Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 818: : Magneto is ready to escape

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Yifangtong originally didn't want to follow the arrangements of these so-called "guardians of the world".

But sure enough.

These people always have a way to make others obedient.

As long as this battle is over, not only will it be announced to the public that the famous billionaire, Playboy, was rescued by him, but he will even make every effort to promote his reputation, which is important for his "becoming respected and loved." For the mission of "Superhero", it is an irresistible boost.

So one party still came with uncomfortable traffic.

But four and two still need to make a plan, which is too procrastinating.

He still remembers how he was spiked.

"If the battle resulted in too many civilian casualties, for the hero, it would not be a victory, but a complete failure." Captain Marvel looked at the passage of one side and laughed, "I have a reputation throughout the universe. A superhero, on this road, you are just a junior compared to me."

The corners of one party's mouth twitched.

Can't refute.

When he knew that there were cosmic superheroes in this world, he was a little silly.

His mission is simply endless.

"Okay, this is the basic battle plan." Coulson interjected, "On the premise that there will be no large-scale sacrifices, fight a beautiful battle, the primary goal is to rescue Tony, the secondary goal is to catch Catching Blackbeard and Magneto, let's prepare for it individually."

End of the meeting.

One party passed around and walked directly out of the window, wings appeared on his back and then rose into the air.

"That's not an energy body." Carol half-squinted his eyes, and there seemed to be energy flashing in his eyes. "If I'm not mistaken, it should be some kind of technological creation, the technology is very, very advanced, and the space overlaps? ...I have never heard of such power in the universe."

Carol no longer remembers how many times he was surprised.

These people from another world, every time she sees one, she must be amazed.

Sauron's physical strength is a bit exaggerated even when compared to the powerful races in the universe.

Not to mention the sharp sword energy that is incomprehensible.

It is no trivial matter to pass by one side.

"According to the information we have now, this party passes, and the bee-eater is from the same world." Coleson shrugged, "but their strength is completely different, so even if the black beard and the Sauron comes from the same world, and we have to be prepared."

"Someone has already reminded me." Carol said, also flying into the air.

Coleson was still recalling Carol's last words.

Undoubtedly, only Tsunade would remind such things.

Could it be said that women are more likely to get closer to women?

Coulson seemed thoughtful.

But the most important thing right now is this battle.

Three days later.

The bee eater prayed to be invited to a gathering of rich representatives.

The queen does not need and cannot stand behind the scenes, so the bee-eater did not hide herself. The rich people who are doing it all understand that this is a powerful superpower, and they have also been warned by SHIELD. What kind of superpowers, so no one dared to stand in front of her personally, but to participate in this special party through subordinates or through projection.

Among them, Tony's uncle is included.

Obadea Steinney.

The bee eater prayed to have a gossip with these rich men every time, but the spiritual power spread all the way to the vicinity of the battlefield, secretly observing the results of this war.

The place where Blackbeard hides is still a cave. Magneto seems to like to find such a place, and near the cave is a large car scrap factory.

There are nearly a thousand tons of metal accumulated there.

In fact, after learning about the other party, Coleson regrets going to the bee-eater to ask about Magneto. You only need to search for the place with the most metal. This is definitely the point.

At this moment.

The four people have approached from four directions.

"These metals are a little in the way." One side looked at the metals from a distance, "I can throw all of these, but I don't know the range of the so-called Magneto."

"Ten years ago, Magneto's limit was 23 kilometers." Charles suddenly said on the channel, "Now it may be stronger or weaker. After all, we are all old."

For mutants, the more you use the abilities, the more skilled you become.

But the age has reached a certain limit.

Will not be able to control their abilities.

That's why Charles said that.

"Go ahead, Angel Man." Coleson made up his mind. "Throwing towards the sea as far as possible."

"Don't call me this name." Tong Xing's face turned dark.

Speaking of this nickname, his is really uncomfortable. Although it sounds normal, he doesn't like the word angel alone.

Fallen angels are pretty much the same. UU reading

The body of one side is like a streamer smashing toward that car exhaust factory.


The air wave rolled, and all the cars that had been crushed into pieces, as if being ejected violently, flew at a terrifying speed in a certain direction.

The scene is spectacular.

Applying a vector to such a huge object in one breath has reached its limit even for one party at this time.

And it was such a moment.

Magneto, who was eating a hamburger in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes.

"An enemy is coming, a very powerful enemy." Magneto was almost choked by the hamburger, and the fire was turned on in an instant, pulling back some metal that had not yet flown away.

But obviously.

In a hurry, still more than half of the metal has flew away.

Magneto’s strength depends entirely on the surrounding environment. If it is a metal-free rubber environment, he will be like an ordinary old man.

"It looks like there are a lot of people." Blackbeard scratched his belly. "Strange, how did they find me."

"Got to get out of here."

Magneto didn't care about so much. He stretched out his hand, and Tony, who was doing the experiment, was directly imprisoned by a pile of metal and flew to his side.

"What happened? What's going on?" Tony yelled dumbfounded, "My experiment is about to reach the most important place, you can't do this."

"Shut up!" Magneto was black, and directly blocked Tony's mouth with metal.

Then he stepped on a piece of metal and rushed toward the ground quickly.

Since the last time he suffered a loss in Sauron's hands, he has become a lot more cautious.

Did not rush out stupidly.

Instead, he dug a tunnel for escape-straight to the city.

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