Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 939: :? 斡翊? Onion repeated? /a>

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Tornado left.

With a nervous mood, I went to meet her sister who was still opening the jar.

I believe that after this, I got a tornado of growth, and I can get along well with the strength of Fubuki.

In fact, the reason why silence shed light on Saitama's strength is to see what happens to people in this world after they learn about Saitama's strength.

worship? use? friendly?

In any case, Saitama's last life on this planet will not change the same as in the past.

late at night.

After snapping up a lot of daily necessities, Saitama, who was satisfied, finally came back. To his regret, he did not prepare the delicious food waiting for him to go home. The silence was just sitting on the balcony, drinking tea and watching. moon.

"It looks very boring." Saitama put down his things and walked over. "I said it a long time ago. Why don't you go rushing with me? Today is really super cheap. One more person can bring a lot of things. ."

He sat directly opposite the silence.

Also raised his head.

Can see a full moon.

But there was no change in his expression. On the contrary, his bright head reflected the light of the moon, more like a big shiny light bulb.

"It seems that you are indeed starting to leave the category of ordinary people in your mind." Silence moved back to his gaze, staring at this powerful mortal, "You should not forget that as an ordinary person, you , And there are often times like this, thinking about life, thinking about the future, or other messy things."

Saitama was taken aback.

He pinched his chin, as if there was such a time.

Especially during the time when I was absent from work, I felt very confused. Looking at the moon in the middle of the night, I was able to drink and drink for most of the night by myself.

However, now he can recall the scene at that time, but he can't recall the mood at that time anyway.

When did it start?

It seems that it has indeed begun to deviate from ordinary people.

"Get to know more people, Saitama." The silence said suddenly, "The changes that have happened to your mind are not curses or special external forces, but simple ones, brought about by powerful forces and a numb heart. Influence, even me, I can’t do anything deliberately. You need to get in touch with things outside of combat and make friends who have nothing to do with combat."

"Is that so..." Saitama thought for a while, then nodded, "If this is your suggestion, then I will try it."

For a long time, he will not do anything that he finds uninteresting.

but now.

At the very least, accepting silent suggestions doesn't seem boring to him.

It feels good that someone cares.

"Eating hot pot, eating hot pot, I bought a lot of ingredients today, and let me invite you to eat it again." Saitama focused on eating again.

Only when it comes to eating, will he behave slightly like an ordinary person.

At the very least, the expression is much richer at once.

And just silently mentioned such a simple third day.

Saitama, brought a person back.

To be precise, a reformer.


Occupying the position of the second male in the destiny, as Saitama's disciple, was dubbed by sand sculpture netizens as "with the most expensive funds, the most brutal beating."

"Silence." Saitama looked quite happy. "I'll take a friend back with me as you said."

"Friends?" looked at Janos thoughtfully in silence.

"Hello, my name is Janos." Janos was obviously a little nervous, "I want to correct it. I am not a friend of Saitama teacher, but a disciple of Saitama teacher."

It was obvious that Janos clearly knew what kind of existence the person in front of him was.

In the entire Heroes Association, it has been completely spread.

A "God" who is omnipotent and able to give the rest of the people great strength.

Even Genos has a special channel to know something that only a few people know, that is, "Saitama" who lives with "God" is also a powerful man with terrifying power, according to someone who does not want to be named The S-level tells that it is a force that can easily destroy the world.

And such two people, such a place.

He came in with only a stack of money and some good ingredients.

How could Jenos not be nervous.

"Hahaha." After watching his inner drama in silence, he couldn't help but laugh a few times, "Don't care so much, this is Saitama's home, since he treats you as a friend, he can naturally come over."

"Yes, thank you very much!" Jenos breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let me tell you, silence, Janos is super nice." Saitama reached out and patted Janos on the shoulder, and raised the bag in his hands. "It's the first time I met, so I gave such a precious gift. , I have decided, Janos will be my friend from now on."

So is the gift more important?

Silently glanced at Saitama.

I shook my head in my heart.

Although Saitama seems a little silly, UU Reading is especially good at getting along with people, but in fact, his intuition is very keen.

Janos was not the one who had discovered his strength by luck.

More, because they get along.

This is fate.

"Saitama, you go get the hot pot, Janos, sit here." Silent patted the position in front of him.

"Yes!" Janos began to nervous again.

"Hey, can Jenos be your guest too?" Saitama seemed to have guessed what the silence is going to do, seeming a little surprised.

"It can only be said that it has this potential, but it still needs a little sculpting." The silence did not hide.

"Oh, you talk, I'll cook the meat." Saitama took the bag in his hand and walked to the kitchen, and at the end he held out his head, "Give me some of that super delicious base. That kind of primer feels tasteless."

"There was a little left last time, I put it on the left cabinet." Silently smiled.

It really looks like a few good friends have a dinner together.

If there are more girls, the atmosphere will be better.

But Jenos, now obviously not in the mood to think about the girl, when he heard the silence saying that he had this potential, he was in a feeling of being hit by the happiness that fell from the sky.

with potential?

What the silence said to Banggu at the beginning was also spread out as some kind of information.

Although Jenos has not joined the Heroes' Association now, he has his own channels to know these things.

"First of all, you are eager for the motivation of power, which is to find the reformer who destroyed your family in the first place." Silence put the realization on Genos again, tapping his fingers on the table, his dark eyes seemed to be able to See through everything.

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