Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 854: : It’s not good to get your clothes dirty

  Sayu is still in a blank state in her mind, but the memory soon floods like a tide.

   The ferocious aristocratic lady, painful abuse.

   made her body tremble imperceptibly.

   But, she quickly endured it.

Sha You is a girl with strong willpower. No matter what kind of abuse she never defeated her spirit and will, she persisted till the end without giving in the slightest. So now, she still looks stubbornly. Jeanne, as if this girl with a gentle smile overlapped with the first lady who looked the same gentle at first.

   "Sa, Sha You..." There was a trembling voice beside him.

   "Yeyes!" Suddenly, Shayou heard the voice of her companion, turned her head abruptly, and saw the current appearance of Yeyes.

   was naked, holding a scarlet sword, and exuding a shocking sense of sharpness.

   That said.

   But only by looking at the caring and excited expression, you can understand that this is a companion who has grown up together since childhood.

   "Great, Shayou!" Iyeas seemed to have changed back to the boy before, leaning over excitedly, "It's okay, the queen and her companions saved us."

   "Queen?" Sha You's eyes moved around.

   Soon I saw Altria, who was dressed in gorgeous battle armor and blue cloak, as noble and majestic as a queen.

   She finally understood what happened.

   clutched the towel that Joan had changed on her body, and struggled to sit up.

"Many thanks!"

   "Don't move." Joan stretched out her hand to stop her, "Although your body has been cured, but in that situation, you have already stepped into death with one foot. The separation of soul and body still needs to be recuperated."

   "But, please accept my thanks!" Sha You looked a little stubborn, "Although we are country folks, we also understand the meaning of life-saving grace."

"A countryman..." Altria suddenly uttered a rant, and took a deep look at Sha You, "In my eyes, you are more like a'person' than these decadent nobles. Knowledge and status do not represent a person's morals. Now, they are left to you."

After    finished speaking, she turned around and walked out.

   Even as strong as her.

   staying in this kind of purgatory environment, will feel a certain torment.

   After all, Altria's heart still adheres to the morality of chivalry.

   and followed closely.

   Joan of Arc and the people of Night Attack also came out one by one.

   Ieyes glanced at the three nobles on the ground, and then at Sha You, the meaning was obvious, he planned to hand it over to Sha You.

   These three nobles seem to finally understand that their lives are left to Sha You to decide.

"Sa, Shayou." Miss Arya trembling, said with a hint of flattery, "Yes, I'm sorry, I apologize to you, but, but I did help you, right? I also invited you to eat. Such a delicious meal...I promise, there will never be such a thing to happen again..."

   At this time, Arya looked as if she was still that gentle and lovely noble lady.

   Anyone who sees it will think this is a very good girl.

   and the other side.

  Sayu also didn't see much hatred on her face, and there was not much expression on her face. She just looked at Arya quietly, as if listening to her words seriously.

   This gave Arya's family confidence, they almost smiled.

   Arya’s father even offered a financial compensation, which was a figure that Shayo and Iyeas could not even think of before.

   So Sa You chuckled lightly.

   Although she is from the country, she is actually naturally beautiful, and she is a little jealous when she looks at Arya at this time.

   But she also laughed.

   Because she felt that Sha You had agreed.

   Hmph, a countryman is a countryman, and just spend a little money.

   "Excuse me, are you finished?" Sa You asked softly.

   "Huh?" The voice became louder and louder, and the more and more confident noble master seemed to be taken aback.

   "If you are finished, please go on the road." Sha You's tone became more gentle.

"Get on the road... wait!" The family seemed to finally realize something and screamed again, but Sha You had already picked up the dagger left by the person in the night attack and dragged it. With a weak body, he walked step by step.

   "Don't struggle." She held the dagger with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, I won't torture you, it won't be good if the clothes given by your benefactor get dirty."

   A knife goes directly to the heart.

   and carefully avoided the blood splashing on the clothes.

   This is a skill learned as a girl through long-term hunting.

   Listening to the horrified screams coming from the room, some people outside naturally knew what had happened, and the expressions of Joan of Arc and Altria were a little bit relieved.

   Although they have come out, it is impossible to escape their perception of everything that happens inside.

   So I can feel it clearly.

Like Iyeias, Shayo doesn’t actually have much hatred for the stray noble family. She made this decision based on reason This encounter is painful, but it is also them The push of transformation.

   Whether it is Joan of Arc or Altria, they admire them somewhat.

   "I'm thinking about it now," Joan said softly, "Did the adult feel the same way when he was training us."

   "The existence of that state is not something we can easily figure out." Altria shook her head, but after a pause, said, "However, there are always some emotions that are similar."

   The people next to Ye Xi pricked their ears.

   Especially Najetta.

   In this short two-sentence dialogue, too much news was revealed.

   That adult?

to cultivate?

   Can't figure it out easily?

   Even if they are as powerful as them, since there are people who can be described in this tone? How terrible is that?

  Najetta finally began to realize that these two people, perhaps from a place that the empire had never touched before, a place even stronger than the empire, so powerful that they could hardly imagine.

"Your Majesty." Najeta seemed to have made up his mind and walked to Altria's face. "Although I don't know why your Majesty came to our country, as you can see, our country has already arrived. At the end, I beg, Your Majesty, for the people struggling to survive on this land, wish us a hand!"

   She directly invited.

   Whether you agree or disagree.

   This is her plea, her hope.

   The others in the night attack also looked over.

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