Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 546: : Provide a place to make money

In the same sense, silence has been said many times.

In short, don't let these members rely on him too much.

As an official, it is the same as GM. If you intervene too much in silence, it is easy to destroy the overall balance.

on the other hand.

You have to work hard to have enough motivation.

The water behind is also clear about this, but even if it does not really help all, such a guide is extremely valuable.

"For the price...I don't have much."

The water at the back was thinking about the information in his head, and his face was awkward.

Although he is a mercenary, in fact, he is often obliged to help.

Poor than Misaka Misaka.

And now there is no more power. Isn't this a very bad situation?

"If you can't pay the price, I can provide you with a place where you can earn the replacement price by working hard." Silence is not surprised by their financial situation.

"Earn to replace the price?" Not only the water behind, including Misaka Miki, and even the Divine Fireweaver looked over.

These people are poor ghosts.

"There is a certain danger and need to fight." Silent raised his hand and waved, a mirror appeared in the air.

Above is a picture of various monsters.

There are also many people who use various means to fight various monsters.

That's right, it's the dark bullet world.

"As you can see, this doomsday world full of various monsters has been transformed by me into a trial site for you junior members to try. As long as you fight, you can directly earn points." Silence said Author, enter relevant information directly into their minds.

"Isn't this the copy of the monster?" Misaka Misaki whispered.

The other two magicians on the magic side may not be able to react quickly, but Misaka Misaka is a frequent visitor to the video game city.

All kinds of games are proficient.

The nature of this world can be seen at a glance.

However, they were even more amazed by the fierce fireweave and the water behind them. This is an unimaginable practice.

Control and transform an entire world, and then bring people from different worlds together.

What kind of power is this?

Even the Lord who was born by gathering the beliefs of all people is afraid that he cannot do so. It is not that he cannot do everything, but he is only limited by the world itself.

Is this the pattern of the infinite multiverse?

"I just paid the price to go once, I am still enough." The rear of the water made a decision.

Although he is now just an ordinary person, fighting at that point may be extremely dangerous.

But he is not afraid of death.

The water behind can not only sacrifice others in order to prevent a big tragedy, but also sacrifice himself without hesitation.

"Fragmentation, your so-called saint's power, if you go to a different world, it will no longer work." The silence said suddenly.


God froze for a moment, but it seemed to understand something.

"Because this is not your own power, but the power of the rules of this world blessing you." Silence explained, "Partly depends on faith, or is as invalid as idol worship magic, on the contrary, self-worship super Instead, my power belongs to my own power. The water behind, I deprive you of the power of the saint and the mother, as a punishment, but the magic power can be returned to you."

The words fell, and the water behind felt the magic that was emerging in his body.

He still inevitably marveled at this firework-free method.

Then nodded solemnly.

"Being able to give the hope and opportunity below is already extremely grateful, and there is nothing else to ask for."

Knowing the existence and identity of silence, he was able to understand the mood of the fierce fireweaver.

If it is said that there is an irresistible existence anyway, it is unfortunate.

Well, this being with good intentions is the great luck of misfortune.

He is not a misunderstanding.

Even if you don’t dedicate everything with the feeling of worship like the **** of fire and weaving, but also understand that you must be grateful.

And he also clearly understands what kind of change the world will face because of this gift. No one can stop it, but he will do everything to change more tragedies and more tears.

So-he needs strength.

"You have to be a member first." Silently looked at the water behind and smiled, "Although your money is not much, but just enough to become a member, pay for the cost of going to the copy again, and then look at yourself. "

"I understand." The water in the back took a deep breath. Without much hesitation, he chose the tactical series.

The sage has a powerful physique far beyond everyone, he has a powerful magic far beyond the average magician.

Originally he was a battle suitable for a series of tactics.

"Shopkeeper, let me go directly to the world stage to fight."

Misaka Misaki raised the spear in his hand, seeming to be a little helpless about the battle he was going to face, but also quickly got excited, her mother, her classmates were still waiting for her.

"I'll go too," Shenhuo Huozhi continued.

When you get there, you can no longer rely on the mighty power of the saint.

She will become the same as her past companions, no longer enjoying the inherent strength, but relying on her continuous efforts.

Just think so.

There is also a strange energy surging.

This is her longing experience.

"I have opened your authority, just apply yourself." Silence paused, said softly, "Wish you Wulong Changlong."

"Thank you, thank you."

Misaka looked at the shopkeeper's gentle smile, and this thankfulness was sincere.

But Ao Jiao's gun sister is always shy about such words.

Seemingly evading the general, with a red face, he applied directly to the world stage. With a feeling of being squeezed, the flower in front of him had come to a central area like a square.

"Your Excellency, but for the first time?"

Immediately there are soldiers guarding here, carefully watching this is not in the list of soldiers, it seems to be the first soldier to come.

"Well, yes, this is my first Misaka Misaka didn't realize it until this time.

She came to a different world!

Just like this, a new world has arrived!

After really understanding the meaning of this matter, her small heart that was already adventurous could not help but thump.

Looking red.

His eyes were full of suppressed excitement.

The person in front is the NPC of the new world?

I didn’t know that I was being carefully described as a NPC soldier by following the process.

They will prepare food, accommodation, and meet all the needs of life...

It has gone through such a long world. In this world, both indigenous people and players have begun to explore their own coping modes.

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