Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 395: : Attempt to copy the monster

All the people looked at the situation on the sea in dumbfounded.

Each tentacle is nearly a hundred meters long and several meters thick. This figure alone is an unimaginable shock for the average person.

"Is it Neptune?" Smog asked behind the Warring States.

"No, definitely not Neptune!"

On the giant face of the golden statue of the Warring States, a cautious expression could be seen.

Just for this figure, it is nothing for these generals.

Every general can easily solve Neptune that is dozens of times larger than these tentacles on the sea.

What really makes them nervous is that inexplicable breath.

Furious and primitive.

It is as if from the ancient times, it exists above all living creatures, and among those tentacles, there is a terrible atmosphere, just a wave, a hurricane that produces a sense of tearing, spreading together.

They have no doubt.

No matter what kind of ship, as long as it is in the middle of those tentacles, it will be easily broken up.


With the sound of roaring through the sky and the extremely harsh roar, the monster's entire figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

It was a monster whose skin color was like a tree.

There is only one scarlet eye on the head, one ear, and a large mouth covered with sharp teeth, and the flying tentacles turned out to be the tail of the monster, with a full ten, although the body size is not compared to the Neptune It's a big one, but it exudes even the general's feeling of palpitation.

Language is indescribable.

That's right, this monster is the ten tails of silence brought from Naruto World!

Precisely speaking, it is the body of the outer golem, plus Chakra, the tail beast that silences himself, and activates it to the first form at this moment!

"Take advantage of this opportunity to try to copy the strange monsters." Silently holding a glass of cold cola, looking intently at the distant battlefield.

at this time.

Everyone also eased from the unexpected feeling.

They clearly perceive it.

The fourth-level jar is in the body of this monster!

"It seems that if you want to **** the jar, you have to solve this guy first." Sengoku glanced at the rest.

Although he did not know the purpose of this arrangement of the Lord of Fate and the monster he had found, in contrast, he was still more worried about the rest.

According to the plan last night.

It should be that they hold on to the rest, and then let the fastest yellow ape grab the jar.

Give the yellow ape a look.

Sengoku raised his hand violently, but he directly found the white beard!

"Woo la la la, do you want to solve me first? You are really stupid, Warring States!" White beard holding a long knife, the upper nine rings began to vibrate, making a terrifying voice.

"It's not solving you, it's just holding you back!" Sengoku had no intention of disguising the plan.

Both the red dog and the green pheasant stretched out their hands, and the power of ice and fire surrounded the white beard and the red-haired group not far away.

Kapp in the high altitude, and the dragon also began a fierce collision.

The war is on the verge.

Burning sounds, frozen sounds, wailing in the air, and sharp vibrations, everything exploded at the same time, the onlookers only felt that their ears roared, and they were separated by a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers. Covering his ears unbearably, he could only look at this battle scene as if the end of the world was horrified.

This is the moment when the melee has just begun.

A yellow light rushed towards the monster not far away.

"Yellow Ape!"

The white beard roared, and the sword was swung down. A series of cracks accompanied the knife, which continued to spread in the air.

Then the earth was torn and the sea divided.

The whole world is as if broken under this knife.

All generals, even redheads, have a slightly changed complexion and can only avoid the growing cracks.

This power.

It was much stronger than the last time he met White Beard, let alone the inability to see that kind of weakness, even stronger than when White Beard was in its heyday!

This is the power of those who boarded the ship of fate.

White Beard stopped the attack of the three navy generals with a knife, but still failed to stop the yellow ape.

The yellow ape incarnate into the stream came to the monster.

Fingers pinched each other, intertwined around.

——Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!

I don’t know if it’s a salary stimulus. The yellow ape has been exerting its full strength. Numerous light spots have flew out of his fingers, completely covering this unknown monster, and the sound of explosion is constantly ringing!

Even a small island will be completely destroyed under such an attack!

Was it solved?

Everyone's eyes looked at it.


The monster attacked by the yellow ape made a roaring sound, which seemed quite painful, but what struck the Warring States was that the roar did not weaken.

The yellow ape's attack stopped.

Everyone clearly saw that the monster's body, although bruised all over the body, was being repaired at a terrible speed.

"What a monster is this!" The Warring States was shocked as a whole.

The silence smiled slightly.

If Ten Tails is so easy to solve, then it is not Ten Tails.

In the world of Pirates without direct control of life energy, it is indeed difficult to understand this terrible recovery ability.

But the ten terrible things are more than that.

When Huang Ape murmured, "It's terrible", the ten tails, who seemed to be irritated, suddenly opened their mouths, and the dark spots continued to gather from the air, gradually forming a dark energy group in the mouth.

It is the signature attack of the Tail Beast-Tail Beast Jade!

"That stuff isn't great at a glance."

Red-haired still has a leisurely humor, but his expression is already dignified.

This kind of energy group, they have just seen it once.

From the bottom of the sea hundreds of meters, all the way through the sea.

There is absolutely no one who wants to test the power of this move with his body.


This tail beast bomb has been shot at them fiercely, very fast, and the large air is distorted wherever it passes.

Subconsciously, the Warring States and others jumped to the side, and then reacted Behind them, there was a large navy.


Kapu stood in front of the tail beast and raised his fist. The green light formed a huge fist.

"How could you hurt my juniors!"

This concentrated the power of the green light and the punch of the strongest will, and collided frontally with the black tail beast Jade.

Seems to be deadlocked for a while.

Carp exhaled, pushing hard.

He flew the tail beast jade toward the sea in the other direction.


At the moment of the explosion, it seemed that even the glory of the morning sun was suppressed, and the rolled tsunami hit the coast with a tens of meters high, sending out a deafening roar, as if telling everyone this One blow is terrible.

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