Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 960: : Vegeta is just the weak

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Vegeta's strength sounded rather bluffing, as if he could destroy the planet casually.

But in Shen Mo's eyes, he was at the level of Poros.

Trying all your strength, maybe you can really destroy a planet, but doing so will almost exhaust all of his strength, and ordinary battles are far from the momentum of breaking the mountains and rivers.

Therefore, Saitama has actually not used all his strength until now.

The silent words were heard by everyone. In fact, they could all feel that the man named Saitama still had a relaxed expression.

at last.

Vegeta's power accumulation is over.

All the power was completely mobilized, the speed of the whole person doubled several times at this moment, and then he rushed towards Saitama.

This time, Saitama was not knocked off again.

Instead, he stretched out his palm and steadily caught the blow.


The air wave rolled, obviously just a fist collision, but the power it brought was like a meteorite pretending to be the earth, and even the earth around the two people rolled like a wave that was set off, flying high, and then collapsed.

Except for silence.

Everyone, including Piccolo, flew out under this terrifying air wave.

One by one they raised their hands to cover their eyes, but they couldn't hide their shocked expressions.

This scale once again exceeded their imagination.

There was a fusion of heaven and earth, everyone, can't wait to see what happened in the collision center, Vegeta with all the strength, and the otherworldly person who seems to be relaxed, which one is strong and weak.

The flying dust is slowly settling.

Appearing in everyone's eyes are the two deadlocked.

To be precise, yes, with his teeth clenched and his eyes raised, it seemed that he was Vegeta who had seen something unimaginable, and Saitama who, of course, grabbed Vegeta's fist with both hands.

Can't break free!

Vegeta's heart shook violently, and she could hardly believe her eyes.

With a punch with all his strength, he was caught by the palm of the opponent, and more than that, he didn't even move at all.

This strength...this strength...why is it unheard of before! ?

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Vegeta yelled unwillingly, raised her right leg, and kicked violently on Saitama.

One click, two clicks.

Every time there was a thunderous impact.

Even just the strong wind is cutting the ground one by one.

Enough to see the power.

However, Saitama didn't seem to have any reaction, just tightening his muscles, and this attack could not cause him much damage.

He looked regretful.

That's right, after such a battle, Saitama found that he seemed to be a little stronger again.

"Although it is a bit pleasantly surprised, but ah, you are still too weak." Saitama sighed.

"What did you say?" Vegeta's eyes flushed.

But Saitama had no plans to fight anymore.

"It's over, you can't bring me the feeling of enthusiasm." Saitama said simply and directly, then, without giving Vegeta a chance to continue to say anything, just raised her head, banged, and slammed On Vegeta's head.

All the unwillingness, at this moment, all vanished.

Vegeta stared at Venus, rolled her eyes, and fell straight.

That's it.

It's just a blow.

It didn't even look like a real attack, but just like a head mallet for children to fight.

Puff through.

Saitama let go of Vegeta and let him fall directly to the ground, while Saitama's forehead was still bubbling with blue smoke, and even a little red, enough to see the power of the hammer.

However, it was still unscathed.

After all, Saitama has no hair.

"Hey!" Saitama waved to silence.

"Don't fight?" The silent figure appeared in front of Saitama in an instant.

The others looked at each other and followed.

"You can see it too, he is not my opponent at all." Saitama held the back of his head with both hands, and changed back to the salted fish egg mode. "Although it is indeed the strongest person I have ever seen, it is fundamentally It can't be regarded as a fierce battle."

The rest of the people who came here happened to hear this sentence.

All of them were silent.

To be honest, even if they witnessed all of this with their own eyes, they are still a little stupefied.

Is that solved?

How could the powerful Saiyans far beyond their imagination be easily solved by the stronger aliens? Even Sun Wukong, the trump card among them, didn't arrive, and everything was over?

No, judging from the horrifying power that Saiyan showed, even if Monkey King came, he might not be the opponent.

Aware of this moment.

Even a great demon like Piccolo was a little bit nervous.

If these two people are enemies...Can Monkey King stop them?

This kind of thought was naturally noticed by the silence, but the silence only smiled in his heart, but did not deliberately do anything.

"Don't worry, UU reading will not let you down." Silent chuckled twice, "If Vegeta gets your world, maybe he will be the most powerful person under you, but In this world, he is just a weak person now."

The strength of Vegeta at this moment, even in the entire universe, is not that strong.

Silence, but remember very clearly Chu.

After several surges in his strength, he still couldn't beat the ordinary members of Frieza's squad, and was miserably abused.

Not to mention Frieza, who only Super Saiyan can easily defeat.

"So, there are more powerful people?" Saitama was mobilized again.

"Not only that." Silent half-squinted, looking at a certain place, "In addition to strength, some people in this world may be able to match you in terms of'growth'."

Saitama's growth rate is indeed very fast, which can be called his strongest ability.

Every breath is getting stronger.

However, people in this world seem to be even more exaggerated.

The Saiyan who made Monkey King die a year ago, at this moment, even Kobayashi can easily defeat the Saiyan, not to mention Monkey King as the protagonist, especially after the start of the Super Saiyan. Exaggerated, fighting power can explode in a power function ratio in an instant.

Both are protagonists.

According to Shen Mo, maybe Monkey King has more potential than Saitama.

After all, there is actually a gap between the two world levels.

And this is another purpose for him to come into this world.

Said to fill up the lack of senior members of the Chamber of Commerce, there cannot be only Saitama.

Now, following the silent sight.

Everyone felt it, the powerful Qi that was approaching quickly.

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