time, the sky changed dramatically, and the wind screamed fiercely.

The battle reached an impasse.

It seems that White Beard did not intend to participate in the battle. Not only him but even Black Beard, when they realized that the White Beard Pirates were active on the battlefields of all parties, they began to hide.

Although he has great ambitions, he is not stupid.

In this situation.

As soon as he appeared, he would definitely be the target of the white-bearded pirate group, and there might be scenes where the navy, pirates, and revolutionary forces rushed towards him.

Can only give up those tertiary jars.

Black-bearded Titch stayed on Klockdal's site, his face depressed.


He looked at the newspaper in his hand and laughed again.

The headline above is awesome-

"Red-haired Pirates are about to arrive on the battlefield"


Somewhere in the sea at this time, an unremarkable pirate ship was slowly sailing.

It is the red-haired pirates.

"Eagle eye, you look at this." Shanks waved the newspaper in his hand.

"It was the news bird the other day." Hawkeye looked at the photo in the newspaper.

"Look at another news, on the back." Shanks didn't care about his news and turned the newspaper directly.

"The battle between Cap and Dragon broke up a port again." Eagle Eye read this paragraph, his face slightly dignified.

"At the beginning of the newspaper, it was said that Long alone forced the five generals including Kapu to fight back." Redhead pointed to the newspaper with an inexplicable smile on his face, "and after that, the newspaper Both Kapp and Dragon are evenly matched."

The original newspapers were published once a week.

But since this incident, which was hailed as "the first jar war", the newspaper has become a new daily issue.

It is said that all the spare news birds are taken out by the newspapers.

The above are detailed war intelligence.

It is even accurate to the point where every third-level jar is snatched.

Therefore, they can obtain first-hand information like this.

The meaning of red hair is obvious.

"The Navy bought jars for Cap." Hawkeye said, and whispered, then added, "I have the strength to deal with a general and have confidence to win, but it is impossible to get the dragon's point. If the strength is similar to mine-he bought at least a thousand jars."

I have to say that Eagle Eye is a swordsman, and his intuition is very sharp.

Based on the performance of the dragon alone, it is possible to infer roughly how many jars he bought.

"A thousand jars may be a big number for the revolutionary army, but for the dragons behind the navy, it's nothing." Shanks said pointedly.

"It's nothing more than trusting Karp, or the Navy, and not willing to give them too much power." Eagle Eye is not a pure swordsman, and has a thorough understanding of some things.

"Yes, I can't believe it." Shanks hugged the eagle eye with a big smile on his face, "This means that as much as the enemy shows, the Dragon will give the navy how much money, for the revolution For the military, these more than a thousand jars may be the limit, then the Navy is almost this number-this is our opportunity."

Hawkeye glanced at him.

As if he had guessed what he wanted to say.

"Money can buy jars, jars can bring strength, then money is strength!" Shanks raised his voice and said his thoughts directly, "I have money, but no jar is opened, you have a jar opened, But we have no money, so we passed, and we are not qualified to participate in this battle, but if we cooperate -"

"You want to send me money?" Eagle Eye said.

"It's not a gift, it's a change!" Shanks raised two fingers. "Two thousand third-level jars! Are you confident of changing the four-level drifting jar?"

"I don't want to owe you a favor." Eagle Eye glanced at him.

He didn't ask where Shanks came for so much money, but refused calmly.

He doesn't know what the limit of cans that can be bought with money is.

However, a four-level drifting tank is in no way comparable to two thousand third-level tanks.

Shanks didn't just want the four-level drifting jar.

I also want him to have a big relationship.

"Since you have said so..." Shanks seemed very helpless, and then took a step back, "seven hundred jars, how? The money of seven hundred third-level jars belongs to you, and the fourth-level drifting jars Be mine."

Hawkeye did not refuse this time, but considered carefully.

The fourth-level jar is also very tempting for him.

It is very likely that there will be purple-level swordsmanship.

In the end Hawkeye agreed to the condition of red hair.

"You want a four-level rafting jar, not to open it for yourself." Hawkeye looked at the red hair and seemed to point out, "But, the runaway in this era can't be avoided."

The redhead just smiled and said nothing.

Seven hundred tertiary jars.

At the same time as the purchase information was passed on, Silence also turned his eyes across the distance of tens of miles and looked at the red hair and eagle eyes.

Mouth raised.

It seems that the members of the stage of the final battle have basically come together.

Four members who bought a thousand third-level jar levels.


Thinking that whoever is the strongest will surely win the final victory, you may be disappointed.

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