Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 923: : One kind of planet and toys

"I have already said that I am a traveler." Silence does not mean moving meals, just like chatting, saying casually, "But at the same time, I am also a businessman. I have some things that I want to sell to Some clients I value."

"Excuse me, what product is it?"

The representative of the association asked cautiously, but he was actually more relieved.

Since there is a demand, that is good news.

Because it shows that he needs them.

"It's strength." The smile at the moment of silence looks a little mysterious. "Or it is an opportunity, an opportunity to realize any wish. You can think of me as a person who is looking for suitable talents for training. The reason is probably Interested?"

In the last sentence, he asked, Saitama, who was almost choking out with delicious food in his stomach.

His interest has always been what he said.

At this moment, it was learned by others.

And if you say so...

Isn't he also the result of the other party's interest? Saitama still thinks that the magical power has given him the power now.

"That's it." The representative of the Heroes Association showed a smile of joy, "Then you really found the right person. Our Chamber of Commerce has gathered most of the talents, each with a heart of justice and great talent. I believe it will meet your requirements."

"I have my own set of criteria for judging." Silent smiled and shook his head. "You only need to help me get in touch. It can prevent me from trying to gain trust."

"This is natural, please feel free to leave it to us." The representative fully agreed.

For them, this is actually just a small matter.

Don't talk about such small things.

If they can recruit a strong person who may be stronger than the tornado to serve as a hero, they will do their best to do more troublesome things. The Hero Association is actually a group of people who serve the heroes.

But before that.

He has further tasks to do.

"I don't know, can I take the liberty to ask some personal matters?" The representative of the association was really careful this time, and even added hastily, "You can not answer, but we are a little curious."

They are already cautious enough.

Most powerful people have strange personalities.

They already knew this.

If you anger a person who could have become a hero because you said something wrong, the price he has to pay is not low. Of course, if he succeeds, the reward is also high.

"You want to ask what my power is all about." Silently smiled and said the question in his heart.

"This..." The representative of the association smirked, and simply admitted it.

Saitama in front of him also raised his head.

To be honest, he is also very curious.

No matter it was before or now, I looked at this person just like an ordinary person, but no matter what, the other person could not be an ordinary person.

"Specifically, it is difficult to explain to you, let me give you an example." said quietly, "Do you know God?"

Saitama and the representative of the association nodded similarly.

"The legendary God, you can think that I can do the same thing as God." After the silence was over, he closed his mouth as if he had already explained it.

The two people waited for a while, seeing that there were no more words, and then reacted.

Both faces are dumbfounded.

"Then you don't just say that you are omnipotent, just don't do it." Saitama has an urge to roll his eyes.

"It's not wrong to understand this." Silent chuckles, and he admits it directly.

"Hahaha, sir, you can really joke." The representative of the association took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead.

Obviously, he didn't believe it.

No one would believe it.

"Then I can do anything." He groaned in silence, raised his hand, snapped his fingers, "Dawn."

In an instant, the sky that had already entered the middle of the night suddenly became bright, and a hot sun hung in the sky.

The representative of the association was almost choked by his own saliva.

Looking outside blankly, with a suspicious look at life.

Saitama is better.

Just like magic, clapping clapping.

The people in the Heroes' Guild suddenly became a mess.

"How is this going?"

"what happened?"

"The earth... in the moment, it turned half a circle."

"How is it possible! How could this happen?"

Some scientists are already going crazy. If the earth really turns half a circle in an instant, the impression it will create will not be so calm, even if the entire earth is destroyed.

However, it actually happened.

The side facing the sun just now suddenly became the noon hour facing the sun.

People all over the world are scared by this strange change.

Then, the silence said calmly again.


This time he didn't even snap his fingers.

Everything outside turned into night again.

"Earth, the earth has turned back again."

"And it turned back against time."

"It's crazy."

"Is our planet the same as toys?"

Countless people are wailing, even if the end of the world happens next it seems no surprise.

"I believe it, I believe you are God." The representative of the association was about to cry, "Please stop."

"I am not God." Silent smiled, "It's just that God can do it, I can do it, and don't worry, the change just now won't hurt anyone. Under normal circumstances, I even have a cat , A bird will not hurt."


Feiju made a sound and nodded very maturely.

It seems to be saying that cats cannot be hurt.

The representative of the association no longer knows what to say. He feels that all his experience and all knowledge have lost meaning, because at this moment, he is talking to a god?


His human brain reacted after all.

"Which one do you want to meet?" This association representative can swear that even to his own mother, he has never used such a respectful tone.

Can't afford to offend.

According to this person's performance, even if it is to destroy the world, it may be just a matter of effort.

"Let me take a look." Silent half-squinted, as if he was really thinking about something, and then smiled, "There is a young man riding a bicycle, very good, he seems to be one of your heroes, called an undocumented knight. ."

"Undocumented knight? Yes, I have an influence." The representative of the association did not expect that the other party would say the name of a small C-rank hero.

But he dared not ask anything at all.

Don't talk about C hero.

Even if you want to meet an ordinary person, you have to arrange it right away.

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