Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 422: : Reilly's transfer series

So, no one intervened.

Although Roger was not Kapu's opponent at all, he also showed his tenacity worthy of the name of One Piece. Even if he was already bloody, he fought back every time.

The surrounding streets have long been destroyed in their battles.

And just then.

A soldier suddenly ran to the yellow ape and reported:

"Yellow Ape, His Royal Highness Charles Roth has awakened. He asked that the navy marshal immediately meet him, and said..." The soldier seemed hesitant.

"What else to say?" Huang Yuan asked.

"Also said that a villain forced the Dragon's treasure!" said the soldier.

"..." Yellow Ape glanced at Roger, who was still fighting Kapu, and it seemed to be suddenly realized, "It turns out that this is really terrible."

Although he understood what was going on, he didn't seem to be prepared to do anything.

Because it is too late.

That is the moment when the voice falls.

The wind screamed.

A sound fell from the sky at high speed, and stepped on the ground fiercely. With a loud noise, it stepped on a large piece of blue brick and turned into a pot of tens of meters.

This appearance attracted everyone's attention.

Karp also had to suspend the attack on Roger because he felt the threat.

In front of everyone, this man who fell from the sky had long gray hair messy in the wind, sloppy clothes, and even wore a pair of grass slippers, exposing darkened toes.

But just a glance.

Karp recognized the man.

"Hades, Raleigh!"

Karp felt the unknown horrible airflow around him, and in just a moment, he guessed what happened.

And his shouts made everyone ate.

"Hades Raleigh?"

"It's the Deputy Captain of Roger Pirate Ship!"

"He is still alive!"

For some old people, the name Pluto Raleigh is such a thunderous ear. In that era, the reputation of the vice captain of One Piece has the reputation of no less than the four emperors of this era!

And now, not only Roger is back from the resurrection, but even Pluto Raleigh has reappeared in front of everyone.

Some people didn't really realize until this time that the Roger Pirates in the memory really came back!

"Roger, you know how to use tricks." Karp glanced at Roger. "You drag us here, and then let Rayleigh go to find the treasure of the Dragon, buy enough pots with badges, and return. Save you... Do you think you can escape this way?"

His face is not pretty.

Because he had already thought about it, Roger had just talked about Ace with him, maybe to delay the time.

If I knew it earlier... he should catch it with all his strength as soon as he comes up!


"It's not the captain's idea." Raleigh stood up, looking like an ordinary sloppy old man. "Dragons have more treasure than we thought. Kapu, you are not my opponent because I opened the jar. The number far exceeds you."

"Hahaha." Kapu laughed. "Far more than me? Do you know how many jars I opened?"

"I don't know." Raleigh had a slight confidence on his face. "But, guess it, there should be no more than a thousand."

Karp’s smile didn’t change, and he said, “How many can you open in such a short time?”

"If you don't look closely, at my speed, no more time will be spent." Raleigh seemed to laugh twice.

The speed of the two people's speech was not slow, and they had several verbal confrontations in a short time, but the rest of them still understood.

They are more than the number of open jars!

Raleigh and Cap are originally standing at the same level of strength. They are very clear to each other. If the difference in the number of jars is large to a certain extent, it is not a series. The difference in combat power can be made up.

However, this temptation did not last long.

"In any case, don't you want to easily escape from me!" Kapu raised his hand, the green light turned into a huge fist, and then his eyes were fixed, and this huge fist was actually covered with a layer of rich Armed color domineering is almost to cover up its original green light.

Cap, has begun to take it seriously.

Punch and blow away.

"no solution anymore."

Raleigh's figure flickered, and even pulled out a long afterimage. In the loud noise of the boxing wind, he carried Roger on his back and escaped this terrible punch.

And Kapu's fist hit the sky, and even shot a clear fist in the high-altitude clouds.

This shows the horror of its power.

"Do you want to run away with your back?" Karp greeted him again.

And in front of him, Rayleigh lay down directly in the air, and his limbs seemed to be knocked in the air. He even stirred a circle of ripples and ejected into the air. The thick breath sounded through, Thunder Lee's chin even swelled with his breath like a rubber man.

It looks like a toad.

That's right, this action is exactly the toad gong from the world of "Kung Fu".

The profession that Rayleigh obtained was Kung Fu.

"Hahaha, Raleigh, how did you become the same as a toad." Roger lay on Raleigh's back, and he seemed to be unable to bear to laugh, laughing, and Raleigh's dull and heavy breathing The sounds were mixed, as if mocking those navies.

Raleigh mobilized the true energy in his body, coupled with his own powerful power, just jumped in the sky and rushed towards the distance like a shell.

"It won't let you escape!"

Cap's body was wrapped in green light, and he also caught up, even turning the green light into a dense green net, blocking the direction of Rayleigh's flooding.

However, how powerful is the toad increase in bounce.

At this time, the speed of Rayleigh is much faster than the speed of the shells!

There was even a clearly visible white fog in front of him, and with a strong force, he slammed into the green net arranged by Carp, and his hind legs became extremely thick and then he kicked hard.


With a clear and audible tearing he tore the green net directly. After several volleys, he jumped into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Only Roger's final voice was still floating in this space.

"Old Cap, next time, let's fight again! I will definitely win!"

Karp turned his face black, and just by looking at how fast Raleigh bounced, he knew he couldn't catch up.

After a long time.

He smiled suddenly.

A long-lost emotion reverberates in his heart, even making him miss it very much.

"This bastard, I must catch you next time!"

After whispers no one heard, Karp landed.

For granted.

When the Warring States arrived, they were so angry that Qiqiao was about to smoke.

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