Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 895: : Open up new incentives

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"As for our purpose, you don't have the qualifications to think about it now." Bismarck is very clear that it is better to follow her will to explain rather than saying that she and others are looking forward to her growth.

"I understand." Albedo took a deep breath, "Then what do you need me to do?"

"The only thing you have to do is to find what you want to do." Bismarck gave her a last look. "Then try to realize her with my own wishes, and the help we give you is in your hands. In that badge."

That is, the voice falls.

New information poured into her mind again.

That's about the jar.

The pot from the rest of the world can be traded with money. The pot has power and a new destiny, which can help her completely break free from the shackles of her personality.

For example, now, Albedo still loves Anzurgon.

And this love conflicts with her set contempt for humans.

To some extent, this is also the source of her pain now.

Having lost the ability of Dihua, as a demon, he is totally inferior to Ainzur's respectful look around, and lacks the independent side, but he is restricted to ask for emotional love.

The jar can help her completely request this kind of control.

"Find what I want to do?" Albedo looked at the badge in his hand, with a thoughtful light in his eyes, "First release my emotions, and then take a look at what I will do at that time. "

She immediately started to open the jar.

As the chief of the underground tomb of Nazarick, a powerful demon, Albedo has no shortage of money.

The virtual treasures in those games have now become real treasures.

Everything is realized by the power of the world.

In addition, Albedo's strength was already very strong. She didn't need to open many jars at all to reach the pinnacle of junior members, which is the limit where money can be exchanged for jars.

In this case, at most, it is a transfer.

And transfer.

It is the place that can really help her.

Bismarck did not leave in a hurry this time, but watched Albedo open his jar.

the other side.

Otinus explained to the onlookers "by the way".

"In this case, there is no need for too much review at all. She must be eligible to become a member and has great potential." Otinus raised his chin, "This saves us a lot of work, but The real thing to pay attention to is the influence of such members on the fate of the entire world, especially the rest of the auditees after they get the jar."

The members have almost understood it.

However, there is a word of influence.

I'm afraid that the one who is most affected is the "protagonist in destiny".

"Next, everyone." Otinus suddenly laughed, "We will teach you a lot, another way to ‘open up’ new rewards on the initiative."

New rewards?

All the members did not understand, but they all cheered up and became more focused.

At this time, the jar that Albedo opened has reached the stage of job transfer.

The pitch-black light swarmed into her body, she closed her eyes, and she seemed to be undergoing a special change.

But every member can perceive it through the video.

Her strength is rapidly increasing.

What is enhanced is not quantity, but essence.

To be precise.

It is more noble.

"The devil is a highly hierarchical race that has existed in countless worlds." Bismarck said slowly, as if he was speaking to Albedo, who was feeling with his eyes closed, and he seemed to be watching the crowd. Many members explained, "Your own demon bloodline is actually not so noble. The real demon will not succumb to the undead. They are equally arrogant, conceited, like to control everything and play with everything... now , You have gained a higher demon status."

Demon Lord.

This is the transfer that Albedo got.

If an ordinary member obtains this kind of profession, he will lose his human status and be completely transformed into a demon. This is very normal in the trade association.

However, Albedo was originally a demon.

So, this is actually a promotion.

A promotion above the level of life.

Albedo opened her eyes, and a dark light flashed through her bright eyes. Compared with before, her temperament had also changed significantly.

There is less beauty and more nobleness.

"Demon Lord..." Albedo digested the information in his mind and muttered in a low voice, "How is it compared to the King of the Undead?"

"It's up to you to verify it yourself." Bismarck looked at her, "Demons are a race that plays with people's hearts. Now, you should be able to easily solve your own personal problems."

"That's right." The corners of Albedo's mouth bend slightly, and he lifted his slender fingers to his temples, "It's really are like toys in your hands, no matter it is. Pain is still love. I can discard it if I want to, and I can experience it as much as I want. This feeling... makes me feel that my previous pain is completely redundant and suits me well."

Emotions are definitely not something that the demon lord cannot control.

not to mention.

The word monarch also determines that it is absolutely impossible to surrender to others.

To a certain extent, it perfectly fits Albedo's original "Bitch" setting.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Bismarck asked.


Albedo's fingers slid down his temples, across his white face, slid across his bright red lips, and finally rested on his chin.

"What should I do?" she said softly.

Such natural movements filled her with a kind of weird charm that dismissed others but made them crazily infatuated.

"Now I am not the opponent of Master Ainz." Albedo seemed to think of something interesting, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Speaking of which, one of my "companions" is also The devil, I don’t know if he will listen to me, or listen to our great Supreme Supreme."

"You already have the path you want to take, then go." Bismarck already knew what Albedo was going to do, took a deep look at her, and left the last sentence, "Every one can break free The artificial people who are bound by personality are all potential people we need. If you can do it, I will come again and give everyone a chance."

After speaking, her figure disappeared.

And with such a sentence.

The rest of the members finally knew what the reviewer wanted to do.

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