Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 800: : Believe in the Holy Light with me

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Coulson blinked, but didn't react.

But when he saw the woman who came in later, he quickly reacted.


This is the code name they gave to this woman, but now it doesn't seem appropriate.

The temperament is inappropriate.

Even if he was wearing a long robe, he didn't look like a nun. Instead, he walked like a female warrior. She would shoot if she didn't agree. He had seen a similar temperament in an old friend of his many times.

"This person is the one you want to save?" Tsunade glanced at Coleson and raised his eyebrows. "He is still far from hanging up. Is this what you said?"

"The importance of Coleson is not only reflected in his life." Fury said in a deep voice, "He lay down here for a day, and perhaps hundreds of people will die due to various threats. The value of our elite agents It is incalculable."

Even Coleson is a little embarrassed about this.

Of course, as an agent, his expression management has always been very good.

"I do still have a lot of work in my hands, which is related to the safety of many people." Coleson looked at Tsunade, with a reluctant smile on his mouth, "So please, Miss."

"This kind of injury is just a trivial matter." Tsunade raised his hand, and a white light shone inside Colson's body.

Comfortable, warm, and a sense of sacredness.

Coleson even felt inner peace.

"Yes." Tsunade's eyes lit up, "You have great potential, come and believe in the Holy Light with me."

"Holy Light?" Coleson felt his injuries heal rapidly. He already understood Fury's purpose for bringing the nun over, so he followed Tsunade's words and said, "Is this the name of a certain god? "

The treatment has ended.

Coleson felt as if he had not suffered any injuries.

He even felt that some of his hidden injuries had been cured.

This body has never been easier.

Even if he knew that he couldn't believe in any god, he couldn't help but become curious about the holy light in the nun's mouth.

"No, Holy Light is not a religion, let alone a god." Tsunade shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Coleson was obviously taken aback.

Even Ferry next to him didn't expect it.

"Of course not. The holy light doesn't even represent justice or evil. It can heal or fight. It is a power and a belief." Tsunade's words began to become a little profound.

This is the flicker she learned from silence.

What's more, what she said was not wrong.

Although the elite agents were in front of them, they were involuntarily attracted by her words, and the main power was shown in front of them.

"Since it is a kind of power, can it be understood as similar to a wizard's spell?" Fury suddenly said.

This Fury is completely different from another Fury who knows nothing about the real world. He knows a lot of the real world, including the wizard.

"It's not spells similar to holy light, but mana, or magic power." Tsunade's explanation this time is simple and easy to understand. She paused, and then said, "No one knows how the holy light is produced. It is born from people’s spirits and is a universally true belief. The essence is to guide people to connect with the world. In other words, as long as you firmly believe in yourself and hope, you are already a believer in the Holy Light."

This is also the reason why the Holy Light exists in many worlds.

Its essence.

It is the power of faith.

Fury seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand, but he figured out one thing.

"Can everyone gain this power?"

"There is a chance to get it." Tsunade corrected. "The aptitude to be blessed by the holy light is not innate, but an acquired belief. For example, I used to capture the light of hope when I was most desperate. I got the blessing of the Holy Light, but I still have to maintain my hope so that I can become stronger through the Holy Light."

This explanation has been very detailed.

Almost knows everything.

After all, Tsunade's mission is to spread hope and light in this world.

"Hope grasped in despair?" Ferry couldn't understand it at this time, but it didn't prevent him from making the next step. "You said my subordinate is qualified?"

"Of course, he has something to stick to in his heart, and he has never wavered." Tsunade wrapped his arms around his chest and looked at Coleson, "Maybe he can become a Paladin like me."

So Tsunade didn't know the purpose of this man Fry.

But she doesn't care.

The Holy Light is not so easy to obtain, but once it is obtained, there will be almost no "evil" people.

She hopes that more and more people will have the Holy Light.

"In this case, Coleson, you can follow Miss Tsunade's practice to see if you can master the power of the Holy Light." Ferry gave Coleson an order.

"Yes, sir." Coleson said.

He understands that this is his next task, even if he fails to practice successfully, he must understand the meaning of "Holy Light".

Tsunade is also quite satisfied.

What she said just now was not wrong.

This person does have a lot of potential.

Witnessed darkness, knew justice, did not intend to ignore or despair, but had been doing what he thought was right in his own way, even if these things were trivial to the whole world.

Coulson has only one seed of light left from the priesthood.

And this seed.

When Tsunade first treated him, he actually gave it to him.

"I have nothing to teach you." Tsunade said to him like this, "You have now understood the existence of the holy light and have experienced the holy light. All you have to do is to pursue the holy light. This requires your constant thinking. Constantly experiencing, strengthening one's faith in one journey after another, even if it is to pursue the Holy Light for strength..."

Tsunade continued to explain the essentials of obtaining holy light.

Among the jars she opened, there was no lack of paladin heritage from different worlds.

And most of them are idealistic.

To embark on a long journey in pursuit of the Holy Light is a journey that young Paladins must go through in most worlds.

Of course.

Tsunade's speech was completely recorded by SHIELD.

Fury also listened here for a while.

But instead of listening all the time, he returned to his office, followed by Natasha.

"Let's talk about it, what you think of her." Fury asked.

It was not Fury's idea to ask Tsunade to treat Coulson.

It was Natasha.

She was dispatched to contact Tsunade, and after hearing that Coleson was injured, she made such a suggestion.

"Female man." Natasha summed it up in one sentence.

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