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Chapter 815: : The strongest superhero

Latest website: Since his "retirement", Fury has disappeared from the eyes of people who know him.

Even Coleson, it is not so easy to find him.

It took a lot of effort to learn that he was on vacation somewhere.

Then take the plane to rush over.

It took several to disappear.

When Coulson got off the plane, he saw Ferry wearing a beach suit and sunglasses, lying comfortably on the beach, behind him was a villa, and there was even a blonde girl in a bikini beside him. .

It seems that the whole is black rich.

"Ferry." Coleson walked up to him and looked up. "I never knew you were so rich."

"You mean this villa?" Fury took off his sunglasses. "This is the property of SHIELD."


Coulson froze for a moment.

He raised his head and glanced at the villa again, and was quite sure that it did not appear in any official records of SHIELD.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so hard to find Fury.

"you sure?"

"Bought with S.H.I.E.L.D. money, naturally it is S.H.I.E.L.D. property." Fury shrugged, "You don't think I am corrupt."

...Don't think that you are corruption.

Coleson complained in his heart, of course he didn't say it.

"You should know why I came to you." Coleson sighed. "Until I took this position, I didn't realize that I had so many things that I didn't understand. I have to say, otherwise you should go back to the chief of authority. Right."

"Go back? Why do you want to go back?" Ferry stood up, stretched out his hand and patted Coleson on the shoulder, and said as before, "I think you did a good job, not only did you find Blackbeard and Magneto. Position, I also convinced the young man from another world to take action. What is his name? Angel? When I first heard the name, I thought it was a girl with wings."

Coulson looked up at him.

He didn't even know where Fury was, but Fury knew exactly what he and SHIELD had done.

Standing in front of him at this moment, saying these words as if telling him.

Who is the director of SHIELD and who can lead everyone to protect the world.

Coulson felt the seeds of the Holy Light in his body tumbling and boiling.

It's not jealous or angry.

Just unwilling.

He never cared about power and power, just wanted to do his own thing and stick to his beliefs, whether it was in the past or the present, but Fury firmly grasped everything in his hands, as if without him, You and the rest of you can't do anything.

"I have done everything I can." Coulson raised his head, looked at Fury's eyes, and said in a low voice, "It is enough now, but it is not enough. If you can help me, please help me ."

There is still something to say.

If you can't help him.

Then he would turn around and leave, and then rely on himself.

"Yes, I can help you." Ferry shook his head, turned around, and lay down on the beach chair again, "Although I feel like letting go, living a comfortable retirement life, obviously, You are too young, Coleson, you don’t know enough about many things in this world."

"For example, those mages who were hidden by you?" Coleson said softly.

Fury was a little surprised, the surprise was even written on his face.

"Don't look at me like that. I now have the authority of the director. I only need to compare some missing information in the database. It is easy to know that the information of such a group of people has been erased, and I only need to look for those The parties involved in the incident can easily get this answer-Mage." Coleson said.

This is also the purpose of his coming.

When he realized that there was such a group in the world that held supernatural powers, and as a senior agent, he knew nothing, he understood that he might have always been standing outside the real world.

Fury was silent for a while, then slowly said:

"I am surprised, surprised by your growth, but you should be able to understand why I concealed it. Those mages have the same but completely different responsibilities as ours, but their power cannot be defeated by those incompetent guys above. know."

Fury in this world has been in contact with those of Gu Yi.

Much of the chaos caused by mutants was resolved by the wizard.

However, he has been helping to hide.

Especially when he learned that the Supreme Master had existed for thousands of years.

No rich man or person in power can give up such a powerful and immortal power, especially such a power that even ordinary people can obtain-on this point, he and Gu Yi's opinion is that knowledge can be shared, but not Can be dominated by desire.

"So the power you want to recommend to me is the wizards?" Coleson didn't pursue Ferry hiding this from him, but directly asked the power that came today, "I don't know how strong the wizards are. , But you have to know how powerful people from other worlds, including Magneto, are just the aftermath of their battles, enough to destroy the entire New York."

Coleson actually didn't expect much of the wizard group.

Because according to the information he has investigated now.

Those mages also possess some magical powers, but they are still far from the terrible level of destruction like Sauron's raising his hands.

The only thing Colson was looking forward to.

That is, there can be some extremely powerful individuals among the mages, just like Magneto and Charles among mutants.

"No, no, I won't recommend them like you." Fury shook his head again and again, "I have an agreement with them, they take care of their business, we take care of our business, our responsibility is different, if One day we join hands, it means that the earth is almost finished."

Coleson was a little surprised. UU reading

But Fury is not ready to continue to sell off.

"I solemnly recommend to you, my friend, the strongest hero born on earth." Fury stretched out his hand and pointed to the blonde girl who had been smiling next to him. "Captain Marvel."

Coleson's eyes rounded.

Until this time, I looked at this hot blonde girl in a bikini.

Isn't this the secret lover that Fury kept, or the secret agent?

The strongest hero?

Captain Marvel?

"Wait, Ferry." Coleson obviously couldn't believe it for a while, "I'm not suspicious of you, but you are serious? If it is a superhero, why have I never heard of any information about her? Captain Marvel? I’ve only heard of Captain America. Captain’s word is not something you can use casually."

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