Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 657: : No longer need to run

If you don't want to come to the door without being restrained, silence can't directly shoot.

But it doesn't matter.

In the type moon world system, there is inherently the possibility of crossing between different parallel worlds. The silent plan is to expand this possibility to achieve the purpose of "traversing" important roles in the remaining parallel worlds.

"You have to test it first. The action can't be too intense at once." Silence thoughtfully.

He already has an excellent test target.

Because of the previous agreement, this world has become a silent home to some extent, as long as he does not violate the rules, he has the initiative here.

So, let's calculate it.

Silence uses part of the funds to temporarily increase his strength.

He was located in the crevice of the void, looking through the endless space and time, and found his goal-a girl lying unconscious in a hospital bed.

Two ceremonies.

Even in the entire Xingyue world, it is a very special existence. Her body is connected to the root cause. To some extent, she gets the qualification to enter and leave the root cause. Therefore, the restraining force has adopted various methods to prevent the magician from getting her. Arranged for her a lover who is not a magician.

But silence doesn’t care about the root cause

He took a fancy to her high play potential.

Worked out!

The power in Silence was subdued, returning to its original level, and the will could no longer see the interlacing lines, but it didn't matter, because he had already calculated the answer.

"When I save some more money, I will raise my strength to another level." Shen said to himself.

His current strength, within the scope of the planet, is an omnipotent god.

But when it comes to endless timelines, parallel world lines, it is slightly insufficient.

In this way, many interesting and grand worlds cannot be visited.

Silence put the issue of improving strength on the agenda, and then started his own plan-in fact, it gave a voice.

Xiao Nan who was supplementing his own Fu Lu suddenly straightened his back.

She heard a silent voice.

Although still a little confused, she did not ask any questions, just stood up and went out.

"Itachi Uchiha, come out with me."

" is good."

There was no change in Uchiha Itachi's expression.

Just follow it out.

Watching Xiao Nan walk without saying a word, until he reached a deserted place by the river, he stopped.

"What do you want to say?" Uchiha Itachi spoke first.

"My current strength is probably not your opponent." Xiaonan turned around, "Besides, you know enough about my hole cards, and I still don't know anything about your hole cards-you must have hidden from me. what."

Uchiha Itachi felt a sudden heart.

What was found?

He still looked calm on the surface, but said normally:

"Aren't you hiding it from me? Someone like us, who will expose all the cards in front of someone who is bound to become an enemy."

"No, you are different."

Xiao Nan's palm stretched out to his chest.

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice and said, "Are you serious?"

Naturally, what was taken out of that place would not be a talisman, but only a badge.

Xiao Nan wants to fight him?

"I'm not sure about defeating you, so even if we reach the last moment, it will only make you perfect for me." Xiaonan has already taken out the destiny badge and directly opened the stage of destiny, "So, let's divide one Win or lose, or, let me see your hole cards."

Uchiha Itachi's expression finally couldn't keep calm.


Xiao Nan, whom he knew, would not do such uncertain things.

Fighting with Xiao Nan at this moment, whether he wins or loses, is not a good thing for him.

However, the battle has already begun.

The silence that was on the sidelines was also somewhat unexpected.

He only asked Xiao Nan to bombard the stage of Destiny with the Splitting Talisman from this position at this time, but he didn't expect Xiao Nan to directly pull Uchiha Itachi to come out for singles.

This is a real life and death battle.

Was this plan originally?

Do not......

Silence easily read Xiao Nan's heart. She did not intend to break with Uchiha Itachi at this moment, but because of the silent voice, she made such a decision.

The fight broke out.

No mercy.

At this moment, in another parallel world, dark night, dark hospital.

The girl who had been lying on the hospital bed had already woken up. She stood on the grass with a knife in her hand, looking at the dead man who was roaring in front of her.

That's right, it was already a dead person, it was a mass of rotten meat. The two ceremonies originally thought that she was also dead, but looking at the real dead person, she suddenly felt like she was still alive.

"Let's run, your injury is serious." A woman's voice came from nearby.

It was a tall and tall woman with a cigarette in her mouth, combed her long brown hair with a ponytail, and looked very mature and capable.

Although he was a crown-level puppeteer, he seemed helpless in the face of such a dead object with the lack of materials at hand.

But the two ceremonies have no plans to run.

"It's just a mass of rotten meat, why did the living people run away in front of the dead?" Shiji held the short knife with his uninjured hand, trying to cut off the other arm that he had injured and became a burden.

But she hasn't waited for her to do it yet.

In the dark night sky, suddenly the same dark crack appeared.

Just like painting with black paint on black cloth, people can clearly feel the difference between pitch black and pitch black.

The crack expanded in the blink of an eye.

The dead monster on the other side failed to even scream, it was directly involved between the two cracks, and was roughly torn away.

The blood that turned dark in the night was equally dazzling.

will die.

This idea appeared in the minds of the two rituals.


The voice of Aosaki Orange pulled her back from the strange feeling of facing death.

The crown puppeteer no longer had the usual calmness, her eyes widened, and the whole person ran back without looking back.

She didn't know what the crack was.

But I can feel it intuitively, that is definitely not something I can touch.

However, the two rituals pulled her abruptly A similar crack appeared in front of her.

"Can you see the appearance of cracks?" Cangqi Orange asked without regard to the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Where cracks appear, dead lines will appear and disappear."

The eyes of the two rituals are as beautiful as sapphires reflecting light, but they bring people the fear of looking directly at death.

She immediately said: "Also, there is no need to run anymore."

"What do you mean?" Cangzaki Orange had a feeling of goose bumps, but she soon knew the meaning of this sentence.

Cracks appeared in all directions on them, spreading towards them.

No need to run anymore.

This was the last thought of Aozaki Orange before she fell into darkness.

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