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Chapter 607: : The insult to the king

The appearance of Gilgamesh's appearance makes people feel extremely extraordinary at first glance.

The red pupils burned, looking down at the people below with contempt.

"I should be someone, but the undead underground is even more filthy stuff than the cheapest handyman." He looked at Oshemaru extremely unhappily, the face that was more beautiful than a woman seemed to see something filthy. Dirty expression.

Dashemaru did not hide his identity as a lich.

For Gilgamesh, who possesses clairvoyance skills, he can see through his undead nature at a glance.

This extremely arrogant attitude did not irritate O Shemaru, because he was also observing the visitor.

"If the undead is defined as a person who has died, then you can be regarded as an undead." The snake pupil coin of Oshemaru appeared with a red light, and the complex circle was constantly rotating. "The same energy body as the undead, the core Is it completely different? No, having such a core means that your memory, your character, your perception, everything about you is nothing but something that can be influenced and manipulated—you are even more unbearable than the dead. It's just a puppet at all!"

The last sentence was said in a positive tone.

In fact, Oshe Maru's current ability is not enough to see through the essence of the heroic spirit.

However, after coming to this world, silence transmitted to them the knowledge of heroic spirits.

In the past, the soul of the king was shown in a certain state.

It is not a big problem to say that they are puppets, but they are restraining power, or they are puppets of "gods".

Da She Wan said this deliberately.

As far as the purpose is concerned, he obviously succeeded. When did this heroic spirit who looked extremely proud at first encounter this level of insult, and his scarlet eyes burned with unprecedented anger.

How dare to say that he is not as good as a dead soul, dare to say that he is a puppet?

He is the only king in heaven and on earth!

"Very well, you have completely irritated me, miscellaneous repair, I will tear your soul to pieces, and throw it into the fire of **** to burn for a hundred years!" The fierce killing intent vented unreservedly.

A golden vortex slowly appeared on the left and right sides of Gilgamesh, seeming to connect unknown places.

The next moment.

The weapon gleamed with dazzling light and slowly stretched out from the whirlpool.

If there are heroic spirits present, you may already be surprised at this moment, because every weapon is a treasure. Under normal circumstances, a servant can only own one treasure. This represents this one. The legend and glory before the servant.


Neither Oshemaru nor Karp didn't know the meaning of the treasure and couldn't recognize it.

They just saw that each of these weapons was of great value, perhaps not bad in power.

"There are still innocent children here." Oshemaru raised her head, facing this murderous intent that seemed to destroy the world and the earth, and said with the usual cold smile, "You are not even a member, and the stage cannot be opened. What, can the heroic spirits involve innocent people wantonly?"

"Innocent person? Do you think I can't smell the stench of bugs?" Gilgamesh's eyes didn't have the slightest kindness, and some were just tyrannical anger filled with anger. "It is her honor to be able to let this king pronounce the sentence in person. , Of course you are the same, kneel down and thank this king for his gift."

With the cruel and grim declaration, more than a dozen weapons of different shapes were blasted out at once.

Knives, swords, guns...

All kinds of weapons are shining with golden magical brilliance. Even if they are just thrown recklessly and casually like children fighting, the power of each blow is enough to blow the hard ground into a big hole, even if it is elite magic The division can only avoid its edge.

However, the expected roar and dust flying together did not appear.

All the weapons have been bombarded on a huge green shield. Most of them have been immersed, but they have been completely blocked, and they can no longer get in.

The shot was Karp.

His body was wrapped in a green tights emitting a faint light, and Kozakura was tightly protected behind him.

"What a tyrannical king." Karp was obviously very dissatisfied. He wrapped his hands around his chest, and behind him turned into a pale green cloak of justice that was constantly flying, and the whole person flew up a little bit, "Osnake pill, protect me. Sakura, by the way, this was your purpose, huh, use the old man as a gunman."

No matter how sluggish it was, he reacted at this time.

As long as Sakura is here and becomes the enemy's target, he can't ignore it.

"If the enemy is a justice messenger who won't attack Sakura, then my little cleverness is useless." Oshamaru smiled hoarsely, without intending to deny it, he paused and continued, "I don't know. This unknown emperor is more tyrannical than the Tianlongren, but the good news is that his country is already history, and you can give him just sanctions as much as you want, regardless of anything."

"I would rather punish your annoying mouth first." Karp couldn't hear the ridicule and aggressiveness in Oshemaru's mouth.

If you can't take action against the Tianlongren, you can just teach the king who seems to be the same tyrannical?

Karp was indeed annoyed.

But even more annoying was Gilgamesh in front of him.

In the words of these two people, he was not put in his eyes at all, which made him furious. He suffered more insults in this day than in his lifetime, and his handsome face was a little distorted and substantive. The killing intent was as if it had dropped to zero.

"The insult to the king can only be cleansed with blood. The humble and ignorant miscellaneous repairs will let you see the treasure of this king!" Gilgamesh once again rose behind Gilgamesh's golden vortex, this time the number appeared, even It's more than doubled than before.

He is about to start acting real.

Tosaka Tokimi, who was observing by the faculty in the dark, was secretly surprised Originally thought that as long as the king shot, no matter what kind of enemy it was, he would be able to capture it, but the development of the situation exceeded his imagination.

Not good, not good.

He looked at the scarlet mark on his right hand, showing a tangled color. He didn't know whether he should let the king continue to vent his anger, or risk being disgusted by the king using Ling Shu to recall.

Until now.

He also did not think of the possibility that Gilgamesh was not an opponent, but worried that exposing his cards too early would be detrimental to the subsequent battle.

But at this moment of hesitation.

Gilgamesh shot in a rage.

The king’s treasure began to truly show its shocking power. The huge group of treasures drew golden traces in the air, and the destructive power that carried the destructive power was vented toward everyone in front of him. Each treasure exudes brightness. The brilliance and the immense magic power that can not be concealed even suppressed the brilliance of the street lamps and the brilliance of the stars.

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