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Chapter 429: : Power that threatens the world

Just thinking of this feature of the taboo series, combined with the black gas that seemed quite dangerous in front of him, the black beard was nervous and looked forward to silence.

"The extraterrestrial demon."

Silently said the name of this black gas.

That's right, this group is a great villain common in many old-fashioned fantasy.

But Blackbeard has never seen those.

He repeated it silently, but it was a bit unclear.

"This is a profession, and it can also be said to be a race."

Silently raised his hand a little, the surrounding light seemed to be distorted and dimmed, and then there was an endless sea of ​​stars between the two.

"The extraterrestrial demon, born outside the world, they have no civilization, no emotion, only one thing to do from birth-fighting, endless fighting, fighting with their own siblings, outside the scarce resources Competing for resources for survival, power is everything for them, and if they discover a world with rich resources..."

In the middle of the projection in front of them, a blue planet suddenly appeared.


The monsters made by the endless black mist are rushing towards the planet madly. In this kind of picture alone, Blackbeard can feel the madness and greed.

Then, he saw the scene of the dark heavenly demon and all kinds of gorgeously dressed strong men fighting.

This race has no possibility of coexistence with other races in the world, only the strength of life and death.

It turned out to be such a existence.

This was beyond the imagination of Black Beard, so that he opened his mouth wide and didn't know what to say at all.

"The power of this race is crazy." Silence raised his hand again, and all the projections disappeared. He looked at the black beard and said slowly, "The way it treats the rest of the existence is only plunder and plunder. Everything, even their own, can open up this fate, only to say that this is what you have in your heart."

This sentence is not silent nonsense.

He sets up a professional system, and uses the power of telepathy to see the most essential characteristics of the other party's heart.

The inner characteristics of Blackbeard are strength and plunder.

He longed for power and robbed of everything others had.


After listening to the past and characteristics of this race, Blackbeard was silent for a moment, but his eyes became crazy.

He stretched out his hand and snapped the gas.

Suddenly, gas poured into his body, his soul.

Then Blackbeard screamed.

Just to change jobs, he was required to sacrifice his own flesh and blood, his body, the black mist continued to corrode, and the unimaginable pain covered him. Then, it was the feeling of power rising, and the power of his devil fruit was also integrated into this In the brand-new power, he can feel that now he can plunder everything!

"Ha ha ha." The black beard was wrapped in black mist, and the infiltrating smile kept coming. "I have already felt that this race, really everything is for strength and survival. It is great, this is amazing!"

Extraterrestrial demon, no entity.

And it is different from the natural department.

Even if the body is destroyed for the most part, it will not die, it will only weaken its strength, and it is extremely erosive. Not to mention the flesh and blood of the rest, even the seawater and stones, he can swallow it, and a little grinding becomes himself. the power of.

This is a perfect match with the power of the dark fruit.

Silently looking at the excited and crazy black beard, he smiled silently in his heart.

This power is indeed powerful, but it is also dangerous.

Nothing else.

The power of the extraterrestrial demon will make the rest of the biological instincts and vigilance, plus the kind of plundering others, even destroying all the essence, will inevitably cause fear.

It is foreseeable that Blackbeard is facing a path that is hostile to the world.

Or, he defeated everyone and stepped on everyone’s body to become the strongest.

Or, be defeated by the rest.

The former is too difficult for this game. Silently setting survivability is to avoid being easily defeated.

After a period of pain, he was finally transferred successfully.

Blackbeard manipulated the black mist and re-transformed into the past, even with a smile and a thick face, it seemed that there was no change.


When Crockdale, who had crossed the illusion and boarded the ship, saw his first glance, he immediately became alert.

"Are you... Blackbeard?"

Klockdal said uncertainly that he had an instinctive vigilance and palpitations in his heart, as if he was facing a natural enemy of human beings or even everything.

"Crockdal, congratulations on boarding the ship." Blackbeard opened his hands and said very cheerfully, "I have gained the power I want, a power that threatens the whole world."

After becoming an extraterrestrial demon, he can roughly perceive the emotions of others.

Even enjoy the fear of others.

Krokdal's feeling is not so good.

I don’t know if I can threaten the world, but goose bumps on his arms tell him that the other party does have the power to threaten his life. The most important thing is that it kills him.

This man... became very dangerous.

But compared to Blackbeard, he is more concerned about now-power!

Klockdal looked at the silence and suppressed that emotion.

"Lord of destiny...Master, I should have passed the assessment." He was suppressing his excitement and expectation.

On the desire for power alone, he is no less than Black Beard.

Therefore, whether it was the previous tank battle, or the news reports that the four emperors were slammed by Cap, they made him even more eager to find and board the ship of destiny, even to the point of whatever.

And now, he succeeded.

Klockdal can't wait to accept his successful results.

" You are qualified to control your destiny." After the silence was over, the information had been transmitted to Klockdal's mind.

Although they are also villains, there are some differences between Klockdal and Blackbeard.

What you have to say.

It is the difference between the awesome owl and the frightening devil.

Therefore, Krokdal does not need a special profession, as long as it is a profession that can gain strength, the silence recommends to him, and they are all series of pursuit of strength.

Such as the more common warriors, strength, fighting, mages...

It depends on how he chooses.

Krokdal digested the information in his mind and felt that he finally came into contact with the real world, but it also made him think more carefully about his series.

In the end, he made a decision.

"Element, I choose the element series."

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