Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 864: : I am the Knight King

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Minister Ornest, in fact, like most nobles in this country, has unparalleled contempt and discrimination towards civilians.

Therefore, even if he knew that what he did would inevitably lead to rebellion, he did not take the revolutionary army to heart from beginning to end.

Knowledge does not help him to get rid of deep-rooted prejudices.

Until now.

He also believed that the revolutionary army and night raids would inevitably disappear under the supreme emperor's equipment of the empire.

Time is approaching a little bit.

Everyone on the wall of the imperial capital can already see the approaching army.

The queue is neat and magnificent.

The army that has experienced wars on the border and has been trained by a queen like Esders is not comparable to the greedy and corrupt guards of the imperial capital, so everyone who looks directly at this army can feel it That kind of horror.

And just when the army was approaching the imperial capital, it suddenly stopped.

The reason is that the woman walking in the front raised a palm.

Esdes wore a white military uniform. The full-length clothing fully highlighted her hot figure. His back was straight and his eyes were deep. Anyone looking directly at her would have the feeling of being caught by a predator.

She stared at the imperial capital in front of her with a smile on her lips.

"This is really a good place. Can this thousand-year-old city survive today?"

Yes, she was waiting.

The revolutionary army who was waiting behind was also waiting for the night raids who might have already arrived nearby.

If the Night Attack and the Revolutionary Army want to win, they must destroy her and her army, so they must return.

At this moment.

Altria was standing on a hillside not far away, staring at the army from a distance, as well as at Esdes.

"What a powerful general." She whispered, "The spirit of this team has been integrated with the general, and she must have a huge prestige in it, even in my previous kingdom, she has never had this. General, such an army."

This is definitely not Altria's arrogance.

If she was asked to bring her former troops to fight against this one in front of her, she would definitely not have much winning percentage.

Even if her army is also a fanatical worshiper and afraid of her.

Joan, who was also on the battlefield during his lifetime, was even more speechless.

If Altria's army may still have the power of a battle, then the army she once led is simply not comparable.

"I want her to join the Knights of the Round Table more and more." Altria said again, with a certain desire in her eyes. "It doesn't matter if her character is really as bad as Nadeta said, just this The ability to train soldiers gives her this value and qualifications."

"Yes, they are all yours. You can take them all home." Jeanne was speechless, "So we are past now?"

"No, wait." Altria shook her head.

He looked at a place farther away, where several armies were also constantly approaching.

Just in contrast.

Those armies looked a little bit unbearable, the troops were messy, did not obey the command, and the hearts of the people were floating. The only thing to be praised was the kind of warfare enveloping hatred and hope.

The revolutionary army also stopped just a few hundred meters away from Esdes's army.

In a certain army, the leader was the General Bartlett who had been disguised by Chelsea.

This sloppy-born revolutionary army senior, looking at the neatly lined army in front of him at this time, no matter how much he controls himself, it is difficult to maintain his composure.

"Chelsea, the people from Anning Road have also arrived. When will the night attackers take action?" he asked.

According to the plan, the night attackers dealt with the enemy's Imperial Emperor, and they dealt with the enemy's army.

If both sides have won, the real victory is.

As the former generals of the empire, no one knew the horror of Esders better than them.

Chelsea did not speak, but looked around with her feet folded.

Suddenly, pointing to a certain place.

"They are here."

Because of the rich and overly active magic in the air, everyone in this world can have very good physical fitness with a little exercise. Therefore, almost all soldiers have seen it. A few hundred meters away, it is facing The two people who walked gradually towards Esdes.

There was a sudden commotion among the revolutionary army.

"Those two people... are you talking about the aid of the night attack?" Bartley's eyes widened, so nervous that his voice was a little sharp, "What are they doing? Are they surrendering?"

Two people walked step by step towards an entire army.

Almost no one thinks they are going to fight.

The first reaction is to surrender.

"Of course not." Chelsea didn't know how to explain, because she hadn't seen Altoria two shots, but said pretendingly, "Don't worry, we just need to watch it."

And the other side.

Esdes was also looking at the two people walking towards him.

Are all women?

She showed a rather curious expression.

Nothing can be seen from the breath. UU reading

Altria stopped at a distance of only tens of meters from her, and Joan was a little weaker and took a step behind. Just when everyone was thinking about what they planned to do, Altria spoke.

"I am the King of Knights! Altria Pendragon!"

With this opening, the sound was like a storm suddenly rolled up on the sea, surging in all directions with a tsunami-like posture.

Even Esther's army began to commotion on this one, the source of the commotion was like a frightened mount.

And among the revolutionary army, some people almost fell to Malaysia.

what is this?

Some kind of emperor that can amplify the voice?

No one can imagine that the voice of a person's speech will fill the entire world in an instant, spreading and reverberating along the tumbling waves of the air.

Esther finally showed an expression of interest.

The long whip in his hand swung forward and made a snap.

"Knight King? Never heard of it, could it be self-styled?" Her tone was playful, and she looked at Altria with insufficient eyesight.

The pretty face, like snowy skin, looked like a girl of sixteen or seventeen, but her eyes and temperament were indeed like a king who had experienced battles.


Asides had been able to predict that today's battle might not let her down.

"The glory of the king should be decided by others." Altria didn't let her voice spread out as before, but it still floated clearly to most of the army, "I am a king, no matter where you are, I am still king."

"Then, this girl who claims to be the king." Esders deliberately increased his voice in the words claiming to be king. "Why are you standing in front of me?"

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