Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 856: : Obtained from the jar

   This terrifying force that cannot be described in words, although not directly pressed on the body of the night raiders, but at such a close distance, it is still enough to be shocked to stand unsteadily and stagger.

   Everyone looked up at Altria in horror.

   As if there is only one person left in the entire world.

   is magnificent like a god, like the whole world.

  Najetta found that she was wrong.

   Every time, she tried her best to use the limits of her imagination to guess the strength and origin of these two people, but every time, the result still far exceeded her guess.

   This is not the emperor of the world at all.

   is a **** who stands high above all living beings!

"We have an absolute gap in the level of life with you." Altria looked at everyone imposingly, "However, we did not reach this level at the beginning. All of this stems from the fact that some of you may still Unimaginable existence, He gives us the opportunity to gain strength and fulfill our wishes."

   "Such a powerful force... is it actually bestowed?" Everyone in the night attack couldn't help taking a breath.

   has reached the limit.

   Everything in front of them completely exceeded their worldview.

   Even compared with this majestic force that seems to be able to easily destroy the world, the goal of overthrowing the empire and saving the people seems so small.


   also makes people can't help but raise their imagination and yearning.

   What it is like to be able to give this kind of power and to make people become a god.

   In the midst of darkness, is there really someone high above, watching everyone?

"However, opportunities also need to be seized with our own hands." Altria continued, "No matter how powerful the world, there is order and competition, so we need companions, we need people with potential, we come to you Here, I am looking for my future companion. I am a knight king and rule the country by order. I am definitely not a tyrant who acts wantonly."

   At this point, the meaning is very obvious.

   There was no concealment in Altria's eyes.

   She is optimistic about these people in front of her.

   want to train them, take them to their own country.

   Even Joan, looking at Altria at this time, has a feeling of admiration.

   Such a king is someone who can really be followed.

   After all, she is not in the name of God, the majesty of God, but to make everyone believe in her, follow her, everything is her will, her charm.

   And night attack everyone feels even more so.

   Some people are at a loss.

   For example, Mayin and Lubbock.

   However, some of them are hot inside.

  For example, Brand

Brand was originally a general of the empire. He joined the army with enthusiasm. He wanted to get his own pursuit with his hands. However, the empire was corrupted, so he joined the revolutionary army. Now, he feels that he has encountered something truly worth pursuing. king.

   However, everyone didn't speak, everyone still looked at Najeta as the leader of the night raid.

   They are a group after all.

   Najeta raised her head and looked at Altria, who looked like a god, and looked at her majesty with a gentle gaze.

"I..." She took a slow and deep breath, "It seems that there is no reason to refuse, it's just that... I might not know good or bad to say that, but I was born in this land and grew up in this The kingdom, no matter what, I also hope to save the people on this land from the cruel empire."

"Don't worry, this is what we are going to do." Altria slowed down her voice, showing approving eyes, and the aura on her body gradually disappeared, "It is the duty of human beings to love the homeland, especially the king. I can understand."

   Everyone was relieved.

   But she turned to look excited.

   Such two powerful people are willing to help them, wouldn't it be easy to overthrow the empire.

   "Let’s rest tonight." Altria’s armor also changed back to plain clothes, with a smile in her eyes, "Starting tomorrow, I will take you to do something."

   She has already thought about what to do afterwards.

   But early the next morning.

   There are several people who are depressed. It is obvious that they have been dreaming last night, but did not sleep well all night.

   Jeanne chuckled slightly, raised his hand a little, and the few who hadn't rested immediately felt full of energy.

   is really amazing.

   "Sister Joan, don't you use the power of Emperor Gu?" Ma Yin leaned in front of Joan with a look of curiosity.

   Compared with Altria, who has the status of a king and is full of majesty, Jeanne, who always wears a gentle smile, is closer.

   "No, it's the power of the jar." Jeanne laughed.

   "The jar?" Ma Yin looked blank.

   "You'll know about it later." Jeanne didn't give much explanation. She looked up and down at Mayin, thought for a while, took out a badge and handed it to her, "You put this on her body."

   "What is this?" Mayin took it.

   Just when I put it on my chest, I felt a strong warm current surging my whole body, staying in my mind.

   suddenly, his whole body was shocked, showing an incredible expression.

She feels that her spirit is stronger than This is a special equipment I got from the jar. It can increase mental power and reaction power. It is very suitable for you. In fact, there are still The potential that you never tapped. "Jan of Arc explained.

   "I have it here too." Altria also walked over, "These are all equipment that we don't need. We will first use them to improve your strength."

   Everyone got some equipment.

   includes Sha You.

   She picked among those equipment, and finally chose a barbed whip that didn't match her.

   is also a rare blue treasure.

   Altria and others have already opened a lot of fourth-level pots. When the third-level pots were slightly precious, blue was rare, and it was nothing to them. The cards had been replaced by purple epics.

   But for the people who are still weak at night.

   is enough to be amazed.

   Najetta held a delicate and small hammer, and only felt a steady stream of power emerging from her body.

   "This kind of weapon is completely different from Teigu. Not only does it require no physical strength, it can also directly increase strength." She asked curiously, "Is it because of the unique manufacturing process?"

   "We don't know either." Altria shook her head, "They were all obtained directly from the jar."

   is the jar again.

   Night Attack Everyone is now full of curiosity about the jar.

   What the **** is this?

   refers to someone? A certain force? Some kind of technique?

   But when they want to ask, the answer they get is just "you'll know when the time comes."

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