Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 793: : I have been waiting for a while

The latest website: "I came here for a girl." Magneto looked at Charles, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth. "You should have followed her. After all, that is a girl similar to you, but more aggressive than you. Sex, it seems, she doesn't plan to follow yours at all and see everything she does...I think I will like her."

Charles sat up straight.

Staring at Magneto.

He naturally knew what Magneto was talking about. Some things that happened in England may not be noticed by ordinary people, but they all have their own channels to know some things.

However, Charles could not understand.

He thought that Magneto would contact and try to change this girl.

But they came to find him.

"What do you know?" Charles asked.

"I only know something that I should know." Magneto stood up, "Anyway, if you don't find her, I will find her. I just want to obviously try her ability."

"Perhaps, we can go together." Charles said tentatively.

"No, I don't want to fight with you." Magneto walked out on his own, as if he had come just to tell Charles the news.

Charles sat alone in the cafe for a long time.


Looking at the old TV on the counter, the young and beautiful girl is facing the camera calmly and confidently.

It seems that we must go.

So, is this girl another violin?

There is a certain worry in Charles's eyes.

at the same time.

The noble bee eater **** the eldest lady, but at this time came outside a warehouse in a remote suburb.

All her entourages were all standing outside the warehouse, and only the bee-eater Fongqi walked in alone.

There was a nervous black man holding a shotgun inside.

"Who are you?" He swiped the shotgun in his hand and pointed it at the bee-eater. "This is private territory, get out of here!"

"Mutant?" Bee-eater Caoqi looked at him with interest, "The ability is to call the wind? The potential is good, but your strength is too weak."

The black man's face suddenly changed.

The palm of the shotgun was shaking.

"Okay, stop teasing my son." A man's voice came from the warehouse.

Then, a giant with a figure twice as high as the number of people walked out, full of muscles with a sense of strength, and the curved white beard, explaining his identity.

--White beard.

"Grandpa White Beard." Bee Eater shouted sweetly, "You have a new son again? Congratulations."

"Hahaha, little bee, you really should be my daughter." Baibeard looked at the bee-eater with a little doting gaze.

"I want to be a queen, how can I join other people's men." The bee-eater's smile was still sweet.

"You can be a queen even as my daughter." Baibeard looked sad, but he didn't persuade him.

In fact, every time he met, he would persuade him like this.

Bee-eater exercises are indeed pleasing to the elderly.

"So, what are you doing here?" Baibeard sat down cross-legged. Even so, it still looked like a hill in front of the bee-eater.

The black son next to him seemed to finally understand that this was not the enemy.

This was a sigh of relief.

He was rescued by Baibeard the day before yesterday. Although he had only known each other for two days, he felt the long-lost father's love in Baibeard.

That's why I was so nervous, not worrying about my safety, but worrying about being discovered.

To know.

Because of the shot two days ago, the people who are now looking for Baibeard are not only official, but also various mutant teams.

"Of course I asked Grandpa Whitebeard for help. I don't know what Grandpa's mission is? I hope there is no conflict." Bee-eater Chi said between his eyebrows, with a playful and cute look, but asked. But the words are not ambiguous at all.

In this "activity", everyone's task is different.

There may be conflicts, maybe not.

The task undoubtedly determines their respective positions.

Under normal circumstances, tasks must be concealed.

However, the bee-eater prays to understand the character of the white beard.

as expected.

Although he understands that the cunning little girl in front of him is playing her own words, Baibeard will not care about these little things in front of her family. Although the bee-eater did not let him be a father, but if you call him grandpa, you are already half of the family. Up.

"I want everyone to feel the warmth of society." Baibeard touched his beard, "Isn't this just for everyone to be my son?"

"...This shouldn't be it." The bee-eater sighed with a smile, but soon became excited, "It doesn't conflict with my task, it's even the same."

Her mission is to become a queen.

As long as she is the queen and warming up the society, isn't it just a sentence?

"Aren't there conflicts?" Whitebeard thought slightly.

"Come and help me, Grandpa Whitebeard." Bee-eater Caoqi directly sent out an invitation, "If you don't have a capable son by your side, you will have a headache. I can temporarily take care of it, and everything will be handled properly. , Grandpa White Beard just needs to protect me."

The bee-eater's eyes were about to glow.

She is very clear.

For Baibeard, just act like a baby as a junior, and don't have to do much else, so the old man whose father's love is about to overflow has no resistance to this hand.

As expected.

Baibeard just thought for less than a few seconds before Ullala laughed.

"Well, I will definitely protect you."

The alliance is reached.

And there is still no conflict of interest.

The bee-eater couldn't stop smiling on his face.

This lying is not in vain.

In fact, after she had heard that a huge mutant smashed a hill in order to protect a mutant, she knew it must be a white beard, although the battle did not occur in a downtown area so it was officially shielded and kept secret. Went up but she still couldn't stop her doing it herself.

In such a world, her ability is simply like a fish in water.

If it hadn't been for the concern that this world might not be as simple as it seems, she would have begun to frantically expand her power.

Well now.

Still take a firm hand first.

The bee-eater who thought about it this way, after returning home with a white beard, she saw a scene that made her look down.

Her housekeeper, her maid, all looked at her with horror, and Kelly was also standing behind an old man in a wheelchair.

The psychological control she exerted on these people was all undone.

"I have been waiting for you for a while."

Professor Charles looked at the bee-eater with a kind face.

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