Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 541: : Because it is over

Anyone can see that the situation at this time is extremely bad.

If you change to an ordinary person, you can't move anymore.


The water behind the knife step by step is just the rupture of the shirt. There are a few insignificant contrasts on the body, and even the footsteps and breathing are not too unstable.

Shenhuohuo Zhi is holding his teeth tightly, and his eyes are unwilling.

The same saints, the gap is so great.

"It can still stand." The water in the back looked at the fissure fireweaver, and there seemed to be some exclamation. "Aside from the strength and identity, your will is also respectable, but that's it."

He didn't seem to be preparing to give God Rift Fireweaver another time to rest.

The sword in his hand raised.

No complicated procedures are used, nor is it necessary, this knife is just weight, pure and absolute weight.

The blow from top to bottom, but the carrier is as terrible as a meteorite hitting the earth.

Shenhuozhizhi knew that if she was hit by this blow, she would definitely die.

But she has no power to evade.

Is it over here?

Although Shenhuohuo wanted to face it calmly, at this moment, she couldn't deceive her anger and annoyance.

I am angry that I have such a power, but I want to easily deprive others of the water behind. I am annoyed that my own strength is not as strong as I always thought. It is because of her weakness that cannot save others. Will cause such a tragic past.


Shenhuohuo raised his head and made a final prayer for the blade that he swung down.

I am willing to dedicate all my things to you. I just hope you can acknowledge my wish and continue to give hope to those who need to be saved.

"Your wish, I have always recognized it."

The sound that appeared in the ear made the fiery fiery woven eye pupil shrink suddenly.

The blade disappeared.

No, it wasn't the blade that disappeared. The roar of huge power chopping through the earth still sounded. In the shaking of the mountain, Shenhuohuo realized that he had moved some tens of meters for some reason.

Is it a miracle?

Not really.

Shenhuohuozhi looked at the petite young girl with twin ponytails around her, because her injury was so severe that she couldn't find the girl who came to her in a flash and took her away.

"Kuroko!" Misaka shouted his friend's name in surprise.

She was almost scared just now.

I thought that the girl who was trying to help herself would die in front of her.

"It's really a haircut." Kuroko also touched a cold sweat that didn't exist on her forehead. She came to Misaka's side with a sharp figure, hugged her, and touched her hands up and down. , "Sister Sister--! You are not injured, scare the sunspots!"

"Move in an instant?" The water behind also has a certain understanding of the ability of the academy city.

"Black, Kuroko! You pay attention to the atmosphere!" Misaka Miqin pushed the Kuroko's face slightly red, and then got nervous again. "No, why are you here."

"Of course we are here to help my elder sister." Kuroko's face was satisfied.

"We?" Misaka Misaki was surprised.

"Yes, it's us!"

A figure fell from a height and smashed heavily on the ground, but it was a brave young man with a white bandage on his forehead and sports clothes.

——Scraping military tyrants.

And behind him.

One figure after another appeared, wearing various school uniforms, and each one looked at the water behind with vigilance. Even the magicians who did not dare to show up were within this encircling circle composed of capable persons.

"You, you..." Misaka Misaki was completely stunned.

"We have all seen the fight of the elder sister." Kuroko waved his personal terminal. "When I evacuated the people near the hospital from the academy city, I felt something was wrong, and then someone invaded the nearby camera. All the students are synchronized with this battle process. Since it is a battle between the magic side and the scientific survey, how can you let the elder sister take it alone."

All who appear here at this moment are all powerful players above LV4.

Only forty-seven LV4 in Tokiwa Middle School arrived here.

Coupled with the spontaneous arrival of other schools.

There are more than one hundred powerful people, and there are many LV3 powerful people gathered farther away.


Misaka Miqin looked at everyone, but didn't know what to say.

"Hehehe." There was a light laughter next to him, and the bee-eater prayed with a sweet smile. "It seems that my arrangement still works."

"It's you?" Misaka looked at her in surprise.

"Of course." Bee-eater prayed with his hands around his chest. "By borrowing a little bit from your friend's hacking technique, I have given her some kind of psychological hint, and just let some passers-by under my control go to activate Now, think about it carefully. This is a school city. Why should we be besieged by them? It should be the other way round."

Basically, it started when the magician used her classmates to threaten her.

Bee Eater is ready for this.

But she didn't expect that there would be so many people. She originally wanted to call her "faction members".

The form is reversed.

The bee-eater looked at the water behind with confidence.

"It's just a group of children who don't know how to fight." The water behind didn't feel much threat.

"Hehehe." Bee-eater Caught laughed again. "They really don't know how to fight or cooperate, but-I know!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the mental power swept out. In the eyes of the two hundred nearest LV4 great powers, all the same starlight appeared in the eyes of the bee-eater.

Fear and hesitation have disappeared.

It was replaced with a silent expression and a straight body.

Only this moment.

The water in the rear felt a huge because everyone's momentum has condensed into a huge force, and all of them have gathered on the body of the bee-eater.

"It's a terrible power." He stared closely at the bee-eater. "Psychologically, you may be more powerful than the super-electromagnetic cannon."

"You didn't find out until now?" Bee-eater prayed with a smile on her face.

"But--" The water behind raised his sword sharply. "Are you really willing to trade their lives for victory? In the next battle, how many of them can survive?"

After reporting the magic name, he couldn't flinch.

Whether it is a saint or a superpower.

Anyone standing in front of him must take back the girl who stirred the whole world.

"No one will die." Misaka held the palm of Shiraoi Kuroko and looked coldly at the water behind, "because it is over."


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