Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 852: : A warrior, not a coward

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Joan didn't care about the sight of everyone at night, and a raging fire burned in her heart.

Fighting on the battlefield is an indelible sin.

And this torture.

Even the saint will be angry.

At first glance, there were at least nearly a hundred corpses, but there was not much rancid smell in the house. Obviously, this kind of place has been carefully taken care of and is cleaner than a slaughterhouse.

Except for this young girl, there was only one still alive on the other side.

Also suffering from severe poison.

Altria didn't have a very powerful treatment method, but he used the red potion to stabilize his life, but he opened his eyes wide and didn't care about his condition at all, just staring at the one he thought it was early Companion who is already dead.


Really come alive!

Iyeas grinned and seemed to want to laugh. Although he was very weak, he still laughed.

Because he knows.

The persistence of myself and Sha You finally ushered in hope.

But after laughing, the flames of revenge suddenly burned in his chest.

It is at this time.

The badges of Altria and Jeanne shook suddenly.

There was a slight change in their expressions.

The shock of the badge does not mean that Iyeas and Shayo are already member reserves, but it reminds them that they have the potential to become member reserves, and they have issued freely selectable task branches.

[When you find a life with the potential of a member reserve, you can help strengthen your aspirations and beliefs, and grow into a member reserve with membership qualifications, and you can get rewards for 2 and 4 pot qualifications]

Is there such a task?

Joan and Altria seem to understand that the biggest change after the Chamber of Commerce reform is to absorb more members more efficiently.

The two looked at each other.

Allocated soon.

One for each.

"Youth." Altria stood beside Iyeas, lowered her head to look at him, "Your injury will heal soon, but I saw the flame of revenge in your eyes. You are a soldier, not Coward, in that case—"

A sword was taken out of the badge space by Altria.

A swipe was inserted into the hand of Iyeas.

It was a blue piece of equipment that Altria opened from the fourth-level tank.

Shining scarlet light, intriguing.

Even, just watching, there is a feeling of tingling in the eyes.

Najeta squinted her eyes and seemed to show an incredible expression.

In terms of temperament alone, this sword was even more exaggerated than any imperial tool she had ever seen, and it was sharp and powerful. The feeling of strength was unconcealed, and it was extraordinary at first glance.

Take it out on purpose? Or take it out at will?

Iyeas wouldn't think so much.

He raised his head, looked at Altria, who was like a king in front of him, and felt the gaze that looked like a soldier, and the raging flames agitated from his heart.

He didn't know who the woman who had saved them was. No words could describe his gratitude, but at this moment, he just wanted to fight like a real warrior.

The body that should have been weakened suddenly showed new strength. He struggled, rolled and got up, reaching out and grabbing the hilt of the sword.

For an instant.

A tingling sensation came from the palm of his hand.

It was obviously a smooth hilt, but when held, it seemed to have countless thorns.

However, everyone can see clearly.

That is the small breath of sword aura that naturally erupts from the sword.


Scarlet blood poured out from the palm of Iyeas, not dripping, but continuously spreading in the gully on the sword, and then pouring back, Iyeas' body gradually appeared and red light, he His skin turned red, but his eyes were filled with determination for a moment.

Because he felt it.

Power is emerging in the body!

Unprecedented power!

The young man who could not even stand still stood up at this time, and the sword aura on the sword seemed to spread to him, and everyone who attacked at night felt that he could not look directly.

It turned out to powerful! ?

No words could describe the shock of Ye Xi's hearts.

They are all Emperor Gu, and naturally understand this feeling.

But what do you think...

The changes made by this person after holding the sword are much stronger than the situation when they use Emperor Gu!

You should know that the use of Teigu has a strong burden on physical strength, and a person who is weak to such a dying point can also become stronger by using "Teigu"?

Iyeas held his sword and looked at his hands, also showing an incredible expression.

But he knows who gave it all.

He took a look at the eyes still closed, but the pale face gradually returned to the rosy Sha You.

Iyeas, holding his sword, knelt down on one knee to Adtoria.

Although nothing said.

But everything goes without saying.

Altria's expression remained unchanged.

As a king, he has long been accustomed to accepting the allegiance and following of others.

She just lifted her invisible space and pointed in a certain direction.

"Bring those who have harmed you, this king wants to ask questions."

"Yes!" Iyeas felt his blood all boil, shouted heavily, and his figure had already rushed out.

the speed is very fast.

Almost to the point where he himself is a little unaccustomed.

He doesn't even know how powerful he is now.

Just like an evil tiger, it directly violently broke through the city wall and rushed into the mansion fiercely.


"There are enemies!"


The guards who blocked the way, the guards who were once feared by him, are now as weak as a piece of paper, and he can't even block him at all. They just gently swing the long sword in their hands, and these guards have a brand new battle. A was easily torn apart, together with the flesh.

Iyeas looked like laughing, but couldn't laugh at all.

He never thought.

I practiced martial arts hard, and the first time I used it would be in such a place.

This is the imperial capital they have longed for and yearned for since childhood.

It's just a cannibal world.


He rushed into the glamorous restaurant without any hindrance. The three nobles who tortured them hugged each other like helpless cats, showing a look of fear.

Think about the terrible faces they had when they tortured themselves and Sha You.

Iyeas suddenly felt bored.

"The king wants to see you." He said in a hoarse voice. He didn't even say any extra words. He was directly **** with rope in the screaming voice of the family, and he dragged his way back to the warehouse. Go in.

He doesn't care what king Altria is.

Since the lady who saved herself says she is the king, she is the queen.

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