Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 614: : Players who are about to gather

Warn your own weakness, this kind of thing is done by You Shan.

Their current strength is very strong.

Very strong.

Powerful enough to perhaps break away from the Hall of Valor, and even destroy the world.

But it's just a world, restraining power, but in charge of countless parallel worlds, countless timelines.

Not to mention, in front of the Chamber of Commerce, they are just a junior member.

So it can't be too arrogant.

"It's boring." The golden armor on Jin Shan gradually receded, and he changed into a comfortable and self-cultivating modern outfit, which opened the passage of the kingdom of God to the outside, "I'll find something interesting to do."

After speaking, regardless of Xian Shan and You Shan's reactions, he went straight out.

"The king." As soon as Tosaka wanted to lower his head, he saw another king and a younger king who came out following the king, and he almost stared out his eyes.

"What are you doing out? This is my home court." Jin Shan seemed very dissatisfied.

"What are you talking about, we are the same person." Hyun Sheen didn't seem to care, but the words changed. "Moreover, this Holy Grail war must be won. Do you want to taste defeat again?"

"Huh." Jin Shan turned his head arrogantly, but said nothing.

He is arrogant, but not stupid.

"In short, this is the situation now." You Shan still remembered his master, walked up to him, and explained with a smile, "We did get a powerful gift from the sacrifice, but in order to maximize the use of this For this gift, we chose to divide one into three, and each of us is Gilgamesh."

"That's it."

Tosaka Tokimi nodded.

He still didn't understand.

But at least he understands a little bit.

"I will serve the king as always, no matter from the mission and blood of the Tosaka family, or from the perspective of the Holy Grail War, there will be no change in this."

Tosaka Tokimi's respect for Gilgamesh is from the heart.

Even after Wang's defeat, that confidence in Wang was reduced, but respect was not compromised.

Because to respect a truly noble person is to respect himself.

"You are fine." King Ken seemed to be very satisfied with Tosaka Toshimi. "In this era, there are not many people who recognize nobility and respect the king's glory like you. This is a reward for you."

He stretched out his hand, took out a staff from the King’s Treasury, a staff tall with a red gem suspended at the top, and handed it to Tosaka Tokimi.

Tosaka Tokimi was stunned.

He was not surprised that Gilgamesh was able to take out such a staff with strong magical power, but he was surprised that the king would have given him this staff.

He knew very well how much Wang valued his collection. Even just peeping would be a mortal felony, and even touching it would be unforgivable.

"Hey, did you send out this king's treasure?" Jin Shan suddenly raised his voice, his expression unhappy.

This is the Gilgamesh that Tosaka Tokimi knew.

However, Xian Shan just waved his hand casually.

"This is also the king's treasure. Rewarding meritorious officials is not a defilement of the treasure. What's more, most of the gifts out of the jar must be given to the people to be used in order to show value, right." The last sentence The words are for You Shan.

"That's right." Youxian nodded.

Two to one, Jin Shan lost his temper.

These two people are both him. It is normal for him and himself to be arrogant, but there is no need for him and himself to be frustrated.

Tosaka Tokimi understood the relationship between these three kings.

This is a good thing for him.

Although the king is noble, but the king's arrogance is distressing to the master and his subordinates.

At this moment, he took over the king's reward with joy.

"By the way, you can also sacrifice to that existence in exchange for the jar." Xian Shan seemed to suddenly think of something and said to Tosaka Tokimi, "You are also qualified, but I won't reward you immediately. With the sacrificed treasure, you have to use your own property. If you want to get my reward, it depends on your merits and deeds. This king is not stingy."

Although you can directly use his own too much property to let Tosaka Tokimi open the can to the limit.

However, Hyun Sun would not do this.

Because this kind of reward may not be loyal, it would be easy for bad things, and lead to a disagreement between the powerful Tosaka Tokichen and the king. In this regard, he should be consistent with Jin Shan. Even if Yu Shan opposes it is useless. It is still two to one.

Tosaka Tokichen heard this and naturally had no opinion.

It's better to say that this is a matter of course for him.

At this moment.

The curtains that were drawn tightly revealed a ray of morning light.

Everyone present was silent for a while.

A new day in the Holy Grail War has begun.


A lot of things happened this night.

But the war will not give people a respite.

Xiaonan has dispersed her surveillance Fulu into the city as much as possible, but as she said, the city is too big, and every floor of every tall building may hide the master and Heroic Spirit, and there are nearly a million people here, which is already more than the population of Hokage and the entire Fire Country.

Not enough, and it's not all for nothing.

Xiaonan already knows to focus on places that serve as transportation hubs, such as crossroads, bus stations, train stations, airports, and so on.

As long as the enemy wants to hide himself and hide among ordinary people, these places must be used.

So she found a new hero.

——Altoria and Alice Phil who just got off the plane.

"A heroic spirit may be her master next to her. The other party didn't find my talisman, but it can only be confirmed by seeing it with your own eyes." Xiaonan said to Uchiha Itachi next to him.

"Let's go." Uchiha Itachi didn't hesitate too much. "If you can eliminate it, then you can eliminate it. If you can't find the next target, it's that simple."

Xiao Nan thought so too.

War is as simple as that.

The distance from here to the airport should not be too close for the ninja.

And somewhere was strolling around the street as if traveling. He was close to three meters tall. Roger, who frequently attracted attention, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Xiao Nan and the others.

He is either really eating and drinking.

I have already used my thoughts to strengthen my own vision, covering the entire city. Although it is said that the larger the area, the less accurate it is, but it is still possible to keep an eye on Xiao Nan, who I know.

"Is it finally lively?" A smile appeared on that heroic face.

Stepping forward, the figure like a little giant also began to walk in that direction. It clearly seemed to be walking, but it was unknowingly fast.

His move.

Some people are equally aware.

After all, a person close to three meters tall is too conspicuous in this world.


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