Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 953: : Do a simple experiment

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"Since you don't believe it, let's do a simple experiment," said silently.

"Experiment?" The hungry wolf was temporarily attracted by the silent words, "What do you want to do?"

He had no idea what Silence wanted to do.

"The key to determining whether you want to be a hero is very simple." Silence squinted his eyes halfway. "You only need to know whether you are willing to make a certain sacrifice for others who don't have too deep contact."

"Oh?" The hungry wolf froze for a moment, and then sneered, "The experiment you said, shouldn't it be for me to save someone, then no need to try, even if the others die in front of me, I won't do anything. Thing!"

Hungry wolves are not the type who want to save others.

Even if weird people are raging in front of him, he has no interest in being a hero.

This seemed to increase his certain confidence.


I should hate Sakura, how could I dream of a hero.

"Really?" With a silent smile, "Let's try it."

A new picture appeared before their eyes.

That is someone.

To be precise, a boy.

The eyes of the hungry wolf shrank slightly.

He recognized this boy, the boy who met by chance and always holding a picture album of superheroes.

Could it be...

"It's the one you think." The silent smile did not change, and remained gentle, "In ten minutes, a meteorite will fall from the sky, bang, smash the boy into mud, and want to stop all of this. , You just need to shout, I want to be a hero, and then nothing will happen."

"What a joke!" The hungry wolf opened his eyes wide and stared at the silence, "Meteor? You did that."

"Of course." Silent chuckles.

"Aren't you claiming to be a god?" The hungry wolf seemed to want to struggle, but a more powerful force was comfortable on his body. He couldn't even stand up. He could only suppress his voice and growl, "You Is this also a god?"

"Have I said that I am a kind god?" The silent expression did not change. "Or, why do you think that an omnipotent **** cares about the life of a child?"

If it were before, it would indeed look very gentle, and it is easy to make people magically good, but in the eyes of hungry wolf at this moment, this gentle smile seems to be a big joke, like a devil's disguise.

"It's weird." said silently, "Did you just say that even if a weirdo kills in front of you, you will not have any reaction? Then why, you are so angry now Just because the boy said a few words to you? Or because of his vision of a hero and missed you when you were a kid, or said..."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

The only feet of the hungry wolf that can move slammed the ground fiercely, apparently angered to the limit.

If he could, he really wanted to blow up the hateful smile in front of him.

However, it has no effect.

The power he is proud of is in the hands of the person in front of him, as if it has lost its meaning. The constant standing up and sitting before has proved his powerlessness.

"You have nine minutes left."

Silently raised his wrist, a huge clock appeared behind him, making a clicking sound, every second of his movement was extremely clear.

Even the picture on the other side appeared.

It was a small, weird meteorite that appeared high in the sky.

Violent friction with the ground.

Everything shows that silence is not a joke.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"It's not hard to choose." Silent raised his eyes and looked at him. "If you want to save him, you just need to shout out as I said. If you choose to ignore it, you just need to ignore it. Don't do it and watch his death calmly. After all, there are all kinds of misfortunes in this world, and there are many young children who have died."

I have to say that silence is pretending to be a wicked person, and there is still something like this.

The smile on his face can be indifferent in his eyes.

If it is an ordinary person, at this time, he definitely feels endless fear and gives birth to the "God indifference" blind thought.

At the very least, the hungry wolf no longer suspected that he was deliberately scaring him.

The hungry wolf is now in a kind of struggle.

To shout out is equivalent to admitting defeat.

But if you don't shout, this stinky kid is going to die, dying in the thought of this so-called god, even more so in his choice.

Obviously just a smelly kid.

"There are five minutes left."

The silent and calm words were like a countdown to life. The meteorite also began to rub violently with the air, but it was not so conspicuous in the daytime, and not many people could notice it.

And that kid.

Still holding his beloved hero painting book, sitting on the chair where he and Hungry Wolf first met, but did not open the painting book, but looked lonely.


Is this stinky kid waiting for him?

This question appeared in Hungry Wolf's heart, but he already knew the answer.

That's right, this kid appeared here. UU Reading was actually waiting for him. When he was detained here, this kid was afraid that he would not be here every day.

"One minute."

The silent voice is still calm and relaxed, but it sounds infinitely cold to the hungry wolf.

"Thirty seconds." Silent said again.

"Shut up! Shut up!" The hungry wolf roared loudly.

"Ten seconds." Then silently and ruthlessly gave the final countdown.

The eyes of the hungry wolf have turned red.

If silence does not suppress his weirdness, I am afraid that at this time, his weirdness will be accelerated instantly.

but now.

He could only open his eyes and try to watch the meteorite keep approaching the child.

At the last second.

The little boy seemed to have reacted. He raised his head and saw the meteorite flying towards him with a frightened expression.

The hungry wolf closed his eyes.

At this moment, the instinctive reaction even surpassed the struggle.

"I want to be a hero!"

He yelled out words that he didn't even hear.

But it was too late.

At the moment he shouted out, he knew that he was too late and the countdown had ended.

The hungry wolf was in a trance.

I don't know if it is sadness, anger, or self-blame, a feeling of sorrow and sorrow that has never been seen before, pouring from his heart like a tough guy.

He probably never thought about it.

I will have this kind of weakness.

"Actually, you have already lost since you started struggling." Silent sighed.

In this complex and indifferent world, children's pure hearts sometimes provide people with a warm comfort.


The children are naturally fine.

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