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Chapter 971: : Where can I go

Xiao Lin's unscathed appearance was reflected in everyone's eyes, and his eyes were taken aback.

Qiu Yi took a few steps back.

"No, it's impossible."

Like a standard villain, he uttered a defeated speech.

How could a person with 500 combat strength be able to withstand his attack?

"It's time for me." Xiaolin wouldn't give him a chance to recover, his figure suddenly jumped out, with a bang, the air currents on his body continued to gush out.


The detector Qiu Yi carried began to scream frantically.

"Five thousand combat power, six thousand combat power, seven thousand combat power...his." Qiu Yi could hardly believe his eyes, "What's the matter?"

Although Kobayashi's performance was still inferior to him.

However, he had never seen this crazy increase in combat power!

I almost thought that my detector was broken.

"Serial vitality cut!" Xiao Lin's hands were interlaced, and the vitality cut after another quickly condensed in his hand, and he flew out frantically at Qiu Yi in front of him.

Because he knows the advantage of Qi Yuan Jia.

Kobayashi knew how to fight.

Keep away from each other!

He has been practicing the vitality cut for a while, not just for this time!

A series of extremely sharp slashes rushed towards Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi, who had seen this kind of attacking power, had no courage to resist at all, and could only flee around. Each vitality cut cut deep cracks in the ground.

And those Namekians seemed to have finally reacted, and they were not idle, using their own methods to attack Qiu Yi.

"Damn it!"

Qiu Yi, who had broken an arm, didn't have the courage to fight again.

His figure turned into a long rainbow, flying towards the distance.

He didn't even have time to say something cruel.

Xiaolin stared blankly at the enemy's back, he had already received the hint from the badge.

He has completed one task.

This won?

This is an enemy with the same strength as Vegeta before coming to Earth!

An unprecedented joy emerged in Xiaolin's heart.

Although he is still fighting head-on, he may still be no opponent, but at this moment, he undoubtedly has the power to fight such a powerful character!

"Thank you very much for your help." Several Namekians supported each other.

"Where and where."

Only then did Xiao Lin react and waved his hands again and again, with a bright smile on his face.

This kind of joy filled his heart in the first victory.

However, it did not last long.

From the mouths of these Namekians, Xiaolin knew what was happening on this planet.

"Is it really Frieza?" His face sank, as if he had thought of something suddenly, and asked, "What is the name of the person I repelled just now?"

Before coming, Vegeta talked to him a little bit about Frieza's hands, a few people that needed attention.

According to him, each of these people possesses strength no less than his.

It's a pity that Vegeta only spoke the name, but didn't tell him anything about other characteristics.

"That person just now claimed to be Qiu Yi." The Namek star gave him the answer.

"Qiu Yi?" Xiao Lin was taken aback.

Isn't that the trashest person in Vegeta's mouth?

Kobayashi still remembers the disdain on Vegeta's face when she said this person.

A trash that is greedy for life and fear of death.

The most **** person is far stronger than him, and he still needs to rely on Qi Yuanjia and sneak attacks to be able to reluctantly drive away?

The joy of winning the first battle was diminished at this moment, and Kobayashi reacted suddenly.

"With Dragon Ball, we must leave here quickly!"

If you don't leave quickly, it won't take much time. The Qiu Yi who just escaped will definitely bring more people over.

Dodalia, Sabo, and even the Kinuite team, which is extremely agitated by Vegeta.

If these people come over, then he is dead.

"You can't escape."

The Namekians present all showed sad expressions.

"Those people have detection equipment on their bodies. They rely on this village chief who found us one by one. Many of them have been killed, and they can be found no matter where they fled."

Frieza and their men are not the first day to come to this planet.

The Namekians already knew the fact that the intruder had arrived based on their unique contact information.

But there is no way.

One of the Namekians seemed to have made some kind of determination.

Standing up, from the room, took out a dragon ball bigger than a watermelon.

"Good earth people, you seem to have some way to avoid the detection of the detector. This dragon ball is left to you. Please be sure to protect it. In any case, the treasure of our Namike people cannot be Evil people get it."

Xiaolin looked at the dragon ball, gritted his teeth, and reached out to take it.

This is a dragon ball that is stronger than the dragon ball on earth.

If Frieza got it, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, Xiao Lin's face changed drastically.

He turned his head sharply.

He felt that several extremely powerful auras were rushing in this direction.

One of them was Qiu Yi who had just left.

He really called someone over.

"Hurry up and leave." Seeing Xiaolin's expression, the Namekian could guess something, "Fly toward the southwest, where the Great Elder is, and the Great Elder is the creator of Dragon Ball."

"Then what do you do?" Xiao Lin blurted out.

However, all the Namekians in front of them were silent.

Needless to say, they have accepted their results.

Xiaolin also realized something, clenching his teeth, pinching his fists, and lowering his head.

Finally, he rushed out holding the dragon ball.

Just suppressing his breath and rushing out for dozens of kilometers, there was a huge explosion behind him, and the breath of dozens of Namekians that could be felt just now disappeared at this moment.


Xiaolin hit the rock beside him with a fist.

"What on earth am I proud of! Obviously still the same weak, if there were Monkey King and the others here, this would definitely not be the case! Damn it!"

Unwilling emotions surged again. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Even with all my strength, it still can only be like this.

He will never be the savior and will never be able to help the rest.

Xiao Lin wiped the corners of his eyes, holding this dragon ball that the Namike star was swearing to protect, and walked cautiously in the direction where the elder was.

But what he didn't know was.

In that direction, there is another opportunity waiting for him.

The great elder who can tap the potential of his body will give Kobayashi a chance to reinvent himself, plus the previous penances and the purple epic equipment on his body...

Silence fixed a scene in front of him on Xiaolin.

He was also curious.

I want to know where Kobayashi, who was just an inconspicuous supporting role in his original fate, can go

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