Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 456: : Announcement of Doomsday Copy

"Give you one night, give me a good practice to lose weight, or don’t think I’ll take you out next time." The silence shook the body of Feiju angrily, and the flesh on the stomach flickered. .


   He didn't want to take a fat cat out, it was too shameful.


  How cute the jue was when I first met.


   Lost he thought that Yueju had grown up, turned out to be fat.


  Why does the white tiger bloodline become fat!


"Meow meow."


   Fei Ju Chao grieved and looked at the silence, but the silence was as hard as iron, and she directly opened a practice room and threw it into her.


   Of course, dinner is still ready.


   is a lot.


   It’s a little too pitiful to practice hungry.


   Then sat down silently to reflect. He clearly remembered that the Juju in the original book was a slender cat, and he was not too lazy. Is it because of his education?


   No, this guy must be too greedy.


   "Master." Icarus approached carefully, "Icarus has no flesh."


   said, and opened his hands, it seemed that he wanted silence to confirm himself.


   "I know." The silence was silent.


  Icarus is sometimes like a child, how can mechanical life grow meat.


   In short.


   is another full and ordinary day.


   The second day.


  At the same time, the membership badges on all can opener members suddenly became hot.


  The hearts of experienced people were taken away, knowing that this was a notice from the Chamber of Commerce.


    and those who have been prepared for a long time, even look forward to the look.


   Xiaonan is one of them.


   She took out the badge as soon as it began to heat up, and the same three-dimensional projection picture emerged as when she introduced the Destiny Stage, but this time, the figure appeared silent in the picture.


   "Everyone, the number of junior members I am responsible for has reached the opportunity to open the world stage." Although the silence is smiling, the first sentence to speak is this.


   "Sure enough!"


   Xiaonan looks awkward, and since money cannot be exchanged for points, she is waiting for the world stage that Icarus once told her.


   And those who do not know about this matter.


   Such as Kapu in Pirate World and others, the can openers of the remaining Ninja villages in Naruto World.


   also listened very carefully one by one.


   They have a kind of intuition, which may be related to the way of obtaining higher-level jars.


   And silence has already been introduced.


"You all already know the existence of a multi-element universe, and from the moment you contact the chamber of commerce and become a member of the chamber of commerce, your destiny has been separated from the shackles of the world, so your future is destined to be from a different world Membership competition."


When I said the last sentence in silence, I increased my tone and then laughed lightly, "Despite this, your strength is far from being qualified to cross the world. Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce will provide you with a stage to meet each other. Is the world stage."


  'S remarks roughly introduced the meaning of the world stage.


   Some people who did not know in advance were all taken aback.


   includes Kapu and others.


   "It turned out to be a meeting with a boarder from another world."


   The Warring States could not help but exclaim, with a dignified look.


   Every day they have been painstakingly thinking about how to solve the pirates who opened the can.


   originally thought that even like the previous tank fight, they were fighting the pirates.


   But did not expect.


   turned out to be fighting someone from another world?


  Heavy pressure suddenly surged.


   Even the yellow ape, his expression is not as frivolous as usual, and the red dog clenched his fists.


   None of them are the most powerful in their own world. How should they protect their justice in the face of the powerful in the rest of the world?


   is contrary to the dignity of the navy side.


   The Pirate side was mostly excited.


"Is it possible to see people from the rest of the world so quickly? Raleigh!" Roger took a big sip and laughed. "It seems that we will have a new adventure soon, really look forward to."


   "Let's continue to read it first."


  Reilly's performance was not as exaggerated as Roger's, but his bright smile still exposed his expectation.


   I don't know what kind of people you will meet in that big stage, and what kind of adventures you will have.


   New adventures with companions are exactly what they are after.


   Silence seemed to stop for some time for the members to digest, and then continued without hesitation:


   "The stage of destiny is provided by the Chamber of Commerce. There are usually many types, specially-made places, lonely planets, or even areas in outer space. However, I have selected for you a planet with an active civilization."


   After the voice fell, the picture in the three-dimensional projection suddenly changed.


   Silence is still silence.


   However, his surroundings turned into a blue sky and white clouds. Obviously, he was suspended in the sky.


  Many members still remember what he said.


  A planet that once had active civilization?


what about now?


   "This world, like many low-level worlds, has experienced human civilization for thousands of years, and finally entered a period of eruption of wisdom and power."


Accompanying the sound of silent interpretation, the picture is flowing as if it is accelerating. Land.


   There are even various things beyond their imagination.


  Airplanes, ships, satellites...


   "Seven billion human beings constitute this prosperous civilization." The figure spit out in silence.


   "Seven billion?" Xiao Nan couldn't help shrinking his eyes, with an incredible expression.


   This number, even if it is converted into stone, grass, or even rice, is a huge number.


   And Xiao Nan can hardly put this number and population together anyway.


   How huge is that!


  Large villages like Muye only have a population of about 100,000.


   Seventy thousand leaves?


   is on such a planet?


Looking at the towering tall buildings in the picture The dense crowd, Xiao Nan's understanding of the word "prosperity" ushered in a real impact, she suddenly understood, what a forbearance village, what a big country In contrast, their world is like a village in the countryside.


   It is no wonder that after reaching a certain strength, they are no longer allowed to use their property to open jars.


   If it is a world like this, what a terrible level of wealth will it be.


   is not just Xiaonan who was hit by modern society.


   is also a shock in the Pirate World.


  The navy generals were silent, the pirates opened their eyes, and the dragon as a revolutionary was longing, which seemed to be a free and rich world he wanted to build.


   "This civilization." The silent words continued, "Now it is approaching destruction."

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