Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 907: : New plan for vest madness

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However, it is a pity.

The so-called Son of Destiny, the protagonist of the world, has the only advantage in the Chamber of Commerce that it does not need to be reviewed.

As long as the will can pass the test, you can have the qualifications to become a member.

But that's it.

Once the rest of the people pass the review and obtain such qualifications, then the Son of Destiny will no longer have any advantages, or even disadvantages.

Because the rest of the members already have the qualifications to open the jar.

It has even reached the limit of junior members.

Facing a Child of Destiny who can reach the intermediate membership level with equipment...It is hard to say who wins and loses in the end.

Everyone continues to pay attention.

Anzurgong is determined to bring Albedo back, but to be honest, he doesn't know what to do.

A feasible solution is to kill Albedo, and then resurrect him in the underground tomb of Nazarick. Maybe at the time of resurrection, there will be a chance to shape his personality.

You only need to delete the sentence you modified.

Albedo will return to his side.

With this purpose.

Anzi Urgon, all the equipment left by his companions for him, were carried in a portable way, and then, as an inconspicuous adventurer, sneaked into the empire where the blood emperor was.

It is worth mentioning that.

Momo, an adventurer who had initially possessed some reputation and some ways, had completely declared bankruptcy because of Albedo's betrayal.

Although the news has not spread widely.

However, Ainzurgon can be sure that the high level of every kingdom knows the true identity of Momo.

This is also the original plan of Albedo, to completely destroy the plan of Anzurgung to break the false "correctness" of "the supreme supreme and omnipotent".

Now Albedo's plan has failed, but Ainzurgon's plan has also failed.

Thought of this.

Ainz Urgon's heart only felt a little bit sad and self-blame.

He should tell the others everything from the beginning, tell them that he is not so perfect, instead of hiding, wearing a mask, and trying hard to cater.

But now it’s too late to talk about this.

At this moment.

Anzi Urgon was in a tavern in the Bajas Empire, while using his powerful hearing to receive news from around him, while waiting inconspicuously for the return of his subordinates.

This time, he didn't take the maid that he brought before, Nabelal.

Instead, I changed one.

Lupus Regina Beta.

It is also one of the maids of Nazarick, a woman with wheat-colored skin. In terms of appearance, even in this different world, she is the best, but because of her skin color and personality, she only needs to make a little preparation. Can also become inconspicuous.

right now.

The maid came to Ainzurgon quietly.

"Master Ainz." She whispered, "I have found the news. Albedo seems to be living in the palace, but people don't know her, and no one has ever seen her appear in the city. Inside."

"I see." Ainzurgon half-squinted without speaking.

"Master Ainz." Lup Slegina moved closer, "If Master Ainz wants to meet Albedo undisturbed, there is a way for his subordinates."

"What can I do?" Ainzurgong looked at her.

"The subordinates create some chaos in the city to attract the attention of those people, and then Master Ainz goes directly to the palace." Lupus Regina's gaze revealed some expectations, "And Yalbey De's character, compared to not caring about the noise of bugs, Master Ainz should have a chance."

Lup Sleykina's proposal is not a good proposal.

But it does work.

If you infiltrate the kingdom like this, it is easy to be besieged, but a small noise can create opportunities-if there is no chance, there is no loss.

"That would be too dangerous for you." Ainzurgon did not intend to do this.

"Subordinates are not afraid of danger..."

"If I say no, it won't do." Ainzurgon interrupted her directly.

He had seen the power of that kingdom chief warrior in the previous battle.

In this world, their strength may be very powerful.

However, it is not the kind that can be unscrupulous.

The vigilance in Ainzurgon’s heart has not been relaxed because of the lifting of his personality restrictions. It can even be said that he has become more vigilant. If it were not for pretending to be in front of his subordinates, he would never implement it. Kind of publicity plan.

Lupus Reichna was naturally moved with all her face.

As a maid, as long as you can provide a little help for Ainz-sama, your own life and death are meaningless ~ If you can get the attention of Ainz-sama, you will not have any regrets even if you die now.

"In this way, first go to investigate and make sure that the rest of the countries have sent someone to find the identity that can enter the palace." Ainzurgong thought for a while, "I have an advanced prop that can be used for disguise, even if it is Albedo, can't recognize me either."

As a "true ashes" player who invests most of his income into the game, Ainzurgon actually has a variety of collections in his hands.

This includes props for advanced disguise.

It's just a one-time use, and it's usually not used, but now it just happens to come in handy.

of course.

This time, he didn't set the specific plan by himself, but found Dimiugos.

"The plan is up to you." Ainzurgon didn't want to pretend anymore, he said straightforwardly, "I want to see Albedo, but I don't want to be recognized. I worry about my own plan. If you do, there will be errors."

"Master Ainz..." Dimiugos looked shocked, but also very sad. "Master Ainz paid too much attention to my waiting. When I arrived, I worried that my emotions would interfere with the plan. The next thing is...why, the subordinate understands it, please feel free to leave it to me, although the subordinate's wisdom is not as good as one-thousandth of Master Ainz's, but you must do your best!

...So you understand something.

Anzi Urgon didn't know what he should say.

But he also gave up explaining.

Anyway, no matter what you do, it will not affect your image in the minds of these companions.

As a result, the vest mad Demiurges began the designated plan.

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