Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 567: : Misaka Misaka

That is, this event happened within an hour and a half.

Misaka's figure appeared in the silent tin store.

"What a coincidence you came back."

Silence looked at her strangely.

Although it is expected that Misaka Misaka will return at about this time, the timing is right.

"Huh? Did anything happen?"

At this time, Misaka did not wear a school uniform, but a set of lilac tights, which made the already barren body more barren, but it looked like a heroic feeling.

Like a handsome maid.

"Something happened." Nodded silently and smiled. "Someone should contact you soon. It looks like your injury is all right?"

"Thanks to other people's help, although that big sister can't be liked in every sense..." Misaka Miqin looked away unnaturally.

Tsunade's character is easy to say.

But every time I like to walk around in front of her with her chest straight, and always take her to the bathhouse together, every time it will bring a great blow to her spirit.

Silence knows what is happening, the smile is a little playful, but still kindly comforted:

"I can reveal some to you in advance, and this will start to develop when you go to high school. Even if it is impossible to reach the level of Tsunabe, I don't have to worry about it anymore."

This is true, because the figure of Misaka Fanwai who is set as a high school student is very good.

It's all the same genes.

"Who, who's bosomful!" Misaka Misaka, who was tender-faced, raised her voice all at once, and her face was already flushed. "Damn, you unscrupulous shopkeeper, it's too much to watch the girl's heart."

"As long as you want to know, you can know, I can't help it." Silent hands spread out, deliberately made a helpless look, "I will not necessarily be accurate in the future that will change, but it will not change like this kind of thing. , Besides, don’t you care too much?"

"Ah, you still say!"

Misaka Miqin was so shy that she almost cried out, and the electric current in her body was crackling.

"Okay, okay, don't say it, go back."

The silent smile was really unstoppable. Before the thunderbolt of Misaka Mitsuki burst, he raised her hand and directly transferred her out of the shop.

Just just got out.

Her quack phone rang immediately.

Take it out and answer.


"Great! Finally got through! Doctor, doctor!?"

There was a woman's rejoicing voice over the phone, which soon became the voice of Doctor Tai.

Mika Misaka listened to Dr. Tai's explanation and looked more and more dignified.

"I'll be here right away!" she said, and hung up her fist after hanging up the phone. "Damn it!"

A circle of electric current surged on her arm, indicating her anger at this time.

Those in the academy city can't believe it.

Obviously, as long as she wins, she will end the Absolute Ability Program. Is it what ends the plan and starts the word game of the plan?

Misaka Miqin has seen through.

These big men are the same as those high-level humans in the copy world. Everything is just looking at interests, and everything outside the interests does not care at all.

Without giving a deep pain point, these people cannot compromise.

Misaka Mikaru made up his mind and jumped to the tall building, jumping straight towards the hospital

She didn't hide her figure.

Even many students on the street can raise their heads to see the figure shining with lightning.

The students who saw the game all recognized it.

That is the most powerful person in the academy city! Super Electromagnetic Cannon Misaka Mito!

"It really grew a lot."

Her heroic figure, who was silently watching in the shop, suddenly felt like an old father.

He always felt.

As long as Misaka is given a chance, she does not need to rely on the rest of her people, and will grow into a more dazzling woman.

At least now all have the courage to run under the watch of people wearing these tights.


"Ah, I just forgot to change the combat uniform and came here, what am I thinking." Misaka Misaki blushed and walked in the hospital with her head down quickly, only to think that the eyes of people next to him looked like a stove same.

It was only after seeing Doctor Quata that he was relieved.

"Doctor, I didn't make it clear on the phone. What's going on?" Misaka Misaka said.

"I don't know the specifics..." Doctor Taitai shook her head.

"Let me explain."

A woman's voice came from the ward, and the bee-eater came to stand there.

Although it is said that Misaka Mizuki can't be contacted, it's not much time to contact bee-eater.

Misaka Misaka also went in.

At a glance, I saw a party wrapped in bandages passing through.

"What the **** is..." Misaka Misaki opened his eyes wide.

But at the first moment when a party saw her, she shivered and struggled.

"To save the last work, she was taken away by a lot of people called Kihara Shu." The hoarse voice with obvious pleading.

Misaka Mitsuki could hardly recognize it.

Even if the injury is so weak, this decadent tone of pleading is not like a party.

"Huh, it's ridiculous, you killing so many sisters, are you begging us to save people?" The bee-eater who always smiled sweetly prayed without seeing a smile at this time, and looked at the party coldly, "I should put Take the last piece away from you, look at you like this, even a sister can't protect!"

"Protect? What are you talking about." Misaka Misaki couldn't understand.

Let one party pass to protect the final work? Did she go back to the wrong world and jump to a parallel world on which timeline?

"It’s up to you how to deal with it It’s okay to take that little ghost away, or let me leave the school city, but if I don’t hurry to save her now, I might be too late, Kihara Suduo won't do meaningless things!" One side passed with a hoarse voice, and the red one-eyed stared at Misaka Miki, "You must be able to save her, you don't treat them as your sister Protect?"

"Of course I will save, but let me know what's going on first!?" Misaka Miqin was also anxious.

Sounds terrible.

Why is this the case when I come back?

"Simply put, the sisters of Misaka are stared at by the top of the college."

The bee-eater breathed out slowly, pursing his lips, palms around his chest shaking unsteadily, and continued:

"I started investigating as soon as it happened, and the information I have received is that thousands of Misaka sisters have been sent to Southern Europe in full armament, ready to be used as a military force to retaliate against the magic side, and as the Misaka network. The final work of the signal should now be taken along the way."

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