Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 468: : Show me the children

From the origin of the cursed children, to the children's living environment, to the status quo of the children since the rule rewards that day.


  Tian Tongmu gave a detailed introduction.


  However, she did not add oil or vinegar, nor did she bring her own emotions.


   sympathy? mercy?


  Tin Tongmu, who is filled with revenge in his heart, actually does not have much of this emotion. At most, he adds a despair of this world.


   "It turns out so" Xiao Nan seems to understand a lot, "The novice zone is actually prepared for those children."


  Tian Tongmu didn't understand it all at once.


"We can only go to the elite area to fight." Xiao Nan looked at her and explained, "Since the novice area prohibits us from fighting, then it must be prepared for you. I still thought before that the conditions for becoming a member are for you. Isn’t it too easy, now I understand that what he values ​​is the potential of these children."


   was born in the last days, encountered exclusion, and lived an unfortunate life.


   Then we will long for happiness.


  Young represents the plasticity potential of the mind. After tasting the sweetness of ditching through your own efforts to change your life, those children's hearts will have a growth momentum.


   Xiaonan has a faint conjecture.


   This world stage is not just for them to fight.


   But now


   Xiaonan stood up, "Take me to see those children."


   Tian Tongmu also realized something faintly, and nodded.


Walking on the street, Tian Tongmu looked at the people around him or was curious or horrified. He seemed to think of something suddenly and said, "Sister Xiaonan, in our world, there are some objects called cameras on the streets. Be able to monitor our actions."


   said she also pointed to the corner not far away.


   These cameras are controlled by the Security Bureau, and with the power of the Tiantong family, it is a matter of one sentence to want to mobilize.


   Xiaonan turned his head.


   No wonder she has a feeling of being monitored, but nothing is found.


   "The principle is similar to a camera."


  Xiaonan thought for a while, and raised a rune paper on Tiantong Mugen and herself. The two people's figures disappeared directly on the elder sister, and they startled those who watched them.


"Magic charm, so we shouldn't be able to see us." Xiao Nan patted Tian Tongmu's shoulder lightly, encouraging, "You can think of this, very well, the battle has begun, my enemies may and Your enemies come together, but we will definitely win."


   Although the voice is very soft, but with an undoubted tone.


  Xiaonan has put away all the misunderstandings and entered the fighting state.


  It seems that even in the safe area, we can't relax.


   The battle started when they came to this world.


  Tian Tongmu couldn't even see Xiaonan in the invisible state, but he felt the temperature and strength of the palm on his shoulder, and the heart that had no more and less temperature seemed to warm up again.


   seems to have followed a nice "big sister".


  Tian Tongmu thought in his heart.


  It takes a lot of time from their residence to the old city on the outskirts. Xiaonan is not in a hurry, and observes the surroundings while walking.


   has to say that it is a prosperous civilization.


Even a defeated survivor city is still far more prosperous than their most prosperous village in the world. There are even dense shops on the streets with a variety of products, and there are many in the supermarket. I have never seen a product.


   No wonder those in power would be so arrogant.


  As long as the city is not broken, then you can live a life much like before.


   "The old city is in front." Tian Tongmu walked a street with Xiaonan.


  'S sight suddenly widened.


   left the high-rise building and replaced it with empty ruins.


   is full of collapsed buildings. Green and gray moss is everywhere in every corner. Green weeds grow out of every gap, and a desolate breath is coming.


   Xiaonan turned to look at the building behind him.


   looked at the ruins in front again.


   is just an iron bridge, but like two completely different worlds.


   "Because they are afraid that these children will become monsters?" Xiao Nan stepped forward and walked towards that side, asking casually.


"No, it's just because of disgust." Tian Tongmu said calmly. "These children are not many, and they add up to hundreds of them. As long as the aggressive daily monitoring is carried out, you can avoid sudden destruction by monsters. "


   she said, suddenly thought.


  If you change to see Lian Taro, there is probably no way to tell the fact that countless people want to hide as calmly as she does.


   Yes, I am afraid that the children will become monsters, and placing them here is just a lie.


   Reality is nothing but disgust.


   Those adults transferred their fear and aversion to gastrointestinal creatures to these children without reservation.


   "Human nature, that's it." Xiao Nan didn't have much expression.


   She has seen even worse human nature.


   Even herself.


   Isn't it the same? He started to suffer misfortune when he was only a child.


   That's why world peace is needed. A world that is not peaceful makes people hopeless.


   The two of them walked all the way to the ruins. Today's weather is very good. The sun shines on the ground and the grass. If the surrounding ruins are not like this, would be a very good place.


   Xiaonan saw a ball rolling on the road not far away.


   turned his head and looked in a certain direction.


   "Come out, I see you."


  After speaking, it was a long time before a girl in a dress, who looked as old as eight or nine years old, walked out slowly.


   expressionless, scarlet eyes.


   Then one after another.


   is all the same.


"The enterovirus will affect their instinct to a certain extent, and their IQ will grow faster than the average child." Tian Tongmu explained quietly beside him, "but it is not without personality, Yanzhu is very active , Similar to ordinary children."


   "Yanzhu?" Xiao Nan heard the name for the first time.


  Tian Tongmu seemed to want to explain more, but Yu Guang saw a girl and suddenly stopped.


  'S already big big eyes, widened again.


   Because she saw Yanzhu.


   This starter, who was supposed to be with Rin Taro, is now wearing the orange clothes he usually wears, hiding in the crowd and watching Tiantong Mugen more carefully.


   "Why are you here, Lian Taro?" Tian Tongmu stepped forward and walked over, squatting down, looking at Yan Zhu's eyes.

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