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Chapter 714: : Not eligible to be an opponent

   Seeing now, the silence feels that it is almost the same, there is no need to continue watching.

   He held the Feiju in this way, and his figure came to the aircraft carrier of SHIELD.

   To be precise.

   is in front of Loki, the prison.

  Because he didn't hide his figure, just as soon as he appeared, a harsh warning sounded on the aircraft carrier.

   "Someone invaded, Chief!"

   "What happened? Fury."

   "Someone invaded? We are at an altitude of 9,000 feet!"

  Fry received the report immediately, and the superheroes also put aside the things at hand and rushed.

   At the same time, a certain monitoring screen appeared on the big screen.

  Fry just took a look, and his face changed drastically.

   "Stop! Stop all, don't go over there!" Ferry raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"You look very wrong." Tony wrapped his chest with one hand, watching the cold sweat on Fury's forehead, then turned his head to look at the silence on the surveillance screen, "Who is that? Why can he bring a cat with him? Get on the boat? I have to say, this cat is so cute, how much money do I need to get it..."

"Shut up! Tony!" Fury had to stop Tony from continuing to die with a low voice roar, "Absolutely! Absolutely! Never irritate him, if you don't want another flood on the whole earth, just shut your mouth! "


   Tony raised his eyebrows, showing a sarcastic expression.

   But before he could say anything, Saul suddenly pressed his arm with steel muscles from behind and covered his mouth.

"You better listen to him." Saul's voice lowered involuntarily, staring at the silence in the surveillance video, lowering his voice, "I have to tell you, before I come, my father, the gods King Odin warned me that this is a **** more powerful than him, so I can't offend him, understand?"

   I have to say that Thor has indeed changed a lot at this time.

   If it is in the past.

   No matter how Odin warns, he must be extremely arrogant.

   But now, he no longer wants to cause irreparable consequences for his stupidity.

   Tony raised his hands to indicate that he had surrendered.

   Thor let go of him now.

"I have to say." Tony rubbed his neck, and said before Sol planned to do it again. "If this man is really so powerful, don't we have to worry more about your brother's offending him? We all know. How annoying your brother is."

   All of a sudden, Sol's face changed drastically.

   turned around and ran, and then ran back.

   "Where is the prison?"

   "Let's go together." Fury took a deep breath.

He did not expect that he would see this **** in this situation. In fact, he was always a little afraid to see him because he felt that everything about himself would be exposed to this god, his past, his secrets, and himself. the goal of.

   But now Fury understands.

   God knows everything.

   If the other party really wants to know, maybe there is nothing to hide.

   A group of people hurriedly came to the place of the prison, and when they were about to approach, they were full of steps. Fury was already sweating, and the distance of just a few steps even felt longer than his entire life.

  The more you bear, the more vulnerable you are.

   And here.

  The conversation between Silence and Loki hasn't actually started yet.

   Rocky looked silent, he actually knew this person.

   From Hawkeye’s mouth.

   But he just knew, he didn't understand, he had never heard of it, so he didn't know how to deal with it. He just wanted to wait for the silence to speak before he could see more.

   But silence did not speak.

   Loki felt that he was seen through instead.

   Until Fury and others came over, he just took a look and understood.

   Fury has fear in his eyes.

   That is a fear far stronger than the fear and despair that I have brought.

   is more peculiar.

   My own elder brother who is too fearless, Thor, the **** of thunder, has unprecedented caution in his eyes.

   is interesting.

   The corners of Loki's mouth rose, and he felt that he had discovered something interesting.

   "You are very confident." He said silently.

   "You finally spoke." Rocky's smile widened a bit, "I thought you planned to look at me like this for the rest of my life."

   "Loki!" Sol couldn't help but reminded, "Pay attention to your attitude, don't cause trouble to God's Domain!"

"Oh?" Loki's eyes widened. "If you offend him, can you cause trouble for you and our king of the gods? Then I really want to try, or you have forgotten how you are. Treat me?"


   Thor clenched his fists and looked at his brother, his face full of heartache.

   But the silence doesn't seem to care.

   He was able to see through Loki's heart. In the words just now, he was putting aside the relationship between himself and God's Domain. The **** of lies seemed to have deceived his own heart.

"Confidence is the quality I like, but unfortunately, your confidence is just a cover for fear." Silence spoke again, his eyes seemed to be able to see through Loki's heart, "Seeing a world wider than you know. In the universe, when you saw someone more powerful than your father Odin, you were terrified, in front of Thanos."

   But when the name Thanos appeared, the smile on Loki's face finally froze.

   Thanos is Thanos.

This is a name that makes Loki terrified, because he saw real power in Thanos. It is a power that tricks can't do anything. UU reading is also the son of Odin. The meaning of, if the previous enemy was just the play of a family, Thanos is the enemy who can truly bring him despair and death.

   And now.

The name    was said by the person in front of him in such a calm and contemptuous tone.

   Why does he know that he is behind Thanos? Who is he?

   Or is it really a god? A true **** who is stronger than Thanos and Father God?

   "So, are you fearing me again?" Silence was still a plain expression, standing casually, but the pressure on Rocky was increasing.

   Under such tremendous pressure, Loki's thinking started to move rapidly.

   "No, I was just thinking...why did you know this name."

   He did not show his previous smile again, because he knew very well that if the overlord in front of him was really like Thanos, then they would be more concerned about the fear of others.

   Maybe, you can try to match the person in front of you with Thanos.

   Loki's mind flashed one after another conspiracy.

   "Very good." A smile suddenly appeared in the silence, "I thought you would not have the courage to calculate me, but you will be disappointed. The current Thanos is far from being qualified to be my opponent."

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