Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 897: : Dimiugos understands

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It is absolutely impossible for Anzi Urgon to veto such words.

Because he wants to maintain the image of the supreme supreme.

Only in this way, will these "companions" be disappointed.

So at this time, the only thing he can do is to keep quiet, with an expression that he has everything under control.

After a while.

Dimiugos suddenly showed an excited expression and increased his voice and shouted:

"I understand."

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes looked over.

Dimiugos's magical excitement, his eyes frantically looked at Anzurgon sitting on the main seat.

"As expected, Lord Ainz, have you even considered such a step?"

"..." Ainzul Gong looked dumbfounded.

Fortunately, he is now a skull. As long as he stays calm, there won't be any facial expressions.

So no one can see his stunned.

What's more, he is actually used to it.

"It seems that you have found it." Ainzurgong said in a low voice, as if with a little smile, "As expected of Dimiugos, then it's up to you."


Dimiugos regarded this as a test of Ainzurgon.

Immediately bend over to salute and express gratitude.

Then looked at everyone else.

"Everyone." He cleared his throat, and his accented words resounded throughout the palace, "I can only say that Master Ainz's plan has never been destroyed, because all this is still in Master Ainz's plan. "

At the beginning of the sentence, everyone showed a suddenly realized expression.

Except for Anzi Urgon himself.

"Let me just say, Ainz-sama's plan is based on how this woman can destroy it." Shatia's face was confused and happy, and she looked at Ainz Urgon with fiery eyes, as if she was praised. Same as herself.

"But what is going on?" Cosettes, an insect warrior, looked at Demiurges, "You said before, didn't you first lurch and then secretly control the heir of that kingdom? Could it be that, Did Albedo and the captain of the kingdom warrior follow Master Ainz’s order?"

Cosettes is considered to be the more sincere guardian of all classes.

He really didn't want to understand for a while.

However, there was no doubt about Demiurge's words.

After all, this statement is based on the absolutely correct statement "Everything is in Master Ainz's plan".

He just didn't think deeply.

"No." Dimiugos shook his head with a mysterious face, "As far as Albedo is concerned, she has indeed violated the order of Anzurgon, turning the original secret actions into pervasiveness. know."

"What's going on..." Corsettes still didn't want to understand.

"It should be said that Albedo will have this battle, which is also part of Ainz-sama's plan." Dimiugos looked at Anzurgong enthusiastically, "Ainz-sama already knew that. The strength that a kingdom warrior possessed, and even the expected Albedo would be discovered. All of this was planned by Lord Ainz. Otherwise, like this kind of lurking task, Albedo should not be dispatched. ."

"Indeed—" Kosai Tesla said with a long voice, seeming to realize it suddenly.

Albedo's profession is a fighter.

It is indeed not suitable for latent tasks.

Speaking of lurking, there are many underground tombs of Nazarick that are more suitable than Albedo. Other than that, the most cunning and witty Dimiugos is a better choice.


Cosettes who wanted to understand suddenly took a breath.

Shocked and admiringly looked at Ainzurgon.

"Could it be that from the moment Albedo was dispatched to carry out this order, Ainz-sama had anticipated this development now!?"

"Really? Master Ainz is amazing."

"It deserves to be the great supreme supreme!"

"Hiss——So, even Albedo's failure is actually Ainz-sama's plan?"

The rest of the guardians were amazed one by one, each of them cast a fanatical look at Ainzur Gong.

Even Albedo is the same.

Of course it is in disguise.

To say that the only person on the scene has not yet figured out what this plan is about, it is only Ainzurgon himself.

Fortunately, he also has a way.

"Now that you can see it, let's talk to everyone, Dimiugos." Ainzurgong expertly handed everything over to Dimiugos.

After all, all the plans were basically made by this demon in one hand.

"Yes!" Dimiugos saluted respectfully, turning his head to look at everyone, "Everyone, my wisdom is really inferior to Ainz-sama's one ten thousandth, only to look at it through the current results. I am ashamed to understand some plans of Lord Ainz."

"The results now?" Sebastian seemed to understand something at once. "So, when I was collecting information before, I also got a very interesting fact. Everyone didn't seem to know. The relationship between Albedo and us They only think that this is a powerful female demon who suddenly appeared."

Sebastian's mission is to gather intelligence information lurking in the kingdom.

"Yes, this is the most important point!" Dimiugos said immediately, "The warrior captain of the kingdom didn't know what Albedo looked like before. After all, Albedo was full body when we met before. It was worn in the armor, so the relationship between Albedo and us was not exposed. On the other hand, the strength of the warrior commander himself was completely exposed."

Speaking of this sentence, the rest of the guardians seemed a little surprised.

The task of controlling the nobles is to take the kingdom without blood.

Then develop slowly.

This seems to have failed in this battle, making the kingdom and the rest of the country on the continent alert.

But is vigilance really useful?

It was impossible for the princess to reveal that she had been in contact with this powerful demon that suddenly appeared.

On the other hand.

The warrior captain attracted too many eyes with his suddenly powerful strength.

That's it!

Is this the real purpose of Master Ainz? Knowing the strength of the warrior commander also allows the warrior commander to attract everyone's attention, so that it will be more convenient to carry out the plan of Naxalek in secret!

Look at it this way.

The form really became more advantageous.

All the guardians looked at Anzurgon enthusiastically.

"It's not just that." Dimiugos continued, "Albedo's exposed identity also has a lot to make a fuss about. Now the whole world already knows that there is such a powerful demon. I dare to guess. , Master Ainz’s next plan is to make good use of this reputation."

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