Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 522: : Confrontation outside the battlefield

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"I hope you can maintain this momentum for a while." Bee-eater Cao Qi seemed to sigh, "You seem to be looking for Misaka sisters this time, why?"


Misaka Misaki looked at the soft bee-eater's prayers and lost the interest of fighting.

Bee-eater praying at this moment is also worried about the result of the battle.

She thought about it and whispered, "If the sisters Misaka are willing to help me, they will definitely win."

"Huh?" Bee-eater prayed for his eyes to shine.

"The Misaka network." Misaka Mito simply said, "The frequency of the brain waves of the Misaka sisters is the same as mine. If I can use the power of the Misaka network, I may be temporarily promoted to LV6."

"It turns out so, it's no wonder..." Bee-eater prayed that there was a look of sudden enlightenment in his eyes, then turned around and waved his hand, "I'll try it, but don't hold too much hope, even if you find it It doesn’t have to come, and... even if you lose, don’t cry."

"You guys!"

Misaka squeezed his fists, and the electric current crackled, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

She always felt that there was a difference in bee-eater prayers.

The eyes and temperament seem to be more invisible.

But it was originally a guy with a bad personality, and it was normal to see through.

Misaka Misaka doesn't have any thoughts about thinking about bee-eaters anymore. She sits on the sofa again, allowing her muscles to relax completely and try to adjust her state.

"Jingle Bell--"

The phone rang suddenly.

"Mom?" Misaka answered the phone in a hurry, pretending to be all right, "Hey, Mom."

"Meiqin, I'm here to cheer for you!" A mature and cheerful voice came from the phone. "It's a pity not to come to the scene to cheer, but I stayed in front of the TV very early. , Oops, the scene really looks lively."

"It doesn't really matter if you don't have to watch it." Misaka Misaka was even more nervous.

"Huh, are you getting nervous now?" Misaka Meiling chuckled.


Misaka bit her lip lightly and did not reply.

How could she not feel nervous.

Even if the battle is over, it is still fighting under the watch of the whole world, even its own parents are watching.

"Sure enough." Misaka's relaxed tone slightly calmed down and became softer. "Meiqin was a very strong person since childhood, always thinking to be stronger than everyone, but ah, when the first is very Tired, so it doesn’t matter if you lose, it’s a fun game."

"I, I know, well, better than, the game is about to start and hang up." Misaka hangs up the phone all of a sudden.

Never hang up again, she was really worried about what would be seen.

No, it is better to say what has been seen.

Happily playing a could this be possible.

Misaka Miqin showed a sad expression.

She just really wanted to cry in front of her mother, the darkness of the academy city, the lives of more than 10,000 sisters, but she could not involve the family of ordinary people, so she could only bear it.

"Classmate Misaka, the game will start five minutes later." There was a voice outside the door.

"Got it," Misaka replied.

As a result, there is no good adjustment.

I already knew that I should go to the tin store yesterday. If you can touch Feiju, you must be full of vigor today...

Misaka Megumi regretted this and walked out of the lounge.

The address of the battle was to choose an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of the city. There are many such places in the outskirts of the academy city, but now it has been renovated, and in a short time, a circle of fenced high platforms was made with simple steel. The entire "battlefield" environment can be clearly seen from above.

In addition, there are a large number of aerial cameras and a few large screens.

It really looks like a lively competitive game.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of the school staff of the Academy, Shenhuo Huozhi came to his grandstand.

Many people have stood on it.

Looking around a little, she realized with some consternation that all the magicians here.

For example, a young girl in a tight-fitting tight-fitting dress wrapped in a delicate figure, wearing an extremely thick collar around her neck, as well as anklets, iron pliers, hammers and other weapons.

This unique dress, which will definitely be called pervert, can already show the identity of the girl.

——Shasha Chloe Jiefu from the Russian Special Forces for the Fighting of Magical Combat "Destruction of the White Book".

Although not as good as a sage, it is also a magician with powerful destructive power to change the terrain.

It seems to be aware of the sight of the fierce fireweave.

Shaxia raised her head, turning her delicate look like a young girl.

"The first question is whether the British Puritanism formally formed an alliance with the academy city."

"What?" Shenchao Huozhi didn't react at once.

"The second question is whether British Puritanism had information that the rest of the magical forces did not." Shaxia asked again.

These two problems gathered the eyes of the rest of the magicians around.

Although they are elite magicians from various churches and even magic associations, the most attractive thing here is undoubtedly the less than twenty saints in the world.

"Sorry, I can't answer." Divine Fireweaver had reacted, but shook his head.

"Is it impossible to answer, or does not want to answer." A thick man's voice passed.

Accompanying this sentence were the sounds of some magicians around inhaling.

"Is it really him?"

"Water behind!"

"Why do the special saints in the right seat of God also come over with fairness? They should be the sect with the most tense relationship with the academy city."

"I could see two saints at the same time."

That’s right, there is a new tall man who is a famous big man on the magic Water behind him. It must also surpass the extremely terrifying power of the fissure.

The water behind did not control the other magicians.

Instead, he walked straight towards the fissured fire.

The burly and sturdy figure embodies an unspeakable calm atmosphere, and the three-dimensional stone-like facial features give him an unshakable sense of stubbornness.

Shenhuohuozhi stood upright like a sword, and she felt a rare pressure.

The other party is stronger than her!

This is a clear understanding. If the saint's identity is the source of the age-old powerful power of the raging fireweaver, then when facing the back of the saint, she loses this advantage. After offsetting each other, the disadvantages in the remaining areas have been enlarged a lot.

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