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Chapter 813: : Tony rescue plan

Latest URL: "Wait a minute!"

Tony yelled hurriedly, and felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The metal in his body has already approached his heart.

Magneto really has no intention of keeping hands.

In this person's eyes... his billionaire is really just a useless ant that is crushed to death, without irreplaceable value.

"Although I am not good at genetic technology, there is absolutely no better energy and mechanical expert in the world than me, so I need mutants with this ability." Tony finished his words in one breath, for fear of speaking slowly. It was crushed to death at one point.

At this time.

His wealth, prestige, and relationships are all meaningless, and the only thing that can help him is his knowledge.

Magneto looked at him for a while.

Turned around.

"I have to tell you." Magneto’s voice came. "The world has completely changed. Only people with real power can have the qualifications to fight in this world. People without power can only be chess pieces anyway. I can recognize this fact clearly so that I won’t die as miserably like those people."

If you change it to the past, Magneto might not take such a radical approach.

but now.

After the battle with Sauron, he understood who could really threaten his existence, and the rest of them were nothing but the food they were fighting over at the table.

Tony breathed a long sigh of relief.

Temporarily survived.

But he clenched his fists.

He thought of the girl who didn't hesitate to step on his virtual projector, and now he remembered that in the eyes of the underage girl, he must be extremely ridiculous as a frivolous and complacent.

Those monsters with this kind of power are just one kind of people.


Tony was naturally unwilling to give in just like this. He had to use his clever head to gamble everything to think about how to gain power.


Tony was kidnapped in such a rude manner, and even the news that the top few floors of the Stark Building were completely destroyed, suddenly detonated the world.

In all kinds of circulated videos, you can clearly see the huge figure shrouded in black mist.


With this power, there are only mutants in people's hearts.

For a time, Stark’s stock price fell wildly, and various people came forward to speak. Some people used this as evidence to classify the mutants as "dangerous criminals." The bee-eater company also took the opportunity to increase. Propaganda, saying that the development of superpowers can solve the incidents of superpower crimes, and only the capable can overcome the crimes of the capable.

But apart from the noise from the outside world, the one who really took the most pressure was Coleson, who had just served as the director of SHIELD.

In fact, his position as director of the bureau is not stable at all.

Now this happened again.

It can be said that if there is no way to rescue Tony Stark and bring criminals to justice, he may become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the shortest time in the history.

At this moment, Coulson was staying in his own office, sitting in front of the elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as his teacher, serving as the "consultant" Tsunade.

"Unfortunate news." Coulson said in a low tone. "Professor Charles did not find Tony Stark either."

"How is this possible!?" Natasha didn't seem to believe it very much.

It is not the first time that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Professor Charles have cooperated. They both know how powerful Charles is.

With the help of that instrument, he can spread his spiritual power to the entire world and find every soul.

"I guess, Charles you said doesn't have the ability to enter the alien space." Tsunade suddenly spoke next to him.

"Alien Space?" Coleson looked at him.

"Blackbeard is a pirate who has eaten dark fruits. I heard an old friend who came from the same world as him say about this ability. It seems that he has the dark power that can swallow everything. Together with his transfer, he can create a It's not impossible to be in a different dimension." Tsunade said what he knew.

But these people looked at each other.

What secret fruit, what dark power, what job change?

do not understand at all.

"Can you elaborate on it?" Coleson asked.

"No." Tsunade spread both hands, expressing his helplessness.

"Because of that information blocking?" Coleson frowned.

If it is because of that inexplicable information blocking, there is really no way.

"No." Tsunade shook his head and shrugged. "Because I don't know."

"Why don't you know?" Coulson was taken aback.

"Why would I know." Tsunade leaned back in his chair, and put his hands around his chest. "We actually come from completely different worlds, and we get completely different powers from the same being, do you understand? He doesn’t know what abilities I have, and I don’t know what abilities he has, unless I have a fight, I might know some."

"...Isn't that bad," Coleson murmured.

In their business, the worst case is lack of information.

Now I only know that the enemy is strong.

Very powerful.

But they didn't have any information at all, because their existence, their power, and even none of them came from this world.

"I'll give you a suggestion." Tsunade said again, "You do have some good people in your world, but compared to us, their biggest disadvantage is that their ability is too simple. If you want to deal with us, You can only rely on us-of course, don't count on me, I have no obligation to fight for you."

Tsunade didn't want to fight.

Her mission is actually very risky, and as a physician who is relatively rare among members, no one will easily offend her unless the mission conflicts.

It is Tsunade's task now to complete the task safely and enjoy the world comfortably. UU reading

On this point, she had already made it clear to Coleson.

"I see." Coleson seemed to have made up his mind.

Sauron can only fight, nothing else, so if you want to find someone, you can only look forward to the bee-eater.

Thus, a few hours later, Coleson's projection appeared again in front of the bee-eater.

"I have the ability to find Blackbeard." The bee-eater was playing with a folding fan in his hand, with a smiley arc at the corner of his mouth. "But I will not participate in the battle, and the asking price for my help is not low."

This matter is really right to ask her.

She and Blackbeard had conflicts more than once, and they were very familiar with each other's abilities and found a way.

"Good luck then, Miss Bee Eater." Coleson sighed, and didn't have the mind to delay. "Tony is important to us, so we will definitely find a way to rescue him."

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