Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 470: : Use them against them

Ever since they called it "God of the Sun," Tong Juzhi has increased his monitoring of the old city.

He actually wanted to take those children away.

But before it was implemented, new rules came.

-God allows the soldiers to rebel against those who plunder and harm them, even in safe areas.

Tong Juzhi Cheng dare not act rashly again.

At least he understands that the "god" who has transformed the world has not left, but has been watching and even adding new rules to the rules.

And now.

The news from the old city monitors made Tong Juzhi's face very unsightly.

The warrior of the other world who had just left really intervened and acted so fast.

Did Tong Mu change something?

Tong Juzhi once again regretted that he didn't kill Tong Mugen together, this is the fourth time he regrets this matter tonight.

But now, it is too late to regret it.

Tong Juzhi Cheng sorted out the clothes on his body and brought a friendly smile back to the people who were still at the dinner.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to disturb everyone's meal, but I just got a message." Tong Juzhicheng's expression just showed a trace of worry. "The warrior named Nan just went to the old city and imprisoned a group of cursed children. ."

Without knowing the strength of these warriors of different worlds, only they can deal with them.

"Cursed child?" Qing Pheasant and others looked over.

"It refers to the children who were unfortunately infected with the enterovirus in the mother's womb after the virus outbreak ten years ago." Tong Juzhi explained, "They can no longer be regarded as humans, and the virus may break out at any time and become The gastrointestinal creatures attack others. For the sake of the safety of the survivors, they should be purified at birth, but these children were eventually placed in the old city for various reasons."

Tong Juzhicheng's words, there is no lie.

Very frank.

He already knew that lies would be seen as an insult to them, and would no longer be sheltered by safe areas.

But even without using lies, he can achieve his goal.

But from different angles, the same thing is defined differently.

"Infected... kid?" Duskey couldn't help covering her lips.

They already know the changes that have taken place in this world. The gastrointestinal organisms will infect all living things, which naturally includes human beings. Most of the dense gastrointestinal organisms outside are made by humans.

The object that can be infected becomes a child...

Once again, they realized the cruelty of the so-called end.

"Are you, Nan imprisoned those children?" Tsunade focused his attention.

"Yes." Tong Juzhi's face is even more worried. "Those children do not seem to be recognized as threats by the rules and can freely enter and exit the safe area, but they will break out at any time, and if the outbreak is in the city, it will cause inestimable Sacrifice and loss, and Tong Mu misunderstood me more, I am a little worried..."

The following words did not come out.

But everyone understood what he meant.

Reminiscent of the hatred and murderous intent that had not been seen in the girl's eyes just now, Tsunade frowned.

Because members are restricted from being able to shoot casually, so use those children to complete revenge?

Something like this.

People swallowed by hatred may not really do it.

"Your name is Gangshou." Green Pheasant suddenly said, he was sitting on the seat, tilting Erlang's legs, "Since you are from the same world, with your understanding of Nan, she made this kind of purpose , What could it be?"

The green pheasant originally did not want to care about the internal affairs of people in this world.

But since Roger wants to control, and competitors from the rest of the world also want to control, there is no way to ignore it.

not to mention.

After listening to Tong Juzhicheng's words, he cared a little about those unfortunate children.

After a few minutes of silence, Tsuneo shook his head.

"I am not sure."

"You should have known each other for a long time, you are an enemy, and you can't even make a guess?" Green Pheasant spit out a cold breath, obviously not convinced.

"The last time we met, it was still thirty years ago." Gangshou raised her eyebrows. "At that time, she was a child, tender and lovely. How do I know what she has experienced in these years, and hear her news again?" When it is, it is already a dangerous enemy-the enemy who wants to use force to conquer the entire world."

"Conquer the world..." Qing Pheasant repeated this sentence.

It sounds like a dangerous person.

She has just passed.

Whether it is right or wrong, it will help the vengeful girl to take revenge.

It seems that no matter what world, crazy people are indispensable.

"These cursed children, besides yours, will turn into gastrointestinal monsters. Are there any other characteristics?" Robin asked suddenly, staring at Tong Juzhi Cheng, "especially... in special Of this ability."

"Sakura" Tong Juzhi Cheng didn't hesitate to answer, "They have a very powerful force, and a strong fighting instinct, and can even fight the original intestinal creatures on their own."

There is no special change in his expression, still with a helpless and friendly smile.

It's easy to trust.

But Robin narrowed his eyes and stood up.

"Sir Roger, I want to investigate myself." She smiled at Roger. "I will share all the information I investigated with you as a reward for accepting your asylum."

Her own strength is not strong here.

Dad is not around.

Fortunately, there is Roger, the One Piece who is a "good person" in the mouth of his father.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me." Roger shook his hand very boldly and grinned, "I still owe a big favor to White Beard, and I will never allow anyone to hurt you."

His own sons are all on the white-bearded boat.

And his relationship with White Beard is actually good.

And the green pheasant on the side heard this eyes could not help but stare.

Everyone on the sea felt that White Beard and One Piece were opposite.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

If these two pirate groups are intimate, it is really terrible news for the Navy.

Just when Robin was about to leave.

Tong Juzhi Cheng suddenly called her, smiling with a smile:

"Sister Robin, if you want to know any news, I will tell all of them despite the proposal, and I will never deceive."

"Thank you, I will propose it if necessary." Robin returned a smile.

Then step away.

Start selling jars from Naruto

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