Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 460: : Meeting of the two main characters

very energetic?

  Tangshou took a deep breath before he managed to continue to push the question.

   She is very clear.

  The more you care about the rope tree, the more you will be squeezed by the other party.

   Moreover, it is now very obvious that all of their members should be divided into different security zones, and the wooden leaves around her are only Naruto and Sasuke.

   is in trouble.

  Tangshou stood in front of Naruto and Sasuke, staring at Xiaonan in front of him cautiously, his mood gradually sinking.

   Although it is not possible to fight indiscriminately inside the security zone, it is not difficult to solve a few of them with this woman's ability after leaving the security zone, especially Naruto and Sasuke.

  Tsunade didn't believe that this woman would let go of the opportunity to reduce the remaining strength of Konoha.

   is really a pretty bad start...

  Xiao Nan looked at Tsunade's expression, and naturally understood what she was worried about, and it was also in the best interest to kill all three people in this world for the purpose of conquering all ninja villages.

  It's just that after realizing the threat of Dashe Wan, she hesitated a little.

   is when these four people are thinking about each other.

   A look at it.

   New figures appeared around.

  Xiaonan and Tsunate looked at him suddenly.

   "Different world~Different world~?(^?^*)"

   With a cheerful voice, a boy wearing a simple red waistcoat, wearing a straw hat, and a knife mark under his left eye looked around curiously, with an excited smile.

   Beside this boy is a burly and strong man with green hair, carrying three long swords around his waist.

   is Luffy and Sauron.

   "Luffy, don't be too careless." Sauron's hand was already on his knife, his eyes were all around, and there were several people on Naruto.

   Then, it stopped at Sasuke.

   This breath...

   can't be wrong, it is Jianhao!

   "A swordsman from a different world?" Sauron glanced over Sasuke's long sword with his eager gaze, "Double-edged sword, a sword?"

   "This guy... did you also choose a member of the Kendo series?" Sasuke couldn't trace his hand on the hilt.

   Even among individuals, there is a constant surge of Jianhao's breath.

   is on the go.

   rules have guaranteed their safety in the security zone, but if both parties are interested, it is not impossible to have a discussion without sabotage.

   But this atmosphere was soon destroyed.

  Luffy stretched out his palm and shook excitedly, saying hello: "Hello, my name is Luffy, I want to be the man of One Piece, hehe hehe."

   "One Piece? What's that?" Naruto suddenly had a feeling that he couldn't lose. He wiped his nose with his thumb and wrapped his hands around his chest. "My name is Naruto, and I'm going to become Naruto in the future!"

   "Huoying? What is that?" Luffy asked the same question.

   "It is a super powerful person who can get everyone's trust and worship." Naruto's pride.

   "It turns out that the One Piece is also super powerful, that is the most powerful and free person above the sea!" Luffy clenched his fists, his eyes sparkling, "I will definitely become One Piece."

   Naruto and Luffy stared at each other for a while, then suddenly clenched each other's hands.

   "You are a good person."

   "You are not like a bad person."

   Both of them were in tears, and they looked at each other, and they hated to see each other late.

  Because both people feel it, the other person has a dream similar to his own.

   wants to be a person he worships.

   This is the historical meeting of the two main characters.

   Suolong and Sasuke raised their heads to cover their foreheads at the same time, sighed rather silently, then stunned, looking at each other, all of a sudden feeling of sympathy.

   After all, there is a dumb companion.

   "Speaking of members of a different world, is the result just a devil?" Tsunade wrapped his hands around his chest, seeming to relax a little.

  After realizing that there are only herself to take care of these two imps, she is indeed worried about the appearance of horrible people again.

   Xiaonan glanced at her.

   was not as relaxed as she was because they all rushed over the first time.

at this time.

   Another figure appeared.

   Slender figure, hot curves, mature charming face, Nicole Robin, appeared alone.

   was also watching his surroundings alertly as soon as he appeared, with a faint glow of tattoos on his body.

   really separated from his father.

   Robin affirmed this fact with regret. For the time being, only White Bearded Pirate was on board and White Beard was the boarder. If she was in the same place, she would be much easier.

   And Xiao Nan and Tsunate both stared at each other.

   This woman is so tall.

   is nearly one meter nine in height.

  Just as Robin was about to say something, there were two figures beside him.

   That moment.

   The air seems to have dropped by a few degrees. One of the two newly emerged people exudes cold air, not the momentum, but the real cold air, and even the condensed water droplets in the air continue to spread.

  Robin shuddered, staring at the new man as if he couldn't believe it.

   "Green Pheasant...General?"

   That's right, this cold-breathed man is the navy's new general on board.

  ——Green Pheasant.

   "Navy general?" Sauron also exclaimed in the same, two long knives have been sheathed and put on a defensive posture.

   Although I have not seen it.

   However, the two men were indeed wearing navy uniforms, even wearing a cloak of justice.

   met the general of the navy as soon as he came up.

"Robin, the son of the devil." Daski, who was beside the green pheasant, carried his long sword, glanced at Robin, and then looked at Luffy and Sauron. "Luffy, the straw hat boy, and the former pirates Hunter Sauron... General Pheasant, do you want to arrest them?"

   Although the sword did not come out of the sheath.

   But on Da Siqi's body, he has begun to exhale a fierce sword gas.

  Since becoming a boarder, she has received rigorous naval training.

   Plus the kendo power in the jar.

   This female navy, who was only a humble little character in the original, has now completed the transformation of her own destiny.

   "Luffy, why did they catch you." Naruto looked at his new friend curiously.

   "Did you not hear them say?" Tsunao picked up Naruto's back collar and carried him directly to his side. "Navy generals naturally want to catch pirates."

   She watched the green pheasant alertly.

   This thin and tall man gave her a great sense of oppression.

   is very strong, very powerful.

   is not comparable to the two imps just now. .

  Xiaonan's complexion was also dignified.

   She can feel that this man who seems to be called a green pheasant is very strong. It is very likely that, like her, she can no longer use treasure to open cans.

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