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Chapter 772: : The strength of senior members

Relying on his profession, Fury unexpectedly summoned an army with obviously unusual combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This is also the particularity of his profession.

The summoned "god created man" can be regarded as fighting power in the arena of destiny, just like those summoning the undead in Oshemaru.

And accompanied by Fury's actions.

Thanos' big shark stopped less than an inch in front of Loki, and the sharp pink teeth were almost pressed against Loki's face.

Thanos did not come to fight after all.

He changed back into a human form, and all the ninjutsu slowly dissipated. Then he looked around the surrounding army, as well as Ferry and Tony.

"If you add infinite gems, you three will go together, it will not be my enemy of one." Thanos said slowly as if telling the truth.

Both Tony and Fury's faces were a bit unsightly.


After Thanos obtained the pot and became a member, relying on past accumulation, he has surpassed their level, and coupled with a power gem in his hand, he really wants to fight, maybe it really is as the other party said.

Even though they also have a spiritual gem in their hands, they have not fully utilized the spiritual gem at all.

"Since it's a door-to-door search for cooperation, it must look a bit like looking for cooperation." Fury is worthy of being the king of secret agents. Even at this time, he is the first to stand up, "Since there are common enemies, That will always show us your sincerity."

"Sincere?" Thanos put on the Infinite Gloves again and walked over step by step. "It seems that you still don't understand the terrible part of Hela. My arrival is the best sincerity. Even so, with a little carelessness, we It will still be wiped out, with this universe."

Thanos's extremely serious expression means that he is not joking.

Fury and Tony looked at each other.

Obviously they were taken aback.

With the entire universe flying to ashes and annihilation? Is Hela so powerful? And don’t members not allow mass murder?

"Is there anything we don't know about this?" Tony seemed to realize something.

"Of course." Thanos raised his infinite gloves. "You may have heard that I have been killing in the universe. Every time I reach a planet, I will kill half of the lives, randomly and evenly, to ensure that each life All have the same hope of survival."

"Isn't it because of your cruelty?" Tony sneered.

But I also realized something was wrong in my heart.

In the past, they would not think about the reason for Thanos to do this, because not to mention half of the lives, even if it is a quarter, a tenth, or an infinite number, they must stop Thanos.

But at this time Thanos said so.

It seems really hard to understand.

If it is because of tyranny, why leave half of it, and especially emphasize randomness.

"I did this just to please a god, a unique god, that is-death." Thanos looked directly at Tony, seeming to express his sincerity.

"Hella?" Tony was indeed taken aback.

Hela, the goddess of death, has such great power?

"It's not Hela, Helakong has the name of death, but it's just borrowing the power of death." When Thanos mentioned Hela, there was no special expression in his eyes, but when he mentioned death, that share Be careful, anyone can see it.

Later, Thanos began to explain the essence of death.

The manifestation of the law, the ruler of death, the only one among countless parallel universes.

Even all the death gods, demons, and undead creatures, all of these existences related to the power of death, all come from death, which can be said to be the incarnation of her power, or her children, and her dependents.

The same goes for Hella.

At least the power that belongs to the power of death comes from death.

Tony understood.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

When he heard "Once death disappears, or the power is withdrawn, the entire universe will not die even a flower or a cell" and "Death rules death. One thought can destroy the entire universe, even aroused All infinite gems will not be opponents of death" during these two passages.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

Is this really life? In other words, is it really an opponent that can be defeated?

Life and death are the laws of the universe, it is impossible to kill or defeat it.

"This is too hard to believe." Fury stared at Thanos, "It sounds like the most absurd story. What evidence do you have to prove what you said?"

If it's like Thanos said.

That can't be defeated by any mortal at all.

"I really have no evidence to prove it." Thanos took a look at Fury, then raised his palm to display the badge inlaid on his palm. "But you can consult God. I think that the benevolent adult is I will not refuse this little answer."

This is indeed a way.

In this small universe, it is not so easy to prove the existence of death, or the idea itself is extremely dangerous.

Because death is everywhere.

Trying to get the attention of death is extremely dangerous for any life.

Tony and Fury looked at each other.

They naturally believed in silence. After all, they already knew about the existence of the Chamber of Commerce. However, after hearing Thanos’s explanation just now, they were still a little uneasy, and even unable to determine whether the silence from the Chamber of Commerce could counteract existence like death.

However, this kind of anxiety still has to be asked after all.

Silence quickly responded.

"Death, it naturally exists." A silent voice came from the badge, very flat, "The life of the rule manifestation is not a peculiar phenomenon in the macrocosm. You are shallow. I haven't touched the mystery of the real macrocosm, but at the level of your multi-dimensional universe collection, the **** of rule manifestation like death can already be considered a senior member."

The silent words are not long, but they reveal a lot of information.

Ferry and Tony didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to get nervous.

This is not scientific at all, and the existence of such a terrifying thing is unimaginable in the Chamber of Commerce.

From this point of view, it should be relieved.


That's a premium member!

"For ordinary members, becoming a senior member is the ultimate goal." Tony's voice was a bit bitter.

what is this?

Just passed the novice zone and met the ultimate boss?

According to the standards of the Chamber of Commerce.

Junior members, even intermediate members, cannot be hostile.

Then meet a senior member?

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