Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 884: : Ge Geoff pinches the emblem

Most of the members who are watching this live broadcast have not realized until now that Bismarck's purpose is to make Xin Yun'er himself a devil.

She dug out the possibility in his character deeply and gave guidance.

When some people think of becoming a member, they can't help but feel a sense of awe.

Silence used to do the same.

For example, Sasuke.

Looking back now, he was afraid that the silence he met at that time was the same as Bismarck now.

The seemingly coincidental encounter was actually doomed from the beginning.

All words and deeds are all guiding his wish and his will.

In the end, even his reaction is under the control of that adult?

Sasuke's smile was a bit bitter.

Now he naturally dare not feel the slightest dissatisfaction with the silence. Rather, he is very grateful. After all, he not only reconciles with his brother, but even agrees to work together to resurrect his parents in this world full of opportunities. Guard the family and walk down together.

However, there is still a little bit of a puppet-like feeling.

There are many people like him.

Looking at Anzurgong at this time, it was like looking at the original self.

At this moment, Otinus spoke again.

He shook his head, "Although there is such a possibility, I still feel that he should not become a member."

Many people keenly noticed that what Otinus said should not be.

Instead of not being able to.

This means that the auditor can even have this right to choose independently?

Even if there is hope to be guided to become a member, can it not be guided?

"Why do you think so?" Bismarck asked, her brows frowned slightly as some people could tell.

"Because his'companions' are not eligible for membership, at least the hope is very small." Otinus put his hands around his chest, with a sarcasm expression on his face, "What's more, the real demon king is again How can there be companions who are dismissive of other people’s lives, even indifferent and ruthless, while attaching great importance to the lives of companions, this can’t be regarded as a demon at all.”

When saying these words, everyone can clearly feel the indifference in Otinus' eyes.

This is a true king.

A lonely king.

Many members have this idea in their minds.

They understood Otinus’s concept clearly. Rather, Otinus wanted them to see clearly. This petite-looking girl is actually the master of everything. She doesn’t need a companion and doesn’t pay attention to it. Others, she just needs to stand alone on the top of the world and accept the worship of all people.

Such an auditor.

It's normal to look down on people like Anzurgon.

"That's it." Bismarck nodded, "I know what you think, but Ainzurgon is not the target of the review. As long as his will and wish can meet the election rules, he can automatically become a member and guide him. The reward belongs to me alone."

"It's up to you." Otinus curled his lips.

Members once again learned about the audit information.

Anzi Urgong is different from Geff.

Strictly speaking, he does not need to be reviewed, but only needs to be guided. As long as he meets the requirements, he will immediately become a member.

So there is no need for two auditors to approve at the same time.

The rules of the reviewer are clearly shown to everyone in the words and deeds of Bismarck and Otinus.

But what they don't know is.

Among these, there is actually the result that Bismarck and Otinus can act.

After all, this is not a real audit, but a live broadcast, a demonstration. Otinus did not really look down on Anzurgon, but her temperament is very suitable to play such a characteristic to tell all For members, the reviewer seems to be able to decide whether to guide members according to their own will.

The collision of will, to a certain extent, is also the purpose of the auditor.

Silence does not want the auditor to become someone who only follows the rules.


The attention of Bismarck and Otinus was refocused on Gegefu below. After all, this one was one of their real goals in this world.

Anzi Urgon is actually incidental.

In the original destiny, Ge Gefu, who was not low on the enemy, should have been rescued by Ainzur Gong, and casually let the bone king put on a round, and took another big step toward the demon king.

but now.

The devil went back and adjusted.

There was no more help for Gu Geoff, he could only fight in blood, but he was still easily hit hard.

The so-called number one in the kingdom, looking at the whole world, is actually nothing at all.

At last.

He was dying, his vision blurred, relying on a strong will to support his body from falling down.

He recalled what the two witches had said before.

In front of this, there is an invincible enemy, the fate of death.

Sure enough, they got it.

Gu Geoff reached out and touched his arms.

He just kept holding on and did not touch the badge, because he always had a feeling that if he touched it, something unexpected might happen. He didn't know if it was good or not. Bad.

After all, neither this badge nor the two witches are too mysterious.

but now.

Gujeff has made up his mind.

His vague eyes looked at the arrogantly smiling enemy in front of him, and he grabbed the badge fiercely.

"As the knight commander of the kingdom, I absolutely don't allow anyone to trample on the land of the kingdom and slaughter the enemies of the kingdom. For this, no matter what you give, even if it is to give my soul to the witch, there is no problem."

Gu Geoff's emotions were not so agitated, and his tone was not so agitated.

He is just firm, telling his will.

As a soldier, death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is hope of victory, but he refuses because of timidity and anxiety.

That is, in an instant.

The world seemed to become quiet.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the air, the laughter of the enemy, the sound of the heartbeat, and even the singing of the enemy's holy angel as the leader, all disappeared.

The whole world has become silent!

Gu Gefu raised his head in surprise and looked around, while his enemies, the magicians of the Slian Church, looked around in surprise.

They seem to want to talk, want to shout.

However, it is useless at all.

No sound can be made no matter what, even with magic.

In the end what happened?

These people started to panic. Everyone was looking around, wanting to know what happened.

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