Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 872: : 2 new mission worlds

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In the entire Chamber of Commerce, there is actually no shortage of war-thirsty people like Esthers.

Such as some people in the world of Naruto.

However, for women, it is indeed Esthers.

So silence pays attention for a while.

Esdes directly found a place where no one was there and started to open her jar. She only pursued quantity and didn't seem to care about what was in the jar. The speed of opening the jar was getting faster and faster, and her eyes became more and more frantic. Obviously, he has become obsessed with this feeling of rapid increase in power.

The first and second level jars are actually not so obvious.

However, she has not enjoyed such a taste for a long time.

As the world's top existence, Asides had already reached the point where she couldn't make progress. Even she herself didn't know her limits, and only found it difficult to move forward.

In just an hour, I came to the pot where I decided to change my job.

Just opened it, and there was a sudden surge of blood inside.

The scarlet breath came to his face.

If it is a person who is not determined, at this time, I am afraid that I have seen all kinds of terrifying fantasy, or the sea of ​​corpses, or the murderer.

But Asides, it was a joy.

She has a familiar feeling.

It was the same when she got her own emperor's equipment, a jar of ultra-dangerous species of blood, let her drink all of it, and then she gained the power to stand on top of this world.

And now, it is also a jar of blood.

It seems to have some kind of symbol.

Esdes picked up the jar, raised his head, ignored the terrifying smell of blood, gulped down, and drew red liquid along her neck, to the collarbone, to the chest, but It didn't drip at all, but it penetrated into the skin a little bit, seeming to be wandering in the snow-white jade skin, blooming with red light, making people creepy.

This power is constantly transforming Esther's body.

It is also urging new forces.

It should have been a very painful process, whether it was the heat of the body or the torture of the soul, but Esther didn't seem to notice it. She threw the jar abruptly until there was not even a drop left in the whole jar. The flushed face panted, and the sweat was dripping.

She already felt it.

That powerful force.

The whole body's blood was mobilized, and the power of Digu was meaningless under this, and it was swallowed crazy.

However, her strength did not weaken, but began to become stronger.

Even the disgusting whispers that originated from Teigu in the past disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

Esther also understood what the power he gained was called.

-Inferno Demon God!

At the cost of his own physical body, he has obtained the most primitive power in an instant, but he can supplement the blood from the body of the prey.

In other words.

This profession, either died in the burning of blood, or killed the enemy, using the enemy's blood to make himself stronger!

"Is all of this your arrangement?" Esther's body trembled slightly, she raised her head and stared at one of the three rounds of the sun. The blush brought about by the job change has not yet disappeared from her face. Dispersed, there was an expression of incomparable excitement, "Continuous fighting, continuous hunting! It is simply perfect, this kind of power seems to be prepared for me..."

Esthers couldn't even find more words to tell his feelings at the moment.

Because this is her way of living, her philosophy, her full value.

She already wanted to become stronger and couldn't wait to become strong enough to stand in front of that round of scorching sun and vent her passionate emotions with a vigorous challenge.

"It's really a perfect match for the profession." The silence was also a little bit emotional.

Among the many members of the Chamber of Commerce, this kind of perfect fit, like customization, is actually rare. After all, there are only a few professions in total. No matter how perfect the selection system is designed, you can only try to find a profession that suits your wishes. .

Silence moved his eyes away.

After knowing what kind of career Esdes started, he didn't keep watching.

At this point, the mission of Sister Slayer World has also ended.

This time, the members who received the mission basically controlled the direction of the entire world, and in the process, gave these new players with membership a certain degree of recognition, and then after the mission was over, they added ten Several members, most of them, will also join the guild of mission members, becoming one of the hidden important benefits of this mission-recruiting new people.

Silence reviewed the whole process.

I don't think there is any need to make major changes. I will keep this process for the time being, and then select a few more worlds to launch tasks, and then see if there are any new problems.

Even if the public beta is decided, the silence is still a little bit groping, even more careful, any quick success may cause irreparable consequences.

His eyes swept across several worlds of his Whether it’s Zhan Chi or Gui Mie, they are actually from the ancient background. There are not many rich people, and each world has more than a dozen new Joining a member requires some time to ferment.

Next, choose a few modern social worlds.

The silent finger tapped slightly.

The mission of the two worlds was released.

One is the rebellious Lelouch.

In this world, there are a lot of faith and valuable roles, and there are even a lot of them. The membership reserve, a rough calculation, there are close to thirty.

The task was quickly selected.

Silent glanced.

The selected person is the bee-eater.

It's not easy.

The girl finally grabbed a mission. Since the first mission was grabbed by Mikoto Misaka, she has been looking for opportunities, but unfortunately the second mission was missed, and now she finally grabbed the third mission.

The soul-saver who manipulates the human heart has encountered "GEASS" which is also based on spiritual power?

Completely crushed.

Compared to the weak and rough mental power, the bee-eater exercises are undoubtedly present in a completely crushed state.

And this world, the tasks automatically assigned by the silently designed task system, is a unified world.

The people there have been confused for a long time, fighting for a long time, most of the people are tired of the madman, it is normal for this kind of task to appear, and this task is extremely suitable for bee-eaters.

The silence seemed to have predicted the ending, so there was no time to pay attention.

On the contrary, he somewhat expected that people like Lelouch would behave after entering the Chamber of Commerce.

The second world is beyond the realm.

It is also a mission world that is immediately selected by others as soon as it is thrown out.

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