Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 397: : Who is the best in the game

Under this roar, everyone's attention could not help being attracted to the past.

I saw that the monster had a certain change that was visible to the naked eye. With the constant roar, it stood upright, with sharp claws growing on the ends of the ten tails behind it, roaring in the sky!

——The second form of incomplete body!

The body of the ten tails is the **** tree, and the real body is actually the glow night that has been combined with the **** tree. The glow night is the strongest form of the ten tails!

Of course, silence did not bring Hui Ye's consciousness unsealed.

He just used the chakra that he created, plus the body of the ten tails, and the outer golem, to create the ten tails in front of him.

And as soon as the second form appeared, the true power of Ten Tails had already begun to appear.

The most intuitive.

It's the power that horrified at once!

The tail behind was only gently waving, and a sharp sound of tearing the air was made. The wind pressure not weaker than that of Dajianhao's sword will continuously cut the sea surface, and the pressure on everyone is completely different from just now.

"This monster has become more powerful." The voice of the dragon came from the clouds. "After all, it is a monster brought out by the Lord of Destiny. It is best not to be taken lightly."

"Huh, if you give up the jar, I will wait for the navy to solve this monster immediately!" Sengoku snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

He also felt that something was not so good, but the rest of them were watching.

There is no way to concentrate on dealing with this monster.

After all.

In the end, the knife repairer is the winner, and this rule alone makes them helpless.

Lord of Destiny... Taking out such monsters and specifying such rules, what is the purpose and what do they want them to do?

The same problem appears in everyone's mind.


Shio will not wait for them to think.

It once again opened its mouth wide, and in that greasy big mouth covered with teeth, a mass of black, and triangular beast-shaped tail beast jade, formed again.

Without looking at all, you can know that this time the attack will be more fierce than the previous attack.

Where will it fight?

Everyone's muscles are tense and their hairs are standing upside down, just like the prey waiting under the hunter's muzzle.

The navy and pirates behind them were sweating one by one, even trembling.

Some newspaper reporters farther away could not help but be paralyzed, unable to say a word.

If this terrifying attack with a terrifying atmosphere flies towards them, total destruction is the only ending.

The gathering time of the tail beast jade is actually very short.

It was not short enough for people to recall in their lifetime, they were ready, and even made a clear aim.


It's the direction of White Beard!

Can't avoid, it will hit the sons behind.


Ace yelled and tried to rush through the flames.

However, he was pulled by Marco.

"Use that!"

That is, his words fell, and all of their members began to glow with a faint golden light, and they used their biggest hole cards.

——All together!

Purple epic skills!

If the golden light on these members is not obvious, then the white beard is golden light.

His muscles were bathed in golden light, bulging high, the bones of the whole person made a clicking sound, and he even pulled up a few meters in height, and then stretched out his hands with a vibrating aperture and hugged him fiercely. The huge tail beast jade rushing towards him.


All the attributes of the White Beard Pirates are transferred to White Beard according to a certain proportion.

"It's so strong!?"

Chi Quan's face was ugly. He had dealt with White Beard in the previous attack, but now it seems that White Beard is probably stronger than Kapu.

Now, Karp can get him down with one punch!

"It should be a powerful skill." The Sengoku saw a little way, but it was too late to think about it, "Don't be distracted. For these people, it's normal to have a hole card. We must kill this. Head monster!"

Taking advantage of the white beard's containment, the Warring States were ready to wipe out these ten tails in one go.

He has felt the threat from Shio's body.

The red dog with a black face raised his fist that turned into a huge magma, as if to vent his resentment to the monster, and rushed towards the head of the ten tails.

"Melt me! Monster!"

He determined that his blow could kill the monster's head.

The head is melted and cannot be recovered!

However, the idea is good, the reality is cruel.

The ten tails, which are already in the second form of the incomplete body, possess powerful power.

Several tails with clawed tails rushed towards the red dog fiercely.

After evading an attack, he was caught by the second claw and pressed hard into the sea water, splashing huge water splashes and making a noisy sound.

"Red dog!" The Warring States felt bad, and quickly flew up, but the other two tails were coming.


The big Buddha's fist collided with the claw.

A large turbulent ripple in the air was stirred.

"Actually... so strong!" The Warring States felt the terror in the opponent's body, and his heart was bitter.

Once, there was a chance that a monster was still weak, but they did not cherish it, and now it is too regrettable.

Fortunately, the rest of the generals rushed up.

Even the power of the Lieutenant General level is also added to the battle.

Karp rushed into the sea, his thoughts turned into huge green fists, and ten tails slayed together, and finally brought him up before the red dog was drowned.


The red dog spit out a big sip of sea water, black face, regardless of his injury, just rushed up again without saying a word.

This hatred is not reported, he was a general!

At this moment.

I don't know how long the dragon has stayed in the clouds, the clothes are flying, and I wanton.

It's ready.

Dragon, raised his palm.

The color of the wind and the clouds changed, and countless black clouds came together, even covering the sun completely.

He is also preparing for big moves.

The ability to control the weather with air transportation, combined with his ability, concentrate the strength of the world and guide and create a terrible thunderstorm.

Rumble Lightning roared one after another.

Not only is Ten Tail in the attack range, including everyone else, the same is true!

"He wants to contain us with lightning!" Sengoku roared, already seeing the other's purpose.

"Useless, I have gathered the prestige of heaven and earth." The voice of the dragon rolled down from the sky.

As the Warring States thought, the dragon in the sky began to burn golden flames.

——All living beings!

Thunder to contain the rest, and then use the industry fire to wipe out Ten Tails.

This is the dragon's plan to grab the tank in the time just now.

Not only did he use two blue awards, but also his own strength.

At this moment, Long is like the best in the game.

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