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Chapter 446: : Konoha will not die

Qian Shouzhu's gaze was slightly bleak, but he soon knew what he was doing, but instead raised his head, his gaze became firm, and walked through the crowd's eyes like the first generation of Huo Ying toured the entire leaf. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

Even if Konoha really lost.

Then he will also be the creator of Konoha to the last moment.

All of them were driven to the bottom of Naruto Rock.

There are only more than 100,000 people in the entire Muye Village, but the dense crowd is concentrated there, and it looks like a crowd of people.

At this moment, the wave feng shui gate and others were hidden in a corner of the building not far away.

As soon as they raised their heads, they could see the ape flying at the edge of the rock, Zhicun Tuanzang, and a group of high-rises left behind in Muye.

It seems to be in a state of serious coma, but the key is that it is not dead.

"Trouble..." Wave Feng Shui Gate whispered.

At this moment, it is not in the stage of destiny. If there is no death, it means that if it is solved outside the stage of destiny, you will lose the advantage of convenient resurrection.

If you want to be resurrected, you must at least take the resurrection props out of the four-level jar.

But it's so hard for a level 4 jar.

more importantly......

Bo Feng Shui Men looked at the two generations of the first and second generations who were controlled by Da She Wan.

He really didn't have confidence.


Kakashi's eyes looked for Lin's figure in the crowd. Unfortunately, he finally found Lin near Xiaonan.

Also bound to his hands, bound together, and Tsunade's brother Sheng Shu, it seems that he was not hurt.

It should be too weak to resist.

"Damn it!" Tsunade squeezed his fist tightly, staring at Xiao Nan violently.

When she resurrected the rope tree, she had decided not to hurt the rope tree anymore.

It's been a long time since I passed this, and I said it.

"Keep calm first," Bo Fengshuimen whispered, "If we also defeated and captured, then Muye is really hopeless."

"I understand." Tsunade squeezed these words out of his teeth.

But looking at the white light that appeared slightly on her body, she knew that it was not so easy to calm down, even if she was a Paladin.

And Xiao Nan.

Standing on the top of Naruto Rock, the look was cold.

"As you can see." Numerous Xiaonans simultaneously uttered, and a resonant voice rang throughout the wood leaves, "Kiye, in this fourth ninja war, has been defeated, Yuyin Village is this war The winner."

There was no emotion in her words.

But some ordinary people couldn't help crying.

Konoha, defeated.

From the beginning of the establishment, to the two Ninja Wars, Muye has always been a winner. Everyone is used to this identity and is full of confidence and pride in Muye.

But now it is defeated.

Some ninjas twisted their bodies and seemed to want to shout something, but they were limited by puppets and seals.

Even Kakashi and others have a gloomy look, especially the Feng Shui Gate.

He is the fourth generation of Naruto.

Inheriting the will and wishes of the previous generations of Naruto, facing unprecedented great changes, but failing to protect Konoha... Especially now, in the face of several previous generations of Naruto, even the waves and water gates, the emotions are also unprecedented dim.

"Feeling unacceptable?" Xiao Nan's cold voice came again. "Since we want to wage war, we must prepare for defeat. My Yuyin Village, defeated during the Second World War, my loved ones , My companions, one after another died in front of me, this is war."

The noise gradually calmed down.

They cannot accept the fact of defeat, but this fact is already in sight.

The third generation of Huoying was hung there.

The first generation of Huoying and the second generation of Huoying were all controlled there by the reincarnated dirt.

"But now, the war is over." Xiao Nan said again.

Some people couldn't help raising their heads, looking nervously and stunned at the woman who defeated Muye.

"You are fortunate than us, because there is a mortal who can't resist, prohibit mass killing, and even open up a stage that will not hurt you, so I will not kill people who no longer resist, but if I feel unwilling, If you feel that the war is not over, and that sacrifice and death are not enough, just rebel—I will give you a chance to rebel, but all rebels will definitely die.”

The voice fell.

All the grates on everyone disappeared.

The ninjas froze for a moment.

But soon, some ninjas that had long been unbearable jumped from the crowd.


A huge explosion accompanied by a rune paper like a sword, blasted away in those places, the hot waves and flames spread out, and some civilians screamed that the fire was affected, leaving the ninjas ready to act Stagnation.

"Don't you say you won't kill people who don't resist!?" someone shouted with red eyes.

"Are you going to be at war, because the people who spread innocent people are merciful?" Xiao Nan's face showed a beautiful smile, but with endless sarcasm, "or that, in the war did not die in your hands civilian?"

"Asshole!" the ninjas scolded.

There are some ninjas who want to approach silently with ninjutsu, but just after the action, the explosion happens again.

It was accompanied by civilian casualties.

Screaming, crying, suppressing the nerves of every Konoha ninja.

These are all people they are familiar with.

Tsunade wanted to rush out uncontrollably, but was caught by the wave gate.

"Don't be impulsive." The sound of the wave Feng Shui Gate, with a trace of husky, "she is forcing us to go out, if we lose again, then Muye, it will really no longer exist."

If you can, even if you have to sacrifice yourself again, Wave Feng Shui Men will do it because he is Huo Ying.

But also because he is Huo Ying.

So this time, he was not able to do anything.

Tsunade felt the slightly trembling body of the Feng Shui and on the other side, Zilai also caught her.

After all, the group did nothing.

And at this time.

Although the ninjas have red eyes one by one, there are still some people who are still eager to move. They think that even if there is no way to defeat this woman, at least save the third generation of Naruto.

"Stop it!"

A voice suddenly rang through the space.

It was the first generation of Huo Ying that made the noise.

He was standing under Naruto, his own statue.

"You are not the opponent of this woman, even if I am alive, it is not her opponent. In this era, the only person who can beat the can opener is the can opener." The sharp eyes between Qianshouzhu looked at every one present. People, "However, Muye will not die like this, because the person who inherited my will has not failed, your current Naruto is still fighting, and what you have to do is to save him a complete wood as much as possible. leaf."

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