Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 444: : Konoha

"It seems that Konoha really poured a lot of resources on you. Are you so afraid of me?"

The black-robed man controlled by the big snake pill did not dissipate. Under the mask, it was not the imaginary undead creature or skeleton, but a metal armor-like body.

Alchemy doppelganger.

This is a masterpiece of the pharmacist's pocket.

The battle site was emptied at once, but it did not end. It was just a full-scale large-scale purification technique, which was not enough to eliminate the thousand hand column and the thousand hand stern room at the moment. The black mist outside these two bodies was not lost. too much.

"Fear of you? It's just that you can't forgive you for insulting the dead!"

Gang hand gasped, and thin sweat beads appeared on his forehead, obviously consuming a lot, but the momentum of speaking did not weaken.

"Insult? Really naive thoughts." Da She Wan said hoarsely, "How can you understand the definition of life in your eyes? Look at the first generation of Naruto behind you, you have your own consciousness, you can move, you can communicate, you can Touch, how can it be dead."

As a necromancer, the understanding and boundaries of death are indeed quite different from ordinary people.

Among the thousand hand columns pointed by him, he seemed very depressed:

"I really didn't expect that the world would become like this... I don't understand the war of the younger generations."

Resurrected twice, once more exaggerated than once.

Completely beyond the knowledge he can understand.

Thousand hands sneered, "There is nothing to understand, but there are enemies who want to destroy Konoha. Hey, the fourth generation of Huo Ying over there. I temporarily recognized your power, but as Naruto, why are you so much weaker than such an enemy!"

This is the most unacceptable among thousands of hands.

Konoha should be the most powerful!

But now, this new generation of ninjas in Konoha looks strong and strong, but in contrast, it is a shame that so many people are beaten and beaten by someone who has not yet appeared.

There was a wry smile in the corner of the mouth of Feng Shui Gate.

He also has some doubts about whether he made a wrong decision. If he concentrates his resources on a person, he will definitely be able to compete with Da She Wan.

"This is your misunderstanding, Master II Generation." The voice of Da She Wan slowly came, "It's just that the choice is different, Muye chose the future, and we chose the present, so we will do everything. Strangle Konoha now."

"What do you mean?" Bo Feng Shui Men heard something from this sentence.

"This is why Xiao Nanhui and I cooperate." Da She Wan smiled coldly. "The power gained through money has its limits."

Only this sentence is like lightning striking everyone's mind.

Is there a limit?

Smarter people understand it at once.

This means that concentrating on a person's body can't stay strong forever.

By that time, even if you go to strengthen the rest of the people, they will not be able to match their route to make everyone stronger. The comparison of the advantages of the two will come to a crossover point.

Both Xiao Nan and Da She Wan should have reached this limit, so they only felt the threat of Muye who was an elite.

In front of the core goal, the so-called hatred can be put aside for the time being.

"Why tell us this?" Bo Feng Shui's facade was solemn, "Where is Xiao Nan?"

"I will tell you, naturally because Muye no longer has a future." Da She Wan said hoarsely, "Now Muye Village should belong to Yuyin Village."

"What?" All the people exclaimed suddenly.

"Fuck, you dare to do such a thing!" Thousands of hands are really angry. He absolutely does not allow any forces to destroy Konoha. That's where he and his elder brother spent their lives.

However, his body could not move at all.

This is not the reincarnation of the dirt he developed.

Inside it is a power never seen before.

Qianshouzhu was silent for a while, and sighed faintly.

"Finally... this is not something we can manage anymore."

"Brother!" shouted thousands of hands.

Only he knew how painful his brother's heart would be at the moment.

If Konoha is really destroyed.

Then his brother was afraid that he would never rest in peace.

Da She Wan just looked at these leisurely, which was actually part of the plan, and I have to say that such a scene made him feel a long absence.

"What about the gold mine!?" Zilai took a deep breath. "Is the gold mine fake?"

The reason why so many people left Muye was for this gold mine.

This information was confirmed by his own eyes.

They have not thought about the possibility of Konoha being attacked, but the value of the gold mine is obviously much more important than the attack on Konoha.

"No, the gold mine is real, and part of it is the reward for my shot, but..." Da She Wan paused for a while, and then slowly said in the eyes of these people, "That gold The mine has been dug up."

"Dig out?" Everyone was a little bit unbelieving.

That's a gold mine!

The so-called gold mine is not a bunch of gold gathered together, but it is extremely scattered all over the ground, requiring a lot of time and personnel. Even Rocha, who has the ability to escape gold, cannot be hollowed out in such a short time. A gold mine!

"Your mindset is still in the past, that's why you failed. Xiao Nan only used the gold dug up to strengthen the horn capital as a treasure hunter, probably on the third day of the discovery of the gold mine, Already empty." Da She Wan can say nothing.

He disintegrated the psychological defense of these people a little bit.

Fighting down again, he has no confidence to kill everyone here, after all, his body has not come.

And have to admit.

He succeeded.

It is very likely that Muye has been The news made them tremble.

Kakashi's Lynn, as well as the rope tree that has been resurrected by Tsunae, and even the family of the rest of the wooden leaf elite, are all in wooden leaves!

Parents, children, family.

"Don't waste time here!" Thousands of hands shouted violently, "Four generations of eyes, use the technique of flying thunder **** to take everyone back!"

Wave Feng Shuimen gritted his teeth and continued to entangle here with Da She Wan did not make any sense.

His figure jumped back sharply.

"I can only bring three people at a time. Everyone withdraws one by one and pulls the distance away. I send everyone to the nearest coordinate point from Muye!

There was no objection, everyone retreated.

Da She Wan seems to have no intention to stop Qian Shou Zhu between Qian Shou Zhu.

So silently watching them disappear one by one.

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